min_lon = min_lon * 1000000
max_lon = max_lon * 1000000
# get all the points
- points = Tracepoint.find(:all, :conditions => ['gps_points.latitude > ? AND gps_points.longitude > ? AND gps_points.latitude < ? AND gps_points.longitude < ? AND ( public = 1 OR gpx_files.user_id = ? ) AND visible = 1', min_lat.to_i, min_lon.to_i, max_lat.to_i, max_lon.to_i, @user.id ], :select => "gps_points.*", :joins => "INNER JOIN gpx_files ON gpx_files.id = gpx_id", :offset => offset, :limit => TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE, :order => "timestamp DESC" )
+ points = Tracepoint.find(:all, :conditions => ['latitude BETWEEN ? AND ? AND longitude BETWEEN ? AND ?', min_lat.to_i, max_lat.to_i, min_lon.to_i, max_lon.to_i], :select => "DISTINCT *", :offset => offset, :limit => TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE, :order => "timestamp DESC" )
doc = XML::Document.new
doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
if node_ids.length == 0
- render :text => '<osm></osm>'
+ render :text => "<osm version='0.4'></osm>"
if segment_ids.length > 0
way_segments = WaySegment.find_all_by_segment_id(segment_ids)
way_ids = way_segments.collect {|way_segment| way_segment.id }
- ways = Way.find(way_ids, :include => [:way_tags]) # NB: doesn't pick up segments, tags from db until accessed via way.way_segments etc.
+ ways = Way.find(way_ids) # NB: doesn't pick up segments, tags from db until accessed via way.way_segments etc.
# seg_ids = way_segments.collect {|way_segment| way_segment.segment_id }
list_of_way_segments = list_of_way_segs.collect { |way_seg| way_seg.segment_id }
+ else
+ list_of_way_segments = Array.new
# - [0] in case some thing links to segment 0 which doesn't exist. Shouldn't actually ever happen but it does. FIXME: file a ticket for this
#exit when we have too many requests
if @@count > MAX_COUNT
@@count = COUNT