"commit": {
"title": "上傳到開放街圖",
- "description_placeholder": "你的貢獻摘要(必填)",
- "message_label": "編輯變動註解",
"upload_explanation": "你的修改將會在所有使用OpenStreetMap資料的地圖上看到。",
"upload_explanation_with_user": "你以 {user} 具名的修改將會在所有使用OpenStreetMap資料的地圖上看到。",
+ "request_review": "我需要其他人檢視查核我的編輯。",
"save": "上傳",
"cancel": "取消",
"changes": "{count} 變動數",
+ "download_changes": "下載 osmChange 檔案",
"warnings": "警告",
"modified": "已修改",
"deleted": "已刪除",
"list": "正顯示 {users} 的編輯",
"truncated_list": "由 {users} 與另外 {count} 人編輯"
- "infobox": {
- "selected": "{n} 被選擇",
- "geometry": "幾何",
- "closed": "已關閉",
- "center": "中心",
- "perimeter": "周長",
- "length": "長度",
- "area": "區域",
- "centroid": "質心",
- "location": "地點",
- "metric": "公制",
- "imperial": "英制"
+ "info_panels": {
+ "key": "I",
+ "background": {
+ "key": "B",
+ "title": "背景",
+ "zoom": "縮放",
+ "vintage": "年代",
+ "source": "來源",
+ "description": "描述",
+ "resolution": "解析度",
+ "accuracy": "準確度",
+ "unknown": "未知",
+ "show_tiles": "顯示圖磚",
+ "hide_tiles": "隱藏圖磚"
+ },
+ "history": {
+ "key": "H",
+ "title": "歷史",
+ "selected": "{n} 被選擇",
+ "version": "版本",
+ "last_edit": "最近編輯",
+ "edited_by": "編輯由",
+ "changeset": "變更組合",
+ "unknown": "未知",
+ "link_text": "在 openstreetmap.org 上的歷史"
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "key": "L",
+ "title": "位置",
+ "unknown_location": "未知位置"
+ },
+ "measurement": {
+ "key": "M",
+ "title": "測量",
+ "selected": "{n} 被選擇",
+ "geometry": "形狀",
+ "closed": "已關閉",
+ "center": "中心",
+ "perimeter": "周長",
+ "length": "長度",
+ "area": "區域",
+ "centroid": "質心",
+ "location": "位置",
+ "metric": "公制",
+ "imperial": "英制"
+ }
"geometry": {
"point": "點",
"background": {
"title": "背景",
"description": "背景圖像設定",
+ "key": "B",
"percent_brightness": "{opacity}%的亮度",
"none": "無",
"best_imagery": "這個地點已知最佳的影像來源",
"switch": "切換回此背景",
"custom": "客製化",
"custom_button": "編輯自訂的背景",
- "custom_prompt": "輸å\85¥å\9c°å\9c\96å½±å\83\8få\8d\80å¡\8aç\9a\84 URL 模ç\89\88ã\80\82以 Z/X/Y æ\96¹å¼\8få\98å\8f\96å\8d\80å¡\8aç\9a\84伺æ\9c\8då\99¨ï¼\8cå\8f¯å\9c¨æ¨¡ç\89\88ä¸ä½¿ç\94¨ {z}, {x}, {y} ä½\9cå\8f\83æ\95¸ï¼\8cè\80\8c以 quadtile å\98å\8f\96å\8d\80å¡\8aç\9a\84伺æ\9c\8då\99¨ï¼\8cå\89\87å\8f¯ä½¿ç\94¨ {u} ä½\9cå\8f\83æ\95¸ã\80\82",
+ "custom_prompt": "輸å\85¥å\9c\96ç£\9a URL ç¯\84æ\9c¬ã\80\82æ\9c\89æ\95\88ç\9a\84代è\99\9fæ\98¯ï¼\9a\n - {zoom}/{z}, {x}, {y} 給 Z/X/Y çµ\90æ§\8b\n - {ty} 給 TMS 樣å¼\8fç\9a\84 Y 座æ¨\99\n - {u} 給 quadtile çµ\90æ§\8b使ç\94¨\n - {switch:a,b,c} 給 DNS 伺æ\9c\8då\99¨å¤\9aè·¯é\80\9aè¨\8a使ç\94¨\n\nç¯\84ä¾\8bï¼\9a\n{example}",
"fix_misalignment": "調整影像偏移",
"imagery_source_faq": "影像是從那裡來的呢?",
"reset": "重設",
"offset": "在灰色區域內拖拉調整影像偏移,或是輸入偏移公尺數。",
"minimap": {
"description": "小地圖",
- "tooltip": "顯示縮小的地圖幫助你確認所在區域的位置"
