+ # Find relations with specified name/id.
+ # Returns array of relations, each in same form as getrelation.
+ def findrelations(searchterm)
+ rels = []
+ if searchterm.to_i>0 then
+ rel = Relation.find(searchterm.to_i)
+ if rel and rel.visible then
+ rels.push([rel.id, rel.tags, rel.members])
+ end
+ else
+ RelationTag.find(:all, :limit => 11, :conditions => ["match(v) against (?)", searchterm] ).each do |t|
+ if t.relation.visible then
+ rels.push([t.relation.id, t.relation.tags, t.relation.members])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rels
+ end
+ # Save a relation.
+ # Returns
+ # 0. 0 (success),
+ # 1. original relation id (unchanged),
+ # 2. new relation id.
+ def putrelation(renumberednodes, renumberedways, usertoken, changeset, version, relid, tags, members, visible) #:doc:
+ user = getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the relation could not be saved." end
+ relid = relid.to_i
+ visible = (visible.to_i != 0)
+ new_relation = nil
+ relation = nil
+ Relation.transaction do
+ # create a new relation, or find the existing one
+ if relid > 0
+ relation = Relation.find(relid)
+ end
+ # We always need a new node, based on the data that has been sent to us
+ new_relation = Relation.new
+ # check the members are all positive, and correctly type
+ typedmembers = []
+ members.each do |m|
+ mid = m[1].to_i
+ if mid < 0
+ mid = renumberednodes[mid] if m[0] == 'node'
+ mid = renumberedways[mid] if m[0] == 'way'
+ end
+ if mid
+ typedmembers << [m[0], mid, m[2]]
+ end
+ end
+ # assign new contents
+ new_relation.members = typedmembers
+ new_relation.tags = tags
+ new_relation.visible = visible
+ new_relation.changeset_id = changeset
+ new_relation.version = version
+ if id <= 0
+ # We're creating the node
+ new_relation.create_with_history(user)
+ elsif visible
+ # We're updating the node
+ relation.update_from(new_relation, user)
+ else
+ # We're deleting the node
+ relation.delete_with_history!(new_relation, user)
+ end
+ end # transaction
+ if id <= 0
+ return [0, relid, new_relation.id, new_relation.version]
+ else
+ return [0, relid, relation.id, relation.version]
+ end
+ rescue OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The changeset #{ex.changeset.id} was closed at #{ex.changeset.closed_at}"]
+ rescue OSM::APIVersionMismatchError => ex
+ # Really need to check to see whether this is a server load issue, and the
+ # last version was in the same changeset, or belongs to the same user, then
+ # we can return something different
+ return [-3, "You have taken too long to edit, please reload the area"]
+ rescue OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The object has already been deleted"]
+ rescue OSM::APIError => ex
+ # Some error that we don't specifically catch
+ return [-2, "Something really bad happened :-()"]
+ end
+ # Save a way to the database, including all nodes. Any nodes in the previous
+ # version and no longer used are deleted.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # 0. hash of renumbered nodes
+ # 1. current user token (for authentication)
+ # 2. current changeset
+ # 3. new way version
+ # 4. way ID
+ # 5. list of nodes in way
+ # 6. hash of way tags
+ # 7. array of nodes to change (each one is [lon,lat,id,version,tags])
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # 0. '0' (code for success),
+ # 1. original way id (unchanged),
+ # 2. new way id,
+ # 3. hash of renumbered nodes (old id=>new id),
+ # 4. way version,
+ # 5. hash of node versions (node=>version)
+ def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, changeset, version, originalway, pointlist, attributes, nodes) #:doc:
+ # -- Initialise
+ user = getuser(usertoken)
+ if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
+ if pointlist.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
+ originalway = originalway.to_i
+ Way.transaction do
+ # -- Get unique nodes
+ if originalway <= 0
+ way = nil
+ uniques = []
+ else
+ way = Way.find(originalway)
+ uniques = way.unshared_node_ids
+ end
+ new_way = Way.new
+ #Ê-- Update each changed node
+ nodeversions = {}
+ nodes.each do |a|
+ lon = a[0].to_f
+ lat = a[1].to_f
+ id = a[2].to_i
+ version = a[3].to_i
+ if id == 0 then return -2,"Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if lat== 90 then return -2,"Server error - node with latitude -90 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if renumberednodes[id] then id = renumberednodes[id] end
+ node = Node.new
+ node.changeset_id = changeset
+ node.lat = lat
+ node.lon = lon
+ node.tags = a[4]
+ node.tags.delete('created_by')
+ node.version = version
+ if id <= 0
+ # We're creating the node
+ node.create_with_history(user)
+ renumberednodes[id] = node.id
+ nodeversions[id] = node.version
+ else
+ # We're updating an existing node
+ previous=Node.find(id)
+ previous.update_from(node, user)
+ nodeversions[id] = previous.version
+ end
+ end
+ # -- Delete any unique nodes no longer used
+ uniques=uniques-pointlist
+ uniques.each do |n|
+ node = Node.find(n)
+ new_node = Node.new
+ new_node.changeset_id = changeset
+ new_node.version = version
+ node.delete_with_history!(new_node, user)
+ end
+ # -- Save revised way
+ if way.tags!=attributes or way.nds!=nodes or !way.visible?
+ new_way = Way.new
+ new_way.tags = attributes
+ new_way.nds = pointlist
+ new_way.changeset_id = changeset
+ new_way.version = version
+ way.update_from(new_way, user)
+ end
+ end # transaction
+ [0, originalway, way.id, renumberednodes, way.version, nodeversions]
+ rescue OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The changeset #{ex.changeset.id} was closed at #{ex.changeset.closed_at}"]
+ rescue OSM::APIVersionMismatchError => ex
+ # Really need to check to see whether this is a server load issue, and the
+ # last version was in the same changeset, or belongs to the same user, then
+ # we can return something different
+ return [-3, "Sorry, someone else has changed this way since you started editing - please reload the area"]
+ rescue OSM::APITooManyWayNodesError => ex
+ return [-1, "You have tried to upload a way with #{ex.provided}, however only #{ex.max} are allowed."]
+ rescue OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The object has already been deleted"]
+ rescue OSM::APIError => ex
+ # Some error that we don't specifically catch
+ return [-2, "Something really bad happened :-()"]
+ end
+ # Save POI to the database.
+ # Refuses save if the node has since become part of a way.
+ # Returns array with:
+ # 0. 0 (success),
+ # 1. original node id (unchanged),
+ # 2. new node id,
+ # 3. version.
+ def putpoi(usertoken, changeset, version, id, lon, lat, tags, visible) #:doc:
+ user = getuser(usertoken)
+ if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
+ id = id.to_i
+ visible = (visible.to_i == 1)
+ node = nil
+ new_node = nil
+ Node.transaction do
+ if id > 0 then
+ node = Node.find(id)
+ if !visible then
+ unless node.ways.empty? then return -1,"The point has since become part of a way, so you cannot save it as a POI." end
+ deleteitemrelations(id, 'node')
+ end
+ end
+ # We always need a new node, based on the data that has been sent to us
+ new_node = Node.new
+ new_node.changeset_id = changeset
+ new_node.version = version
+ new_node.lat = lat
+ new_node.lon = lon
+ new_node.tags = tags
+ if id <= 0
+ # We're creating the node
+ new_node.create_with_history(user)
+ elsif visible
+ # We're updating the node
+ node.update_from(new_node, user)
+ else
+ # We're deleting the node
+ node.delete_with_history!(new_node, user)
+ end
+ end # transaction
+ if id <= 0
+ return [0, id, new_node.id, new_node.version]
+ else
+ return [0, id, node.id, node.version]
+ end
+ rescue OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The changeset #{ex.changeset.id} was closed at #{ex.changeset.closed_at}"]
+ rescue OSM::APIVersionMismatchError => ex
+ # Really need to check to see whether this is a server load issue, and the
+ # last version was in the same changeset, or belongs to the same user, then
+ # we can return something different
+ return [-3, "You have taken too long to edit, please reload the area"]
+ rescue OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The object has already been deleted"]
+ rescue OSM::APIError => ex
+ # Some error that we don't specifically catch
+ return [-2, "Something really bad happened :-()"]
+ end
+ # Read POI from database
+ # (only called on revert: POIs are usually read by whichways).
+ #
+ # Returns array of id, long, lat, hash of tags, version.
+ def getpoi(id,version) #:doc:
+ if version>0 then
+ n = OldNode.find(id, :conditions=>['version=?',version])
+ else
+ n = Node.find(id)
+ end
+ if n
+ return [n.id, n.lon, n.lat, n.tags, n.version]
+ else
+ return [nil, nil, nil, {}, nil]
+ end
+ end
+ # Delete way and all constituent nodes. Also removes from any relations.
+ # Params:
+ # * The user token
+ # * the changeset id
+ # * the id of the way to change
+ # * the version of the way that was downloaded
+ # * a hash of the id and versions of all the nodes that are in the way, if any
+ # of the nodes have been changed by someone else then, there is a problem!
+ # Returns 0 (success), unchanged way id.
