-//= require jquery
+//= require jquery3
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require jquery.timers
//= require jquery.cookie
//= require jquery.throttle-debounce
//= require bootstrap.tooltip
//= require bootstrap.dropdown
-//= require augment
//= require osm
//= require leaflet
//= require leaflet.osm
//= require leaflet.map
//= require leaflet.zoom
//= require leaflet.locationfilter
-//= require i18n/translations
+//= require i18n
//= require oauth
//= require piwik
//= require richtext
var querystring = require('querystring-component');
-function zoomPrecision(zoom) {
- return Math.max(0, Math.ceil(Math.log(zoom) / Math.LN2));
-function remoteEditHandler(bbox, object) {
- var loaded = false,
- query = {
- left: bbox.getWest() - 0.0001,
- top: bbox.getNorth() + 0.0001,
- right: bbox.getEast() + 0.0001,
- bottom: bbox.getSouth() - 0.0001
- };
- if (object) query.select = object.type + object.id;
- var iframe = $('<iframe>')
- .hide()
- .appendTo('body')
- .attr("src", "" + querystring.stringify(query))
- .on('load', function() {
- $(this).remove();
- loaded = true;
- });
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (!loaded) {
- alert(I18n.t('site.index.remote_failed'));
- iframe.remove();
- }
- }, 1000);
- return false;
* Called as the user scrolls/zooms around to maniplate hrefs of the
* view tab and various other links
-function updateLinks(loc, zoom, layers, object) {
+window.updateLinks = function (loc, zoom, layers, object) {
$(".geolink").each(function(index, link) {
var href = link.href.split(/[?#]/)[0],
args = querystring.parse(link.search.substring(1)),
editlink = $(link).hasClass("editlink");
- delete args['node'];
- delete args['way'];
- delete args['relation'];
- delete args['changeset'];
+ delete args.node;
+ delete args.way;
+ delete args.relation;
+ delete args.changeset;
if (object && editlink) {
args[object.type] = object.id;
.toggleClass('disabled', editDisabled)
.attr('data-original-title', editDisabled ?
I18n.t('javascripts.site.edit_disabled_tooltip') : '');
-// generate a cookie-safe string of map state
-function cookieContent(map) {
- var center = map.getCenter().wrap();
- return [center.lng, center.lat, map.getZoom(), map.getLayersCode()].join('|');
-function escapeHTML(string) {
- var htmlEscapes = {
- '&': '&',
- '<': '<',
- '>': '>',
- '"': '"',
- "'": '''
- };
- return string == null ? '' : (string + '').replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(match) {
- return htmlEscapes[match];
- });
-function maximiseMap() {
+window.maximiseMap = function () {
-function minimiseMap() {
+window.minimiseMap = function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
+ var headerWidth = 0,
+ compactWidth = 0;
+ function updateHeader() {
+ var windowWidth = $(window).width();
+ if (windowWidth < compactWidth) {
+ $("body").removeClass("compact").addClass("small");
+ } else if (windowWidth < headerWidth) {
+ $("body").addClass("compact").removeClass("small");
+ } else {
+ $("body").removeClass("compact").removeClass("small");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Chrome 60 and later seem to fire the "ready" callback
+ * before the DOM is fully ready causing us to measure the
+ * wrong sizes for the header elements - use a 0ms timeout
+ * to defer the measurement slightly as a workaround.
+ */
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $("header").children(":visible").each(function (i,e) {
+ headerWidth = headerWidth + $(e).outerWidth();
+ });
+ $("body").addClass("compact");
+ $("header").children(":visible").each(function (i,e) {
+ compactWidth = compactWidth + $(e).outerWidth();
+ });
+ $("body").removeClass("compact");
+ updateHeader();
+ $(window).resize(updateHeader);
+ }, 0);
$("#menu-icon").on("click", function(e) {
$("nav.primary li a").on("click", function() {
+ var application_data = $("head").data();
+ I18n.default_locale = OSM.DEFAULT_LOCALE;
+ I18n.locale = application_data.locale;
+ I18n.fallbacks = true;
+ OSM.preferred_editor = application_data.preferredEditor;
+ if (application_data.user) {
+ OSM.user = application_data.user;
+ if (application_data.userHome) {
+ OSM.home = application_data.userHome;
+ }
+ }
+ if (application_data.location) {
+ OSM.location = application_data.location;
+ }