+ def create
+ logger.info(params[:trace][:gpx_file].class.name)
+ if params[:trace][:gpx_file].respond_to?(:read)
+ do_create(params[:trace][:gpx_file], params[:trace][:tagstring],
+ params[:trace][:description], params[:trace][:public])
+ if @trace.id
+ logger.info("id is #{@trace.id}")
+ flash[:notice] = "Your GPX file has been uploaded and is awaiting insertion in to the database. This will usually happen within half an hour, and an email will be sent to you on completion."
+ redirect_to :action => 'mine'
+ end
+ else
+ @trace = Trace.new({:name => "Dummy",
+ :tagstring => params[:trace][:tagstring],
+ :description => params[:trace][:description],
+ :public => params[:trace][:public],
+ :inserted => false, :user => @user,
+ :timestamp => Time.now})
+ @trace.valid?
+ @trace.errors.add(:gpx_file, "can't be blank")
+ end
+ end
+ def data
+ trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
+ if trace.visible? and (trace.public? or (@user and @user == trace.user))
+ if request.format == Mime::XML
+ send_file(trace.xml_file, :filename => "#{trace.id}.xml", :type => Mime::XML.to_s, :disposition => 'attachment')
+ else
+ send_file(trace.trace_name, :filename => "#{trace.id}#{trace.extension_name}", :type => trace.mime_type, :disposition => 'attachment')
+ end
+ else
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :not_found
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :not_found
+ end
+ def edit