- if place
- distance = format_distance(place.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
- direction = format_direction(place.attributes["direction"].to_i)
- placename = format_name(place.attributes["name"].to_s)
- suffix = ", #{distance} #{direction} of #{placename}"
- if place.attributes["rank"].to_i <= 30
- parent = nil
- parentrank = 0
- parentdistance = 0
- place.elements.each("nearestplaces/named") do |nearest|
- nearestrank = nearest.attributes["rank"].to_i
- nearestdistance = nearest.attributes["distance"].to_f
- if nearestrank > parentrank or
- ( nearestrank == parentrank and nearestdistance < parentdistance )
- parent = nearest
- parentrank = nearestrank
- parentdistance = nearestdistance
- end
- end
- if parent
- parentname = format_name(parent.attributes["name"].to_s)
- if place.attributes["info"].to_s == "suburb"
- suffix = "#{suffix}, #{parentname}"
- else
- suffix = "#{suffix} (near #{parentname})"
- end
- end
+ # ask nominatim
+ response = fetch_xml("#{NOMINATIM_URL}search?format=xml&extratags=1&q=#{escape_query(query)}#{viewbox}#{exclude}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
+ # extract the results from the response
+ results = response.elements["searchresults"]
+ # extract parameters from more_url
+ more_url_params = CGI.parse(URI.parse(results.attributes["more_url"]).query)
+ # create result array
+ @results = []
+ # create parameter hash for "more results" link
+ @more_params = params
+ .permit(:query, :minlon, :minlat, :maxlon, :maxlat, :exclude)
+ .merge(:exclude => more_url_params["exclude_place_ids"].first)
+ # parse the response
+ results.elements.each("place") do |place|
+ lat = place.attributes["lat"]
+ lon = place.attributes["lon"]
+ klass = place.attributes["class"]
+ type = place.attributes["type"]
+ name = place.attributes["display_name"]
+ min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon = place.attributes["boundingbox"].split(",")
+ prefix_name = if type.empty?
+ ""
+ else
+ t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix.#{klass}.#{type}", :default => type.tr("_", " ").capitalize
+ end
+ if klass == "boundary" && type == "administrative"
+ rank = (place.attributes["place_rank"].to_i + 1) / 2
+ prefix_name = t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.admin_levels.level#{rank}", :default => prefix_name
+ place.elements["extratags"].elements.each("tag") do |extratag|
+ prefix_name = t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix.place.#{extratag.attributes['value']}", :default => prefix_name if extratag.attributes["key"] == "place"