# Table name: changesets
-# id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
-# user_id :bigint(8) not null
+# id :bigint not null, primary key
+# user_id :bigint not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# min_lat :integer
# max_lat :integer
# Indexes
-# changesets_bbox_idx (min_lat,max_lat,min_lon,max_lon) USING gist
-# changesets_closed_at_idx (closed_at)
-# changesets_created_at_idx (created_at)
-# changesets_user_id_created_at_idx (user_id,created_at)
-# changesets_user_id_id_idx (user_id,id)
+# changesets_bbox_idx (min_lat,max_lat,min_lon,max_lon) USING gist
+# changesets_closed_at_idx (closed_at)
+# changesets_created_at_idx (created_at)
+# changesets_user_id_created_at_idx (user_id,created_at)
+# changesets_user_id_id_idx (user_id,id)
+# index_changesets_on_user_id_and_closed_at (user_id,closed_at)
# Foreign Keys
# Use a method like this, so that we can easily change how we
# determine whether a changeset is open, without breaking code in at
# least 6 controllers
- def is_open?
+ def open?
# a changeset is open (that is, it will accept further changes) when
# it has not yet run out of time and its capacity is small enough.
# note that this may not be a hard limit - due to timing changes and
# concurrency it is possible that some changesets may be slightly
# longer than strictly allowed or have slightly more changes in them.
- ((closed_at > Time.now.utc) && (num_changes <= MAX_ELEMENTS))
+ (closed_at > Time.now.utc) && (num_changes <= MAX_ELEMENTS)
def set_closed_time_now
- self.closed_at = Time.now.utc if is_open?
+ self.closed_at = Time.now.utc if open?
def self.from_xml(xml, create: false)
@bbox ||= BoundingBox.new(min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
- def has_valid_bbox?
+ def bbox_valid?
def update_bbox!(bbox_update)
+ raise OSM::APISizeLimitExceeded if bbox.linear_size > size_limit
# update active record. rails 2.1's dirty handling should take care of
# whether this object needs saving or not.
self.min_lon, self.min_lat, self.max_lon, self.max_lat = @bbox.to_a.collect(&:round) if bbox.complete?
tags = self.tags
- ChangesetTag.where(:changeset_id => id).delete_all
+ ChangesetTag.where(:changeset => id).delete_all
tags.each do |k, v|
tag = ChangesetTag.new
# that would make it more than 24h long, in which case clip to
# 24h, as this has been decided is a reasonable time limit.
def update_closed_at
- if is_open?
+ if open?
self.closed_at = if (closed_at - created_at) > (MAX_TIME_OPEN - IDLE_TIMEOUT)
created_at + MAX_TIME_OPEN
raise OSM::APIUserChangesetMismatchError unless user.id == user_id
# can't change a closed changeset
- raise OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError, self unless is_open?
+ raise OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError, self unless open?
# copy the other's tags
self.tags = other.tags
+ def subscribe(user)
+ subscribers << user
+ end
+ def unsubscribe(user)
+ subscribers.delete(user)
+ end
+ def subscribed?(user)
+ subscribers.exists?(user.id)
+ end
+ def size_limit
+ @size_limit ||= ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value(
+ "SELECT api_size_limit($1)", "api_size_limit", [user_id]
+ )
+ end