+Page 2: getting started
+--><page/><headline>Getting started</headline>
+<bodyText>Now that you have Potlatch open, click 'Edit with save' to get started.
+So you're ready to draw a map. The easiest place to start is by putting some points of interest on the map - or "POIs". These might be pubs, churches, railway stations... anything you like.</bodytext>
+<column/><headline>Drag and drop</headline>
+<bodyText>To make it super-easy, you'll see a selection of the most common POIs, right at the bottom of the map for you. Putting one on the map is as easy as dragging it from there onto the right place on the map. And don't worry if you don't get the position right first time: you can drag it again until it's right. Note that the POI is highlighted in yellow to show that it's selected.
+Once you've done that, you'll want to give your pub (or church, or station) a name. You'll see that a little table has appeared at the bottom. One of the entries will say "name" followed by "(type name here)". Do that - click that text, and type the name.
+Click somewhere else on the map to deselect your POI, and the colourful little panel returns.
+Easy, isn't it? Click 'Save' (bottom right) when you're done.
+</bodyText><column/><headline>Moving around</headline>
+<bodyText>To move to a different part of the map, just drag an empty area. Potlatch will automatically load the new data (look at the top right).
+We told you to 'Edit with save', but you can also click 'Edit live'. If you do this, your changes will go into the database straightaway, so there's no 'Save' button. This is good for quick changes and <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Current_events" target="_blank">mapping parties</a>.</bodyText>
+<headline>Next steps</headline>
+<bodyText>Happy with all of that? Great. Click 'Surveying' above to find out how to become a <i>real</i> mapper!</bodyText>
+Page 3: Surveying