# in the hash to be overwritten.
raise OSM::APIDuplicateTagsError.new("way", self.id, k) if @tags.include? k
+ # check tag size here, as we don't create a WayTag object until
+ # just before we save...
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("Way #{self.id} has a tag with too long a key, '#{k}'.") if k.length > 255
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("Way #{self.id} has a tag with too long a value, '#{k}'='#{v}'.") if v.length > 255
@tags[k] = v
self.nds.each do |n|
node = Node.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", n])
unless node and node.visible
- raise OSM::APIPreconditionFailedError.new("The node with id #{n} either does not exist, or is not visible")
+ raise OSM::APIPreconditionFailedError.new("Way #{self.id} requires the node with id #{n}, which either does not exist, or is not visible.")
return true
# shouldn't be possible to get race conditions.
Way.transaction do
check_consistency(self, new_way, user)
- if RelationMember.find(:first, :joins => :relation,
+ rel = RelationMember.find(:first, :joins => :relation,
:conditions => [ "visible = ? AND member_type='Way' and member_id=? ", true, self.id])
- raise OSM::APIPreconditionFailedError.new("You need to make sure that the way with id: #{self.id} is not a member of a relation.")
- else
- self.changeset_id = new_way.changeset_id
- self.changeset = new_way.changeset
- self.tags = []
- self.nds = []
- self.visible = false
- save_with_history!
- end
+ raise OSM::APIPreconditionFailedError.new("Way #{self.id} still used by relation #{rel.relation.id}.") if rel
+ self.changeset_id = new_way.changeset_id
+ self.changeset = new_way.changeset
+ self.tags = []
+ self.nds = []
+ self.visible = false
+ save_with_history!