require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
require 'old_node_controller'
-# Re-raise errors caught by the controller.
-class OldNodeController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end
-class OldNodeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+class OldNodeControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- def setup
- @controller =
- @request =
- @response =
- end
# TODO: test history
- # for some reason a==b is false, but there doesn't seem to be any
- # difference between the nodes, so i'm checking all the attributes
- # manually and blaming it on ActiveRecord
- def assert_nodes_are_equal(a, b)
- assert_equal,, "node IDs"
- assert_equal a.latitude, b.latitude, "latitude"
- assert_equal a.longitude, b.longitude, "longitude"
- assert_equal a.changeset_id, b.changeset_id, "changeset ID"
- assert_equal a.visible, b.visible, "visible"
- assert_equal a.version, b.version, "version"
- assert_equal a.tags, b.tags, "tags"
+ # Test that getting the current version is identical to picking
+ # that version with the version URI call.
+ def test_current_version
+ check_current_version(current_nodes(:visible_node))
+ check_current_version(current_nodes(:used_node_1))
+ check_current_version(current_nodes(:used_node_2))
+ check_current_version(current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship))
+ check_current_version(current_nodes(:node_with_versions))
+ end
+ def check_current_version(node_id)
+ # get the current version of the node
+ current_node = with_controller( do
+ get :read, :id => node_id
+ assert_response :success, "cant get current node #{node_id}"
+ Node.from_xml(@response.body)
+ end
+ assert_not_nil current_node, "getting node #{node_id} returned nil"
+ # get the "old" version of the node from the old_node interface
+ get :version, :id => node_id, :version => current_node.version
+ assert_response :success, "cant get old node #{node_id}, v#{current_node.version}"
+ old_node = Node.from_xml(@response.body)
+ # check the nodes are the same
+ assert_nodes_are_equal current_node, old_node
@request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
- ##
- # takes a block which is executed in the context of a different
- # ActionController instance. this is used so that code can call methods
- # on the node controller whilst testing the old_node controller.
- def with_controller(new_controller)
- controller_save = @controller
- begin
- @controller = new_controller
- yield
- ensure
- @controller = controller_save
- end
- end