- user = users(:terms_not_seen_user)
- # try to log in
- get_via_redirect "/login"
- assert_response :success
- assert_template 'user/login'
- post "/login", {'user[email]' => user.email, 'user[password]' => 'test', :referer => "/"}
- assert_response :redirect
- # but now we need to look at the terms
- assert_redirected_to "controller" => "user", "action" => "terms", :referer => "/"
- follow_redirect!
- assert_response :success
- # don't agree to the terms, but hit decline
- # should be carried through to a normal login
- end
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
+ # try to log in
+ get "/login"
+ follow_redirect!
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "users/login"
+ post "/login", :params => { :username => user.email, :password => "test", :referer => "/diary/new" }
+ assert_response :redirect
+ # but now we need to look at the terms
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => "/diary/new"
+ follow_redirect!
+ assert_response :success
+ # don't agree to the terms, but hit decline
+ post "/user/save", :params => { :decline => true, :referer => "/diary/new" }
+ assert_redirected_to "/diary/new"
+ follow_redirect!
+ # should be carried through to a normal login with a message
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not flash[:notice].nil?