# Exported from translatewiki.net
# Export driver: phpyaml
# Author: AmaryllisGardener
+# Author: C1614
# Author: ChrisFleming
# Author: John Reid
# Author: MJL
friendly: '%e %B %Y at %H:%M'
+ file:
+ prompt: Wale file
create: Save
+ diary_entry:
+ create: Set furth
+ update: Update
+ issue_comment:
+ create: Eik Comment
+ message:
+ create: Send
acl: Access Control Leet
message: Message
node: Node
node_tag: Node Tag
- notifier: Nôtifier
old_node: Auld Node
old_node_tag: Auld Node Tag
old_relation: Auld Relation
home: Go tae Home Location
logout: Log Oot
log_in: Log In
- log_in_tooltip: Log in wi an existin accoont
sign_up: Sign Up
start_mapping: Stairt Cairttin
- sign_up_tooltip: Create an accoont for editin
edit: Eedit
history: History
export: Export
community: Commonty
community_blogs: Commonty Blogs
community_blogs_title: Blogs frae members o the OpenStreetMap commonty
- foundation: Foondation
- foundation_title: The OpenStreetMap Foundation
title: Support OpenStreetMap wi a monetary donation
text: Make a Donation
map_image: Cairt Image (shaws staundart layer)
embeddable_html: Embeddable HTML
licence: Licence
- export_details_html: OpenStreetMap data is licensed unner the <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">Open
- Data Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
advice: 'If the abuin export fails, please consider uisin ane o the soorces
leetit ablo:'
title: Geofabrik Dounloads
description: Regularly-updatit extracts o continents, kintras, an selectit
- metro:
- title: Metro Extracts
- description: Extracts for major warld ceeties an thair surroondin auries
title: Ither Soorces
description: Addeetional soorces leetit on the OpenStreetMap wiki
explanation_html: |-
Gif ye'v seen ae proablem wi oor map data, fer example ae road is missin or yer address, the best waa tae
proceed is tae jyn the OpenStreetMap communitie n eik or repair the data yersel.
- other_concerns:
- explanation_html: "Gif ye hae concerns aneat hou oor data is bein uised or
- aneat the contents please see oor\n<a href='/copyright'>copiericht page</a>
- fer mair legal information, or contact the appropriate \n<a href='http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Working_Groups'>OSMF
- wairkin groop</a>."
search_results: Sairch Results
building: Signeeficant biggin
title: Walcome!
- introduction_html: |-
+ introduction: |-
Walcome tae OpenStreetMap, the free an eeditable cairt o the warld. Nou that ye're signed
up, ye're aw set tae get stairtit cairttin. Here's a quick guide wi the maist important
things ye need tae ken.
title: Whit's on the Cairt
- on_html: |-
- OpenStreetMap is a place for cairttin things that are baith <em>real an current</em> -
- it includes millions o biggins, roads, an ither details aboot places. Ye can cairt
- whitever real-warld featurs are interestin tae ye.
- off_html: |-
- Whit it <em>disna</em> include is opinionatit data lik ratins, historical or
- hypothetical featurs, an data frae copyrichtit soorces. Unless ye hae special
- permission, dinna copy frae online or paper cairts.
upload_trace: Uplaid GPS Trace
edits: Eedits
created from: 'Creautit frae:'
- user location: Uiser location
title: 'Note: %{id}'