# Number of GPS trace/trackpoints returned per-page
TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE = APP_CONFIG['tracepoints_per_page']
+ # Get an XML response containing a list of tracepoints that have been uploaded
+ # within the specified bounding box, and in the specified page.
def trackpoints
#retrieve the page number
render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
+ # This is probably the most common call of all. It is used for getting the
+ # OSM data for a specified bounding box, usually for editing. First the
+ # bounding box (bbox) is checked to make sure that it is sane. All nodes
+ # are searched, then all the ways that reference those nodes are found.
+ # All Nodes that are referenced by those ways are fetched and added to the list
+ # of nodes.
+ # Then all the relations that reference the already found nodes and ways are
+ # fetched. All the nodes and ways that are referenced by those ways are then
+ # fetched. Finally all the xml is returned.
def map
+ # Get a list of the tiles that have changed within a specified time
+ # period
def changes
zoom = (params[:zoom] || '12').to_i
+ # External apps that use the api are able to query the api to find out some
+ # parameters of the API. It currently returns:
+ # * minimum and maximum API versions that can be used.
+ # * maximum area that can be requested in a bbox request in square degrees
+ # * number of tracepoints that are returned in each tracepoints page
def capabilities
doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc