- end
- ##
- # list changesets in a bbox
- def list_bbox
- # support 'bbox' param or alternatively 'minlon', 'minlat' etc
- if params['bbox']
- bbox = params['bbox']
- elsif params['minlon'] and params['minlat'] and params['maxlon'] and params['maxlat']
- bbox = h(params['minlon']) + ',' + h(params['minlat']) + ',' + h(params['maxlon']) + ',' + h(params['maxlat'])
+ if params[:bbox]
+ bbox = params[:bbox]
+ elsif params[:minlon] and params[:minlat] and params[:maxlon] and params[:maxlat]
+ bbox = params[:minlon] + ',' + params[:minlat] + ',' + params[:maxlon] + ',' + params[:maxlat]
+ end
+ user_link = bbox_link = nil
+ if bbox
+ conditions = cond_merge conditions, conditions_bbox(bbox)
+ bbox = BoundingBox.from_s(bbox)
+ bbox_link = "<a href='#{url_for(:controller => "site", :action => "index", :minlon => bbox.min_lon, :minlat => bbox.min_lat, :maxlon => bbox.max_lon, :maxlat => bbox.max_lat, :box => "yes")}'>#{bbox.to_s}</a>"
+ end
+ if user
+ user_link = "<a href='#{url_for(:controller => "user", :action => "view", :display_name => user.display_name)}'>#{user.display_name}</a>"
+ end
+ if user and bbox
+ @title = t 'changeset.list.title_user_bbox', :user => user.display_name, :bbox => bbox.to_s
+ @heading = t 'changeset.list.heading_user_bbox', :user => user.display_name, :bbox => bbox.to_s
+ @description = t 'changeset.list.description_user_bbox', :user => user_link, :bbox => bbox_link
+ @description_plain = t 'changeset.list.description_user_bbox', :user => user.display_name, :bbox => bbox.to_s
+ elsif user
+ @title = t 'changeset.list.title_user', :user => user.display_name
+ @heading = t 'changeset.list.heading_user', :user => user.display_name
+ @description = t 'changeset.list.description_user', :user => user_link
+ @description_plain = t 'changeset.list.description_user', :user => user.display_name
+ elsif bbox
+ @title = t 'changeset.list.title_bbox', :bbox => bbox.to_s
+ @heading = t 'changeset.list.heading_bbox', :bbox => bbox.to_s
+ @description = t 'changeset.list.description_bbox', :bbox => bbox_link
+ @description_plain = t 'changeset.list.description_bbox', :bbox => bbox.to_s