+ def deleteway(usertoken, changeset_id, way_id, way_version, node_id_version) #:doc:
+ user = getuser(usertoken)
+ unless user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be deleted." end
+ way_id = way_id.to_i
+ # Need a transaction so that if one item fails to delete, the whole delete fails.
+ Way.transaction do
+ # FIXME: would be good not to make two history entries when removing
+ # two nodes from the same relation
+ old_way = Way.find(way_id)
+ #old_way.unshared_node_ids.each do |n|
+ # deleteitemrelations(n, 'node')
+ #end
+ #deleteitemrelations(way_id, 'way')
+ #way.delete_with_relations_and_nodes_and_history(changeset_id.to_i)
+ old_way.unshared_node_ids.each do |node_id|
+ # delete the node
+ node = Node.find(node_id)
+ delete_node = Node.new
+ delete_node.version = node_id_version[node_id]
+ node.delete_with_history!(delete_node, user)
+ end
+ # delete the way
+ delete_way = Way.new
+ delete_way.version = way_version
+ old_way.delete_with_history!(delete_way, user)
+ end # transaction
+ [0, way_id]
+ rescue OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The changeset #{ex.changeset.id} was closed at #{ex.changeset.closed_at}"]
+ rescue OSM::APIVersionMismatchError => ex
+ # Really need to check to see whether this is a server load issue, and the
+ # last version was in the same changeset, or belongs to the same user, then
+ # we can return something different
+ return [-3, "You have taken too long to edit, please reload the area"]
+ rescue OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError => ex
+ return [-1, "The object has already been deleted"]
+ rescue OSM::APIError => ex
+ # Some error that we don't specifically catch
+ return [-2, "Something really bad happened :-()"]
+ end
+ # ====================================================================
+ # Support functions
+ # delete a way and its nodes that aren't part of other ways
+ # this functionality used to be in the model, however it is specific to amf
+ # controller
+ #def delete_unshared_nodes(changeset_id, way_id)
+ # Remove a node or way from all relations
+ # FIXME needs version, changeset, and user
+ # Fixme make sure this doesn't depend on anything and delete this, as potlatch
+ # itself should remove the relations first
+ def deleteitemrelations(objid, type, version) #:doc:
+ relations = RelationMember.find(:all,
+ :conditions => ['member_type = ? and member_id = ?', type, objid],
+ :include => :relation).collect { |rm| rm.relation }.uniq
+ relations.each do |rel|
+ rel.members.delete_if { |x| x[0] == type and x[1] == objid }
+ # FIXME need to create the new relation
+ new_rel = Relation.new
+ new_rel.version = version
+ new_rel.members = members
+ new_rel.changeset = changeset
+ rel.delete_with_history(new_rel, user)
+ end
+ end
+ # Break out node tags into a hash
+ # (should become obsolete as of API 0.6)
+ def tagstring_to_hash(a) #:doc:
+ tags={}
+ Tags.split(a) do |k, v|
+ tags[k]=v
+ end
+ tags
+ end
+ # Authenticate token
+ # (can also be of form user:pass)
+ # When we are writing to the api, we need the actual user model,
+ # not just the id, hence this abstraction
+ def getuser(token) #:doc:
+ if (token =~ /^(.+)\:(.+)$/) then
+ user = User.authenticate(:username => $1, :password => $2)
+ else
+ user = User.authenticate(:token => token)
+ end
+ return user
+ end
+ def getuserid(token)
+ user = getuser(token)
+ return user ? user.id : nil;
+ end
+ # Compare two floating-point numbers to within 0.0000001
+ def fpcomp(a,b) #:doc:
+ return ((a/0.0000001).round==(b/0.0000001).round)
+ end
+ # Send AMF response
+ def sendresponse(results)
+ a,b=results.length.divmod(256)
+ render :content_type => "application/x-amf", :text => proc { |response, output|
+ # ** move amf writing loop into here -
+ # basically we read the messages in first (into an array of some sort),
+ # then iterate through that array within here, and do all the AMF writing
+ output.write 0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+a.chr+b.chr
+ results.each do |k,v|
+ output.write(v)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # ====================================================================
+ # Alternative SQL queries for getway/whichways
+ def sql_find_ways_in_area(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
+ sql=<<-EOF
+ SELECT DISTINCT current_ways.id AS wayid,current_ways.version AS version
+ FROM current_way_nodes
+ INNER JOIN current_nodes ON current_nodes.id=current_way_nodes.node_id
+ INNER JOIN current_ways ON current_ways.id =current_way_nodes.id
+ WHERE current_nodes.visible=TRUE
+ AND current_ways.visible=TRUE
+ AND #{OSM.sql_for_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, "current_nodes.")}
+ return ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql).collect { |a| [a['wayid'].to_i,a['version'].to_i] }
+ end