+ "tooltip": "顯示縮小的地圖幫助你確認所在區域的位置",
+ "key": "/"
"map_data": {
"title": "地圖圖資",
"description": "地圖圖資",
+ "key": "F",
"data_layers": "資料圖層",
+ "layers": {
+ "osm": {
+ "tooltip": "來自開放街圖的地圖資料",
+ "title": "開放街圖資料"
+ }
+ },
"fill_area": "填充選項",
"map_features": "地圖圖徵",
- "autohidden": "因為螢幕中的特徵太多,這些特徵已被自動隱藏。請放大再修編。"
+ "autohidden": "因為螢幕中的特徵太多,這些特徵已被自動隱藏。請放大再修編。",
+ "osmhidden": "因為開放街圖的圖層隱藏,所以這些圖徽已自動隱藏。"
"feature": {
"points": {
"area_fill": {
"wireframe": {
"description": "不填充 (線條顯示)",
- "tooltip": "啟用線框模式,可以很容易地看到背景圖像。"
+ "tooltip": "啟用線框模式,可以很容易地看到背景圖像。",
+ "key": "W"
"partial": {
"description": "部分填充",
"restore": {
"heading": "您有未儲存的編輯",
"description": "您在上一次編輯時仍有未儲存的修改,你想恢復這些修改嗎﹖",
- "restore": "恢復",
- "reset": "重設"
+ "restore": "復原我的變更",
+ "reset": "丟棄我的變更"
"save": {
"title": "儲存",
"keep_remote": "使用他們的",
"restore": "復原",
"delete": "放棄資料",
- "download_changes": "下載你做的變動",
+ "download_changes": "或下載 osmChange 檔案",
"done": "所有衝突已解決!",
"help": "另一個使用者變更了您變更的相同的某些圖徽。\n在每個圖徽下面點選以取得更多衝突的資訊,並選取要保留\n您的變更或是其他使用者的變更。\n"
"help": {
"title": "說明文件",
+ "key": "H",
"help": "# 說明\n\n這是[開放街圖](http://www.openstreetmap.org/)的編輯器。\n開放街圖是自由及可編輯的世界地圖。您可以用這個編輯器來添加和更新您所在區域的地圖資料,令這個開源和開放資料的世界地圖變得更好。\n\n您在地圖上所做的編輯,將會讓所有使用開放街圖的人看到。為了編輯,您需要先[登入](https://www.openstreetmap.org/login)。\n\n[iD編輯器](http://ideditor.com/) 採用開源方式合作開發的專案, [原始碼可在GitHub找到](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD)。\n",
- "editing_saving": "# 編輯和儲存\n\n這個編輯器主要是設計用來線上編輯的,而你現在正透過網站使用它。\n\n### 選擇物件\n\n要選擇一個地圖上的物件,如道路或興趣點,可以在地圖上點選它。這會讓已選擇的物件醒目顯示,並開啟一個有著它的詳細資料的面板,且顯示一個你能對物件做什麼事的選單。\n\n要選擇多個物件,按住「Shift」鍵,然後點選您想選擇的物件;或是按住「Shift」鍵並在地圖上拖曳畫出一個矩形,這將畫出一個方塊並選擇在內部的所有點。\n\n### 儲存編輯\n\n當你做出修改像是編輯道路、建築物和場所,它們會被存放在本機直到你儲存至伺服器。別擔心如果你犯了錯,您可以按「撤銷」鈕修改,或按「重做」鈕重做被撤銷的修改。\n\n按「儲存」結束一組編輯-譬如你已經完成一塊城鎮中的區域,而且想在新的區域開始。您將有機會覆核你做的編輯,而若有些修改看起來有錯,編輯器將提供有幫助的建議和警告。\n\n如果一切都沒錯,您可以輸入一段簡短的注釋來解釋你做了什麼修改,然後再按一次「儲存」鈕把修改發布到 [OpenStreetMap.org](http://www.openstreetmap.org/),在那裡這些修改將可以被其他使用者看到並加以改進。\n\n如果你不能一次完成你的編輯,你可以離開編輯器視窗,再從同一個瀏覽器和電腦回來,編輯器將讓你選擇是否恢復你的編輯。\n\n### 使用這個編輯器\n\n[這裡](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ID/Shortcuts)有一個可用的鍵盤快速鍵清單。\n",
+ "editing_saving": "# 編輯和儲存\n\n這個編輯器設計上主要為了在線上運作,現在你正透過網路連線在網路上存取它。\n\n### 選擇圖徵\n\n要選擇圖徵,像是道路或是興趣點,請點一下地圖。\n這會高亮度顯示選擇的圖徵,並且開啟有詳細資訊的面版,\n顯示所有你能對圖徵做的動作。\n要選擇多個圖徵,你必須按住'Shift'鍵。\n接著按你想選擇的圖徵,或是拖拉地圖來畫出長方形。\n這樣做會畫出方框選擇所有在範圍裡的點。\n\n### 儲存編輯\n\n當你編輯道路、建築和地方等變動時,\n這些資料會儲存在本地空間,直到你上傳到伺服器。\n不要擔心你可能會犯錯,你可以按復原按鈕恢復變動,\n以及按重覆按鍵重覆動作。\n\n按'儲存'結束這一串編輯 - 舉例來說,\n如果你完成繪製城鎮裡的一區,想要開始畫新的一區。你有機會回顧先前你做的事情,而編輯器提供有用的建議,\n而且如果出錯時會警告。\n\n如果所有東西都看起來都好的時候,你可以輸入簡短的評論,解釋你的變動,\n接著再次按'儲存'輸出變動到[OpenStreetMap.org](http://www.openstreetmap.org/),\n之後會讓大家都看得到,並且繼續繪製和改進。\n如果你無法在一次的時間裡完成編輯,你可以關係編輯器視窗,之後再回來 (相同瀏覽器和電腦),\n編輯器程式會詢問你是否恢復你的工作。\n\n### 使用編輯器\n\n你可以按 `?`顯示鍵盤快速鍵清單。\n",
