type = named.attributes["info"].to_s.capitalize
name = named.attributes["name"].to_s
description = named.elements["description"].to_s
if name.empty?
prefix = ""
name = type
prefix = "#{type} "
if place
distance = format_distance(place.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
direction = format_direction(place.attributes["direction"].to_i)
- placename = place.attributes["name"].to_s
+ placename = format_name(place.attributes["name"].to_s)
suffix = ", #{distance} #{direction} of #{placename}"
+ if place.attributes["rank"].to_i <= 30
+ parent = nil
+ parentrank = 0
+ parentscore = 0
+ place.elements.each("nearestplaces/named") do |nearest|
+ nearestrank = nearest.attributes["rank"].to_i
+ nearestscore = nearestrank / nearest.attributes["distance"].to_f
+ if nearestrank > 30 and
+ ( nearestscore > parentscore or
+ ( nearestscore == parentscore and nearestrank > parentrank ) )
+ parent = nearest
+ parentrank = nearestrank
+ parentscore = nearestscore
+ end
+ end
+ if parent
+ parentname = format_name(parent.attributes["name"].to_s)
+ if place.attributes["info"].to_s == "suburb"
+ suffix = "#{suffix}, #{parentname}"
+ else
+ parentdistance = format_distance(parent.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
+ parentdirection = format_direction(parent.attributes["direction"].to_i)
+ suffix = "#{suffix} (#{parentdistance} #{parentdirection} of #{parentname})"
+ end
+ end
+ end
suffix = ""
results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon, :zoom => zoom,
:prefix => prefix, :name => name, :suffix => suffix,
:description => description})
return "west"
+ def format_name(name)
+ return name.gsub(/( *\[[^\]]*\])*$/, "")
+ end
def count_results(results)
count = 0