- @user.visible = true
- @user.data_public = true
- @user.description = "" if @user.description.nil?
- @user.creation_ip = request.remote_ip
- @user.languages = request.user_preferred_languages
- #Set the openid_url to nil as for one it is used
- #to check if the openid could be validated and secondly
- #to not get dupplicate conflicts for an empty openid
- @user.openid_url = nil
- if (!params[:user][:openid_url].nil? and params[:user][:openid_url].length > 0)
- if @user.pass_crypt.length == 0
- #if the password is empty, but we have a openid
- #then generate a random passowrd to disable
- #loging in via password
- @user.pass_crypt = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(16)
- @user.pass_crypt_confirmation = @user.pass_crypt
- end
- #Validate all of the other fields before
- #redirecting to the openid provider
- if !@user.valid?
- render :action => 'new'
- else
- #TODO: Is it a problem to store the user variable with respect to password safty in the session variables?
- #Store the user variable in the session for it to be accessible when redirecting back from the openid provider
- session[:new_usr] = @user
- begin
- @norm_openid_url = OpenIdAuthentication.normalize_identifier(params[:user][:openid_url])
- rescue
- flash.now[:error] = t 'user.login.openid invalid'
- render :action => 'new'
- return
- end
- #Verify that the openid provided is valid and that the user is the owner of the id
- openid_verify(@norm_openid_url, true)
- #openid_verify can return in two ways:
- #Either it returns with a redirect to the openid provider who then freshly
- #redirects back to this url if the openid is valid, or if the openid is not plausible
- #and no provider for it could be found it just returns
- #we want to just let the redirect through
- if response.headers["Location"].nil?
- render :action => 'new'
- end
- end
- #At this point there was either an error and the page has been rendered,
- #or there is a redirect to the openid provider and the rest of the method
- #gets executed whenn this method gets reentered after redirecting back
- #from the openid provider
- return