"roads": "# 道路\n\n您可以利用這個編輯器創建,修復,及刪除道路。道路可以有很多種:行人路徑,公路,步道,單車路線等等 - 任何經常使用的路段都可製圖。\n\n### 選擇道路\n\n按圖上的道路以選擇該道路。道路的輪廓會以高亮度顯示,而同時地圖上會出現小工具選單,旁邊亦會彈出面板,顯示有關該道路的資訊。\n\n### 修改道路\n\n您或會經常注意到,道路並非對齊在背景中顯示的衛星圖像或GPS軌跡。您可以調整這些道路,讓他們位於正確的位置。\n\n首先,按您想修訂的道路。這會將道路以高亮度顯示,並顯示沿著這道路的節點,你可以拖曳這些節點到更好的位置。如果您想增加細節,可以為道路添加新的節點,點擊兩下道路上沒有節點的部分,便可在該處増加節點。\n\n如果道路連接到另一條道路,但在地圖上並未妥善連接,你可以拖曳道路的其中一個節點到另一條道路上,以連接兩條道路。連接好道路,對地圖非常重要,特別是對提供駕駛指示的應用程序而言,是必要的。\n\n您也可以按下'移動'工具或按`M`快速鍵,來移動整條道路,然後按一下以完成移動的動作。\n\n### 刪除道路\n\n如果一條道路完全不正確 - 您看到它在衛星圖像上不存在,並最好實地證實它根本不存在 - 您可以將道路刪除,這會從地圖中將之移除。刪除物件時務必要小心 - 像任何其他的編輯,結果會被大家看見,而衛星圖像往往會過時,因此該道路或許只是新建的。\n\n要刪除道路,您可以按住它以選擇,然後按下垃圾桶圖標,或按 ’Delete’ 鍵。\n\n### 繪製新道路\n\n發現某處應有一條道路,但地圖上沒有?按編輯器左上方的'線'按鈕,或按下`2`快速鍵,以開始繪製線段。\n\n在地圖上點擊道路的開端,以開始繪製道路。如果道路從一條現有的道路分支出來,應點擊兩者連接的地方,以開始繪製。\n\n然後按住沿著道路的點,以根據衛星影像或GPS軌跡,正確地繪製道路。如果您繪製的道路如果與另一條道路交匯,請點擊相交點以將它們連接起來。當您完成繪製後,可按兩下滑鼠或按鍵盤上的 'Return' 或 ’Enter’ 鍵。\n\n",
"gps": "# GPS\n\nGPS 資料是 OpenStreetMap 最可靠的資料來源. 這個編輯器支援 `.gpx` 的軌跡檔。 你可以使用智慧型手機的程式或個人 GPS 硬體去搜集。\n\n關於如何進行 GPS 資料搜集, 可參考 [Mapping with a smartphone, GPS, or paper](http://learnosm.org/en/mobile-mapping/)。\n\n當要使用 GPX 軌跡檔去繪圖時,你可以直接拖拉 GPX 檔案至地圖編輯器上,如果編輯器識別到軌跡檔時,它將用亮紫色把軌跡顯示在地圖上。你可以點擊右側的 'Map Data' 選單去顯示、隱藏或縮放這個軌跡所產生的圖層。\n\n這個 GPX 軌跡並沒有上傳至 OpenStreetMap,但這種方式適合於當你想把軌跡當成參考資料去繪製新的地圖時,當然你也可以[上傳軌跡至 OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/trace/create) 供其它人使用。\n",
"imagery": "# 圖像\n\n空照圖是繪製地圖重要的資料來源。在畫面右方的'背景圖像設定'選單中,可選擇使用的圖像,\n他們分別為空照圖、衛星影像和其他可自由編輯的圖像資源。\n\n編輯器預設使用[Bing Maps](http://www.bing.com/maps/)的衛星圖層,\n但當您平移或縮放地圖至一個新的地理區域,或可使用新的資源。\n在一些國家,像美國、法國和丹麥,部分區域有非常高品質的圖像。\n\n圖像會與地圖數據有所偏移。如果你看見很多的道路與背景有偏移,請不要立刻將它們全部搬移以與背景刎合。相反,你可以在「背景設定」選單中,點擊下方的「校準底圖」,以調整圖像以配合現有地圖數據。\n\n圖像有時候或會因為圖像提供者方面的誤差,與地圖資料有所偏移。\n如果您看到有很多路與背景是平移錯位的,請不要立刻將它們全部搬移以與背景刎合。\n您只需要點擊圖像設定介面底部的'校準'來調整圖像,讓它符合現有資料。\n",
"choose_cafe": "**從清單選擇 {preset}。**",
"feature_editor": "現在這個節點標示為咖啡店。使用圖徵編輯器,我們可以為咖啡店增加更多資訊。",
"add_name": "在開放街圖中,所有的欄位都是選填,如果你不確定你可以留空。{br}我們假設你對咖啡店有在地知識,而且你知道咖啡店的名字,那就**加上咖啡店的名字。**",
- "add_close": "圖徵編輯器會自動記住你所有的變動。**當你新增完成名稱,按esc鍵,return鍵,或是按{button}按鍵關閉圖徵編輯器。**",
+ "add_close": "圖徵編輯器會自動記住你所有的變動。**當你新增完成名稱,按esc鍵,return鍵,或是按 {button} 按鍵關閉圖徵編輯器。**",
"reselect": "有時候節點早就存在了,但資料填錯或是不完整。我們可以編輯既有的節點。**按一下來選擇剛剛新增的咖啡店。**",
"update": "我們來填入更多咖啡店的細節資訊吧,你可以改名成,加上料理種類,或是加上地址。**改變咖啡店詳情。**",
- "update_close": "**當你更新咖啡店完成後,按esc鍵,enter鏈,或是按{button}鈕關閉圖徵編輯器。**",
+ "update_close": "**當你更新咖啡店完成後,按esc鍵,enter鏈,或是按 {button} 鈕關閉圖徵編輯器。**",
"rightclick": "你可以對任何圖徵按右鍵來開啟*編輯清單*,顯示一系列你可以操作的編輯動作。**右鏈選擇你創建的節點,然後顯示編輯清單。**",
"delete": "如果現實中圖徵不存在,你當然可以刪除。{br}刪除開放街圖上的圖徵,會讓每位使用地圖的人受影響,所以請確定該圖徵的確不存在了才刪除。**點一下{button}按鈕來刪除節點。**",
