+ test "can't add a comment when blocked" do
+ note = create(:note_with_comments)
+ user = create(:user)
+ sign_in_as(user)
+ visit note_path(note)
+ block = create(:user_block, :user => user)
+ within_sidebar do
+ fill_in "text", :with => "Comment that won't be added while blocked"
+ assert_no_text "Comment from #{user.display_name}"
+ assert_no_text "Comment that won't be added while blocked"
+ assert_no_text "Your access to the API has been blocked"
+ assert_button "Comment & Resolve", :disabled => false
+ assert_button "Comment", :disabled => false
+ click_on "Comment"
+ assert_no_text "Comment from #{user.display_name}"
+ assert_no_text "Comment that won't be added while blocked"
+ assert_text "Your access to the API has been blocked"
+ assert_button "Comment & Resolve", :disabled => false
+ assert_button "Comment", :disabled => false
+ block.revoke! block.creator
+ click_on "Comment"
+ assert_text "Comment from #{user.display_name}"
+ assert_text "Comment that won't be added while blocked"
+ assert_no_text "Your access to the API has been blocked"
+ end
+ end
+ test "no subscribe button when not logged in" do
+ note = create(:note_with_comments)
+ visit note_path(note)
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_button "Subscribe"
+ assert_no_button "Unsubscribe"
+ end
+ end
+ test "can subscribe" do
+ note = create(:note_with_comments)
+ user = create(:user)
+ sign_in_as(user)
+ visit note_path(note)
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_button "Subscribe"
+ assert_no_button "Unsubscribe"
+ click_on "Subscribe"
+ assert_no_button "Subscribe"
+ assert_button "Unsubscribe"
+ end
+ end
+ test "can unsubscribe" do
+ note = create(:note_with_comments)
+ user = create(:user)
+ create(:note_subscription, :note => note, :user => user)
+ sign_in_as(user)
+ visit note_path(note)
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_button "Subscribe"
+ assert_button "Unsubscribe"
+ click_on "Unsubscribe"
+ assert_button "Subscribe"
+ assert_no_button "Unsubscribe"
+ end
+ end