def test_version
## First try this with a non-public user
basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).email, "test")
def test_version
## First try this with a non-public user
basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).email, "test")
- xml_node['lat'] = precision(rand * 180 - 90).to_s
- xml_node['lon'] = precision(rand * 360 - 180).to_s
+ xml_node["lat"] = precision(rand * 180 - 90).to_s
+ xml_node["lon"] = precision(rand * 360 - 180).to_s
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :forbidden, "Should have rejected node update"
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :forbidden, "Should have rejected node update"
xml_node << xml_tag
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :forbidden,
xml_node << xml_tag
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :forbidden,
- "should have rejected node #{nodeid} (#{@response.body}) with forbidden"
- xml_node['version'] = @response.body.to_s
+ "should have rejected node #{nodeid} (#{@response.body}) with forbidden"
+ xml_node["version"] = @response.body.to_s
## Now do it with the public user
basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
## Now do it with the public user
basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
- xml_node['lat'] = precision(rand * 180 - 90).to_s
- xml_node['lon'] = precision(rand * 360 - 180).to_s
+ xml_node["lat"] = precision(rand * 180 - 90).to_s
+ xml_node["lon"] = precision(rand * 360 - 180).to_s
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :success
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :success
xml_node << xml_tag
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :success,
xml_node << xml_tag
with_controller( do
content xml_doc
put :update, :id => nodeid
assert_response :success,
get :version, :id => nodeid, :version => key.to_i
assert_response :success,
get :version, :id => nodeid, :version => key.to_i
assert_response :success,
check_not_found_id_version(-1, -13)
check_not_found_id_version(nodes(:visible_node).id, 24354)
check_not_found_id_version(24356, nodes(:visible_node).version)
check_not_found_id_version(-1, -13)
check_not_found_id_version(nodes(:visible_node).id, 24354)
check_not_found_id_version(24356, nodes(:visible_node).version)
# the appropriate flag
get :version, :id => node.node_id, :version => node.version
assert_response :forbidden, "After redaction, node should be gone for moderator, when flag not passed."
# the appropriate flag
get :version, :id => node.node_id, :version => node.version
assert_response :forbidden, "After redaction, node should be gone for moderator, when flag not passed."
- get :version, :id => node.node_id, :version => node.version, :show_redactions => 'true'
+ get :version, :id => node.node_id, :version => node.version, :show_redactions => "true"
assert_response :success, "After redaction, node should not be gone for moderator, when flag passed."
# and when accessed via history
get :history, :id => node.node_id
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node.node_id}'][version='#{node.version}']", 0, "node #{node.node_id} version #{node.version} should not be present in the history for moderators when not passing flag."
assert_response :success, "After redaction, node should not be gone for moderator, when flag passed."
# and when accessed via history
get :history, :id => node.node_id
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node.node_id}'][version='#{node.version}']", 0, "node #{node.node_id} version #{node.version} should not be present in the history for moderators when not passing flag."
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node.node_id}'][version='#{node.version}']", 1, "node #{node.node_id} version #{node.version} should still be present in the history for moderators when passing flag."
assert_response :success, "Redaction shouldn't have stopped history working."
assert_select "osm node[id='#{node.node_id}'][version='#{node.version}']", 1, "node #{node.node_id} version #{node.version} should still be present in the history for moderators when passing flag."
# returns a 16 character long string with some nasty characters in it.
# this ought to stress-test the tag handling as well as the versioning.
def random_string
# returns a 16 character long string with some nasty characters in it.
# this ought to stress-test the tag handling as well as the versioning.
def random_string
- letters = [['!','"','$','&',';','@'],
- ('a'..'z').to_a,
- ('A'..'Z').to_a,
- ('0'..'9').to_a].flatten
- (1..16).map { |i| letters[ rand(letters.length) ] }.join
+ letters = [["!", '"', "$", "&", ";", "@"],
+ ("a".."z").to_a,
+ ("A".."Z").to_a,
+ ("0".."9").to_a].flatten
+ (1..16).map { |_i| letters[rand(letters.length)] }.join