"undo": "在儲存你編輯到開放街圖前,你總是可以復原任何做出的改變。**按{button}按鈕來復原刪除,恢復原先的節點。**",
"title": "區域",
"add_playground": "*區域*可以用來顯示圖徵邊界,常用在表示湖泊、建築和住宅區。 {br}。另外區域也可以用在更詳盡的畫地圖上面,取代先前只有節點表示的圖徵。**點{button}區域按鈕來新增區域。**",
"start_playground": "讓我們用畫區域的方式來新增遊樂場吧。區域是由增加圖徵邊界的*節點*來繪製。**點或是按空白鍵在遊樂場邊角標上初始節點。**",
- "continue_playground": "繼續在遊樂場邊界標上更多節點來繪製區域。如果遇到既有的人行道,你也可以將區域連接到人行道上。{br}小技巧:你可以按住Alt鍵防止節點連到其他圖徵。**繼續繪製遊樂場區域。**",
+ "continue_playground": "繼續在遊樂場邊界標上更多節點來繪製區域。如果遇到既有的人行道,你也可以將區域連接到人行道上。{br}小技巧:你可以按住 '{alt}' 鍵防止節點連到其他圖徵。 **繼續繪製遊樂場區域。** ",
"finish_playground": "按enter鏈或是按第一個或最後一個節點完成編輯。**完成遊樂場區域繪製**",
"search_playground": "**搜尋'{preset}'。**",
"choose_playground": "**從清單選擇{preset}**",
"rightclick_intersection": "最後一條真實存在的道路是 {street1},所以我們*分割* {street2} 交叉口,移除上面的東西。**對著交叉口按右鍵。**",
"split_intersection": "**點 {button} 按鈕來分割 {street}。**",
"retry_split": "你沒有按分割按鈕。再試一下。",
- "did_split_multi": "太棒了! {street1} 已經分割為兩段了。上半部可以被移除。**點選 {street2} 上半部來選取它。**",
+ "did_split_multi": "太棒了! {street1} 已經分割為兩段了。上半部可以被移除。**點選 {street2} 的上半部來選取它。**",
"did_split_single": "**點 {street2} 上半部來選取它。**",
"multi_select": "已經選取 {selected}。讓我們選另一段 {other1}。你可以用 shift 點選方式多重選擇物件。**Shift 點選 {other2}。**",
"multi_rightclick": "太好了!兩條選取的線都被刪除了。**對著其中一條線按右鍵顯示編輯目錄。**",
"title": "建築",
"add_building": "開放街圖是世界最大的建築資料庫。 {br}你可以藉由描繪建築增加建築,幫忙增進資料庫物件。**點 {button} 區域按鍵新增區域。**",
"start_building": "讓我們描繪這棟建築的外框,新增一棟建築。 {br}描繪建築時要依據建築地基,越精確越好。**點或是按空白鍵在建築角邊新增節點。**",
- "continue_building": "繼續新增更多建築外框的節點。記住你想要增加更多細節時可以放大地圖。 {br}當描繪完成時,按 enter,或是再按一次第一個或最後一個節點。**完成描會建築。**",
+ "continue_building": "繼續新增更多建築外框的節點。記住你想要增加更多細節時可以放大地圖。{br}當描繪完成時,按 enter,或是再按一次第一個或最後一個節點。**完成描會建築。**",
"retry_building": "看起你好像加建築邊角的節點時遇到困難了。再試一次!",
"choose_category_building": "**從清單選擇 {category}。**",
"choose_preset_house": "有不同種類的建築,但這棟應該是洋房。 {br}如果你不確定建築類型,你可以選擇一般建築類型就婕。**選擇 {preset} 類型。**",
"done_square": "看到建築的角落移到位置了嗎?讓我們來學習另一個實用技巧。",
"add_tank": "接下來我們要描繪油槽。**點 {button} 區域按鈕新增區域。**",
"start_tank": "不用擔心你畫不出來完美的圓形。先沿著油槽邊畫油槽範圍。**點或按空白鍵在油槽邊緣標上起始節點。**",
- "continue_tank": "沿著邊緣新增更多節點。圓圈會依你描繪的節點出現形狀。 {br}按 enter 鍵,或是點第一個或最末節點。**完成描繪油槽。**",
+ "continue_tank": "沿著邊緣新增更多節點。圓圈會依你描繪的節點出現形狀。{br}按 enter 鍵,或是點第一個或最末節點。**完成描繪油槽。**",
"search_tank": "**搜尋 '{preset}'。**",
"choose_tank": "**從清單選擇 {preset}。**",
"rightclick_tank": "**對著新增的油槽按右鍵,接著顯示編輯目錄。**",
"startediting": {
"title": "開始編輯",
- "help": "你現在準備好可以來編輯開放街圖了! {br}你可以再看一次新手教學,或者按下 {button} 幫助按鈕看更多使用說明。",
+ "help": "你現在準備好可以來編輯開放街圖了! {br}你可以再看一次新手教學,或者按下 {button} 說明按鈕或 '{key}' 鍵看更多使用說明。 ",
+ "shortcuts": "您可以透過按下 '{key}' 鍵來檢視指令與它們的快捷鍵的清單。",
"save": "不要忘記定時儲存您的編輯!",
"start": "開始製圖!"
+ "shortcuts": {
+ "title": "鍵盤快速鍵",
+ "tooltip": "顯示鍵盤快速鍵畫面",
+ "toggle": {
+ "key": "?"
