+ test "revoke all page has no controls when viewed user has no active blocks" do
+ blocked_user = create(:user)
+ sign_in_as(create(:moderator_user))
+ visit revoke_all_user_blocks_path(blocked_user)
+ assert_title "Revoking all blocks on #{blocked_user.display_name}"
+ assert_text "Revoking all blocks on #{blocked_user.display_name}"
+ assert_no_button "Revoke!"
+ end
+ test "revoke all link is present and working for moderators when viewed user has one active block" do
+ blocked_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_block, :user => blocked_user)
+ sign_in_as(create(:moderator_user))
+ visit user_path(blocked_user)
+ assert_link "Revoke all blocks"
+ click_on "Revoke all blocks"
+ assert_title "Revoking all blocks on #{blocked_user.display_name}"
+ assert_text "Revoking all blocks on #{blocked_user.display_name}"
+ assert_unchecked_field "Are you sure you wish to revoke 1 active block?"
+ assert_button "Revoke!"
+ end
+ test "revoke all link is present and working for moderators when viewed user has multiple active blocks" do