# within the specified bounding box, and in the specified page.
def trackpoints
#retrieve the page number
- page = params['page'].to_i
- unless page
- page = 0;
- end
+ page = params['page'].to_s.to_i
unless page >= 0
report_error("Page number must be greater than or equal to 0")
- offset = page * APP_CONFIG['tracepoints_per_page']
+ offset = page * TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE
# Figure out the bbox
bbox = params['bbox']
# get all the points
- points = Tracepoint.find_by_area(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, :offset => offset, :limit => APP_CONFIG['tracepoints_per_page'], :order => "timestamp DESC" )
+ points = Tracepoint.find_by_area(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, :offset => offset, :limit => TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE, :order => "gpx_id DESC, trackid ASC, timestamp ASC" )
doc = XML::Document.new
doc.encoding = XML::Encoding::UTF_8
doc.root = root
- track = XML::Node.new 'trk'
- doc.root << track
- trkseg = XML::Node.new 'trkseg'
- track << trkseg
+ # initialise these variables outside of the loop so that they
+ # stay in scope and don't get free'd up by the GC during the
+ # loop.
+ gpx_id = -1
+ trackid = -1
+ track = nil
+ trkseg = nil
+ anon_track = nil
+ anon_trkseg = nil
+ gpx_file = nil
+ timestamps = false
points.each do |point|
- trkseg << point.to_xml_node()
+ if gpx_id != point.gpx_id
+ gpx_id = point.gpx_id
+ trackid = -1
+ gpx_file = Trace.find(gpx_id)
+ if gpx_file.trackable?
+ track = XML::Node.new 'trk'
+ doc.root << track
+ timestamps = true
+ if gpx_file.identifiable?
+ track << (XML::Node.new("name") << gpx_file.name)
+ track << (XML::Node.new("desc") << gpx_file.description)
+ track << (XML::Node.new("url") << url_for(:controller => 'trace', :action => 'view', :id => gpx_file.id))
+ end
+ else
+ # use the anonymous track segment if the user hasn't allowed
+ # their GPX points to be tracked.
+ timestamps = false
+ if anon_track.nil?
+ anon_track = XML::Node.new 'trk'
+ doc.root << anon_track
+ end
+ track = anon_track
+ end
+ end
+ if trackid != point.trackid
+ if gpx_file.trackable?
+ trkseg = XML::Node.new 'trkseg'
+ track << trkseg
+ trackid = point.trackid
+ else
+ if anon_trkseg.nil?
+ anon_trkseg = XML::Node.new 'trkseg'
+ anon_track << anon_trkseg
+ end
+ trkseg = anon_trkseg
+ end
+ end
+ trkseg << point.to_xml_node(timestamps)
- response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"map.osm\""
+ response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"tracks.gpx\""
render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
# FIXME um why is this area using a different order for the lat/lon from above???
- @nodes = Node.find_by_area(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, :conditions => {:visible => true}, :include => :node_tags, :limit => APP_CONFIG['max_number_of_nodes']+1)
+ @nodes = Node.find_by_area(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, :conditions => {:visible => true}, :include => :node_tags, :limit => MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES+1)
# get all the nodes, by tag not yet working, waiting for change from NickB
# need to be @nodes (instance var) so tests in /spec can be performed
#@nodes = Node.search(bbox, params[:tag])
node_ids = @nodes.collect(&:id)
- if node_ids.length > APP_CONFIG['max_number_of_nodes']
- report_error("You requested too many nodes (limit is #{APP_CONFIG['max_number_of_nodes']}). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm")
+ if node_ids.length > MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES
+ report_error("You requested too many nodes (limit is #{MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES}). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm")
if node_ids.length == 0
version['maximum'] = "#{API_VERSION}";
api << version
area = XML::Node.new 'area'
- area['maximum'] = APP_CONFIG['max_request_area'].to_s;
+ area['maximum'] = MAX_REQUEST_AREA.to_s;
api << area
tracepoints = XML::Node.new 'tracepoints'
- tracepoints['per_page'] = APP_CONFIG['tracepoints_per_page'].to_s
+ tracepoints['per_page'] = TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE.to_s
api << tracepoints
waynodes = XML::Node.new 'waynodes'
- waynodes['maximum'] = APP_CONFIG['max_number_of_way_nodes'].to_s
+ waynodes['maximum'] = MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAY_NODES.to_s
api << waynodes
changesets = XML::Node.new 'changesets'
changesets['maximum_elements'] = Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS.to_s
api << changesets
timeout = XML::Node.new 'timeout'
- timeout['seconds'] = APP_CONFIG['api_timeout'].to_s
+ timeout['seconds'] = API_TIMEOUT.to_s
api << timeout
doc.root << api