+ },
+ "key": {
+ "alt": "Alt",
+ "backspace": "Backspace",
+ "cmd": "Cmd",
+ "ctrl": "Ctrl",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "del": "Del",
+ "end": "End",
+ "enter": "Enter",
+ "esc": "Esc",
+ "home": "Home",
+ "option": "Option",
+ "pause": "Pause",
+ "pgdn": "PgDn",
+ "pgup": "PgUp",
+ "return": "Return",
+ "shift": "Shift",
+ "space": "Space"
+ },
+ "gesture": {
+ "drag": "拖拉"
+ },
+ "or": "-or-",
+ "browsing": {
+ "title": "瀏覽",
+ "navigation": {
+ "title": "導航",
+ "pan": "平移地圖",
+ "pan_more": "全螢幕平移地圖",
+ "zoom": "放大 / 縮小",
+ "zoom_more": "大幅度放大 / 縮小"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "title": "幫助",
+ "help": "顯示幫助/文件",
+ "keyboard": "顯示鍵盤快速鍵"
+ },
+ "display_options": {
+ "title": "顯示設定",
+ "background": "顯示背景設定",
+ "background_switch": "切換回上一個背景圖層",
+ "map_data": "顯示地圖資料選項",
+ "fullscreen": "進入全螢幕模式",
+ "wireframe": "切換線框模式",
+ "minimap": "切換小地圖"
+ },
+ "selecting": {
+ "title": "選擇圖徵",
+ "select_one": "選擇單一圖徵",
+ "select_multi": "選擇多個圖徵",
+ "lasso": "套索選擇圖徵周圍"
+ },
+ "with_selected": {
+ "title": "選中圖徵",
+ "edit_menu": "切換編輯選單"
+ },
+ "vertex_selected": {
+ "title": "選中節點",
+ "previous": "跳轉到上一個節點",
+ "next": "跳轉到下一個節點",
+ "first": "跳轉到第一個節點",
+ "last": "跳轉到最後一個節點",
+ "change_parent": "切換到父母路徑"
+ }
+ },
+ "editing": {
+ "title": "編輯",
+ "drawing": {
+ "title": "繪製",
+ "add_point": "'增加節點'模式",
+ "add_line": "'增加線段'模式",
+ "add_area": "'增加區域'模式",
+ "place_point": "放置一個點",
+ "disable_snap": "按住可禁用點捕捉模式",
+ "stop_line": "完成繪製線段或區域"
+ },
+ "operations": {
+ "title": "操作",
+ "continue_line": "從選擇節點繼續繪製線條",
+ "merge": "合併選擇圖徵",
+ "disconnect": "在選擇節點斷開圖徵",
+ "split": "從選擇節點分割成兩條線段",
+ "reverse": "反轉線條",
+ "move": "移動選擇圖徵",
+ "rotate": "旋轉選擇圖徵",
+ "orthogonalize": "拉直線 / 形狀角落直角化",
+ "circularize": "封閉線條或區域圓形化",
+ "reflect_long": "以其長軸映射圖徽。",
+ "reflect_short": "以其短軸映射圖徽",
+ "delete": "刪除選擇圖徵"
+ },
+ "commands": {
+ "title": "命令",
+ "copy": "複製選擇圖徵",
+ "paste": "貼上複製的圖徵",
+ "undo": "還原上一個動作",
+ "redo": "重覆上一個動作",
+ "save": "儲存變更"
+ }
+ },
+ "tools": {
+ "title": "工具",
+ "info": {
+ "title": "資訊",
+ "all": "切換所有資訊面板",
+ "background": "切換背景面板",
+ "history": "切換歷史面板",
+ "location": "切換位置面板",
+ "measurement": "切換測量面板"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"presets": {
"categories": {
"category-barrier": {
"access_simple": {
"label": "允許通行"
- "access_toilets": {
- "label": "開放與否"
- },
"address": {
"label": "地址",
"placeholders": {
"subdistrict": "分區",
"subdistrict!vn": "行政區/社區/小市鎮",
"suburb": "細區",
- "suburb!jp": "行政區"
+ "suburb!jp": "行政區",
+ "unit": "單位"
"admin_level": {
"brand": {
"label": "品牌"
+ "bridge": {
+ "label": "類型",
+ "placeholder": "預設"
+ },
"building": {
"label": "建築物"
"clockwise": "順時針"
+ "clothes": {
+ "label": "服飾"
+ },
"club": {
"label": "類型"
"collection_times": {
"label": "收集時間"
+ "comment": {
+ "label": "編輯變動留言",
+ "placeholder": "你的貢獻摘要(必填)"
+ },
"communication_multi": {
"label": "通訊類型"
"craft": {
"label": "種類"
+ "crane/type": {
+ "label": "起重機類型",
+ "options": {
+ "floor-mounted_crane": "落地式起重機",
+ "portal_crane": "門式起重機",
+ "travel_lift": "移動式起重機"
+ }
+ },
"crop": {
"label": "作物"
"currency_multi": {
"label": "貨幣種類"
+ "cutting": {
+ "label": "類型",
+ "placeholder": "預設"
+ },
"cycle_network": {
"label": "單車網路"
"drive_through": {
"label": "得來速"
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "時間",
+ "placeholder": "00:00"
+ },
"electrified": {
"label": "電氣化",
"options": {
"label": "Email",
"placeholder": "example@example.com"
+ "embankment": {
+ "label": "類型",
+ "placeholder": "預設"
+ },
"emergency": {
"label": "緊急"
"fixme": {
"label": "修復我"
+ "ford": {
+ "label": "類型",
+ "placeholder": "預設"
+ },
"fuel": {
"label": "燃料"
"generator/method": {
"label": "方法"
+ "generator/output/electricity": {
+ "label": "電力輸出",
+ "placeholder": "50 MW, 100 MW, 200 MW..."
+ },
"generator/source": {
"label": "來源"
"generator/type": {
"label": "種類"
- "golf_hole": {
- "label": "編號",
- "placeholder": "球洞編號(1-18)"
- },
"grape_variety": {
"label": "葡萄品種"
"handrail": {
"label": "扶手"
+ "hashtags": {
+ "label": "建議的資料標籤",
+ "placeholder": "#範例"
+ },
+ "healthcare": {
+ "label": "類型"
+ },
+ "healthcare/speciality": {
+ "label": "專科"
+ },
"height": {
"label": "高度 (公尺)"
"inscription": {
"label": "題詞"
+ "intermittent": {
+ "label": "週期性的"
+ },
"internet_access": {
"label": "網際網絡存取",
"options": {
"kerb": {
"label": "路邊斜坡"
+ "label": {
+ "label": "標籤"
+ },
"lamp_type": {
"label": "種類"
"placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
"layer": {
- "label": "層"
+ "label": "層",
+ "placeholder": "0"
"leaf_cycle": {
"label": "落葉期",
"man_made": {
"label": "種類"
+ "manhole": {
+ "label": "類型"
+ },
"map_size": {
"label": "覆蓋範圍"
"maxstay": {
"label": "可停留時間"
+ "maxweight": {
+ "label": "最大承重"
+ },
+ "memorial": {
+ "label": "類型"
+ },
+ "milestone_position": {
+ "label": "里程碑位置",
+ "placeholder": "距離,顯示一位小數 (123.4)"
+ },
"mtb/scale": {
"label": "越越單車難度",
"options": {
"plant": {
"label": "電廠"
+ "plant/output/electricity": {
+ "label": "電力輸出",
+ "placeholder": "500 MW, 1000 MW, 2000 MW..."
+ },
+ "playground/baby": {
+ "label": "嬰兒座椅"
+ },
+ "playground/max_age": {
+ "label": "最大年齡"
+ },
+ "playground/min_age": {
+ "label": "最小年齡"
+ },
"population": {
"label": "人口數"
"ref": {
- "label": "編號"
+ "label": "參考編號"
+ },
+ "ref_aeroway_gate": {
+ "label": "閘門編號"
+ },
+ "ref_golf_hole": {
+ "label": "球洞編號",
+ "placeholder": "1-18"
+ },
+ "ref_highway_junction": {
+ "label": "路口編號"
+ },
+ "ref_platform": {
+ "label": "站台編號"
+ },
+ "ref_road_number": {
+ "label": "道路邊號"
+ },
+ "ref_route": {
+ "label": "路線編號"
+ },
+ "ref_runway": {
+ "label": "跑道編號",
+ "placeholder": "範例:01L/19R"
+ },
+ "ref_stop_position": {
+ "label": "站體編號"
+ },
+ "ref_taxiway": {
+ "label": "滑行道號碼",
+ "placeholder": "範例:A5"
"relation": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "服務時間"
"shelter": {
- "label": "涼äº"
+ "label": "æ\9c\89è\93\8bç¯\84å\9c\8d"
"shelter_type": {
"label": "種類"
"placeholder": "未知種類"
+ "structure_waterway": {
+ "label": "結構體",
+ "options": {
+ "tunnel": "隧道"
+ },
+ "placeholder": "未知"
+ },
"studio": {
"label": "種類"
"tourism": {
"label": "種類"
+ "tourism_attraction": {
+ "label": "旅遊"
+ },
"tower/construction": {
"label": "建材",
"placeholder": "拉線、鋼格、偽裝、..."
"placeholder": "堅硬地面、硬物鋪面、軟鋪面"
+ "trade": {
+ "label": "類型"
+ },
"traffic_calming": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "樹"
"tunnel": {
- "label": "隧道"
+ "label": "類型",
+ "placeholder": "預設"
"vending": {
"label": "貨品種類"
"street": "5 到 20 公尺(16 到 65 英呎)"
+ "volcano/status": {
+ "label": "火山狀態",
+ "options": {
+ "active": "活",
+ "dormant": "休眠",
+ "extinct": "死"
+ }
+ },
+ "volcano/type": {
+ "label": "火山類型",
+ "options": {
+ "scoria": "火山渣",
+ "shield": "盾狀",
+ "stratovolcano": "複式火山"
+ }
+ },
"wall": {
"label": "種類"
"name": "診所",
"terms": "診療所,醫務所"
+ "amenity/clinic/abortion": {
+ "name": "墮胎診所",
+ "terms": "墮胎診所"
+ },
+ "amenity/clinic/fertility": {
+ "name": "生產診所",
+ "terms": "生產診所"
+ },
"amenity/clock": {
"name": "時鐘",
"terms": "時鐘,鐘塔"
"name": "教堂",
"terms": "教堂,教會"
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/hindu": {
+ "name": "印度寺廟",
+ "terms": "印度寺廟"
+ },
"amenity/place_of_worship/jewish": {
"name": "猶太教堂",
"terms": "猶太會堂,synagogue"
"name": "清真寺",
"terms": "清真寺,回教寺"
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/shinto": {
+ "name": "神社",
+ "terms": "神社,日本神社"
+ },
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/sikh": {
+ "name": "錫克教寺廟",
+ "terms": "錫克教寺廟"
+ },
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/taoist": {
+ "name": "道教寺廟",
+ "terms": "道教寺廟"
+ },
"amenity/planetarium": {
"name": "天文臺",
"terms": "天文臺,天文台,觀象台"
"name": "中小學範圍",
"terms": "學校,中學,小學,國中,國小,高中,學校用地,學校範圍,School Grounds,School"
+ "amenity/scrapyard": {
+ "name": "汽車廢料場",
+ "terms": "汽車廢料場,廢料場,回收場"
+ },
"amenity/shelter": {
"name": "涼亭",
"terms": "遮雨棚,亭,亭子"
+ "amenity/shower": {
+ "name": "淋浴間",
+ "terms": "淋浴間,淋浴"
+ },
"amenity/social_facility": {
"name": "社福機構",
"terms": "社福設施"
"name": "糞便袋販賣機",
"terms": "糞便袋自動販賣機,販賣機"
+ "amenity/vending_machine/feminine_hygiene": {
+ "name": "女性衛生用品自動販賣機",
+ "terms": "女性衛生用品自動販賣機,衛生棉自動販賣機,棉條自動販賣機"
+ },
"amenity/vending_machine/news_papers": {
"name": "報紙販賣機"
"name": "獸醫院",
"terms": "獸醫診所, 動物醫院"
+ "amenity/waste/dog_excrement": {
+ "name": "狗排洩物箱",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Dog Excrement Bin', separated by commas>"
+ },
"amenity/waste_basket": {
"name": "垃圾筒",
"terms": "廢物箱,垃圾箱"
"name": "路面材質",
"terms": "路面材質,路面"
+ "attraction/amusement_ride": {
+ "name": "遊樂園",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Amusement Ride', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/animal": {
+ "name": "動物",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Animal', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/big_wheel": {
+ "name": "摩天輪",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Big Wheel', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/bumper_car": {
+ "name": "碰碰車",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Bumper Car', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/bungee_jumping": {
+ "name": "高空彈跳",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Bungee Jumping', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/carousel": {
+ "name": "旋轉木馬",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Carousel', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/dark_ride": {
+ "name": "黑暗探險",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Dark Ride', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/drop_tower": {
+ "name": "自由落體",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Drop Tower', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/pirate_ship": {
+ "name": "海盜船",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Pirate Ship', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/river_rafting": {
+ "name": "激流船",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'River Rafting', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/roller_coaster": {
+ "name": "雲霄飛車",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Roller Coaster', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/train": {
+ "name": "遊樂園小火車",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Tourist Train', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "attraction/water_slide": {
+ "name": "滑水道",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Water Slide', separated by commas>"
+ },
"barrier": {
"name": "柵欄",
"terms": "關卡"
"terms": "製鐘店"
"craft/confectionery": {
- "name": "甜點店",
- "terms": "糕餅店"
+ "name": "糖果製造商",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Candy Maker', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "craft/distillery": {
+ "name": "酒廠",
+ "terms": "釀酒廠,造酒廠"
"craft/dressmaker": {
"name": "製衣店",
"name": "電氣工程",
"terms": "電氣工程"
+ "craft/electronics_repair": {
+ "name": "電器維修店",
+ "terms": "維修店,修電器店"
+ },
"craft/gardener": {
"name": "園藝師",
"terms": "園藝師"
"name": "消防栓",
"terms": "消防栓,消防設施,"
+ "emergency/life_ring": {
+ "name": "救生圈",
+ "terms": "救生圈"
+ },
"emergency/no": {
"name": "不開放緊急通行"
"name": "行人穿越道",
"terms": "行人穿越道"
+ "footway/crossing-raised": {
+ "name": "突起穿越道",
+ "terms": "突起穿越道,穿越道"
+ },
"footway/crosswalk": {
"name": "人行穿越道",
"terms": "斑馬線"
+ "footway/crosswalk-raised": {
+ "name": "突起行人穿越道",
+ "terms": "突起行人穿越道,行人穿越道"
+ },
"footway/sidewalk": {
"name": "人行道",
"terms": "路邊行人路"
"name": "水障礙區",
"terms": "水障礙區"
+ "healthcare": {
+ "name": "醫療設施",
+ "terms": "醫療設施"
+ },
+ "healthcare/alternative": {
+ "name": "替代療法",
+ "terms": "替代療法"
+ },
+ "healthcare/alternative/chiropractic": {
+ "name": "脊骨神經醫師",
+ "terms": "脊骨神經醫師,脊骨按摩治療師,脊椎指壓治療者"
+ },
+ "healthcare/audiologist": {
+ "name": "聽覺矯正",
+ "terms": "聽覺矯正"
+ },
+ "healthcare/birthing_center": {
+ "name": "生育中心",
+ "terms": "生育中心,分娩中心"
+ },
"healthcare/blood_donation": {
"name": "捐血中心",
"terms": "捐血中心,捐血站,捐血車"
+ "healthcare/hospice": {
+ "name": "安養院",
+ "terms": "安養院"
+ },
+ "healthcare/midwife": {
+ "name": "助產士",
+ "terms": "助產士"
+ },
+ "healthcare/occupational_therapist": {
+ "name": "職能治療師",
+ "terms": "職能治療師"
+ },
+ "healthcare/optometrist": {
+ "name": "驗光師",
+ "terms": "驗光師"
+ },
+ "healthcare/physiotherapist": {
+ "name": "物理治療師",
+ "terms": "物理治療師"
+ },
+ "healthcare/podiatrist": {
+ "name": "足科醫師",
+ "terms": "足科醫師,足科醫生"
+ },
+ "healthcare/psychotherapist": {
+ "name": "心理治療師",
+ "terms": "心理治療師"
+ },
+ "healthcare/rehabilitation": {
+ "name": "復建設施",
+ "terms": "復建設施"
+ },
+ "healthcare/speech_therapist": {
+ "name": "語言治療師",
+ "terms": "語言治療師"
+ },
"highway": {
"name": "道路"
"name": "十字路口",
"terms": "十字路口"
+ "highway/crossing-raised": {
+ "name": "突起穿越道",
+ "terms": "突起穿越道,穿越道"
+ },
"highway/crosswalk": {
"name": "行人穿越道",
"terms": "行人穿越道"
+ "highway/crosswalk-raised": {
+ "name": "突起行人穿越道",
+ "terms": "突起行人穿越道,行人穿越道"
+ },
"highway/cycleway": {
"name": "單車路線",
"terms": "單車徑,腳踏車路線"
+ "highway/elevator": {
+ "name": "電梯",
+ "terms": "電梯,升降梯"
+ },
"highway/footway": {
"name": "人行道",
"terms": "步行徑,人行步道"
"terms": "鐵路通道"
"landuse/recreation_ground": {
- "name": "é\81\8aæ¨\82å ´",
- "terms": "遊樂場,遊樂園"
+ "name": "é\81\8aæ\86©å\8d\80",
+ "terms": "休憩區,遊樂場,遊樂園"
"landuse/residential": {
"name": "住宅區",
"name": "高爾夫球場",
"terms": "高爾夫球場"
+ "leisure/hackerspace": {
+ "name": "駭客空間",
+ "terms": "駭客空間"
+ },
"leisure/horse_riding": {
"name": "騎馬場",
"terms": "馬場,騎馬設施"
"name": "煙囪",
"terms": "煙筒"
+ "man_made/crane": {
+ "name": "起重機",
+ "terms": "起重機"
+ },
"man_made/cutline": {
"name": "山林分界線",
"terms": "山林分界線"
"name": "淨水廠",
"terms": "水務設施"
+ "man_made/watermill": {
+ "name": "水力磨坊",
+ "terms": "水力磨坊"
+ },
+ "man_made/windmill": {
+ "name": "風力磨坊",
+ "terms": "風力磨坊"
+ },
"man_made/works": {
"name": "工廠",
"terms": "工廠,加工廠,Factory"
+ "manhole": {
+ "name": "人孔",
+ "terms": "人孔,下水道口"
+ },
+ "manhole/drain": {
+ "name": "排水系統",
+ "terms": "排水系統,排水道"
+ },
+ "manhole/telecom": {
+ "name": "電信公司人孔",
+ "terms": "電信公司人孔,電信人孔"
+ },
"natural": {
"name": "自然景觀",
"terms": "自然物件"
"terms": "NGO辦公室"
"office/physician": {
- "name": "醫務所",
- "terms": "醫務室"
+ "name": "醫務所"
"office/political_party": {
"name": "政黨辦公室",
"name": "村鎮",
"terms": "村落,village"
+ "playground/balance_beam": {
+ "name": "平衡木",
+ "terms": "平衡木"
+ },
+ "playground/basket_spinner": {
+ "name": "籃子旋轉器",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Basket Spinner', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/basket_swing": {
+ "name": "籃子鞦韆",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Basket Swing', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/climbing_frame": {
+ "name": "攀爬架",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Climbing Frame', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/cushion": {
+ "name": "彈力靠墊",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Bouncy Cushion', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/horizontal_bar": {
+ "name": "單槓",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Horizontal Bar', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/roundabout": {
+ "name": "旋轉輪",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Play Roundabout', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/sandpit": {
+ "name": "沙坑",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Sandpit', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/seesaw": {
+ "name": "蹺蹺板",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Seesaw', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/slide": {
+ "name": "溜滑梯",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Slide', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/structure": {
+ "name": "遊樂場設施",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Play Structure', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/swing": {
+ "name": "鞦韆",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Swing', separated by commas>"
+ },
+ "playground/zipwire": {
+ "name": "Zip Wire",
+ "terms": "<translate with synonyms or related terms for 'Zip Wire', separated by commas>"
+ },
"point": {
"name": "點",
"terms": "點"
"name": "發電機",
"terms": "發電機"
+ "power/generator/source_nuclear": {
+ "name": "核子反應爐",
+ "terms": "核子反應爐,核反應爐,核電廠"
+ },
+ "power/generator/source_wind": {
+ "name": "風力發電機",
+ "terms": "風力發電機"
+ },
"power/line": {
"name": "電纜",
"terms": "電線"
"name": "鐵路線遺跡",
"terms": "舊鐵路線"
+ "railway/buffer_stop": {
+ "name": "緩衝站",
+ "terms": "緩衝站"
+ },
"railway/crossing": {
"name": "鐵路平交道(路徑)",
"terms": "鐵路平交道,平交道"
+ "railway/derail": {
+ "name": "鐵路脫軌器",
+ "terms": "鐵路脫軌器"
+ },
"railway/disused": {
"name": "廢棄鐵路",
"terms": "廢棄鐵道,廢棄的鐵路"
"name": "鐵路平交道(道路)",
"terms": "鐵路平交道,平交道"
+ "railway/milestone": {
+ "name": "鐵路里程碑",
+ "terms": "鐵路里程碑"
+ },
"railway/monorail": {
"name": "單軌電車",
"terms": "畢軌電車"
"name": "鐵軌",
"terms": "路軌"
+ "railway/signal": {
+ "name": "鐵道信號",
+ "terms": "鐵道信號"
+ },
"railway/station": {
"name": "火車站",
"terms": "鐵路站,車站,高鐵站"
"name": "捷運入口",
"terms": "地鐵入口,地下鐵入口,捷運出入口,地鐵出入口,地下鐵出入口"
+ "railway/switch": {
+ "name": "鐵路轉轍器",
+ "terms": "鐵路轉轍器"
+ },
+ "railway/train_wash": {
+ "name": "火車清洗處",
+ "terms": "火車清洗處"
+ },
"railway/tram": {
"name": "電車",
"terms": "電車"
"name": "古董店",
"terms": "古董商店"
+ "shop/appliance": {
+ "name": "家用電器店",
+ "terms": "家電店,電器店"
+ },
"shop/art": {
"name": "藝術商店",
"terms": "藝術商店"
"terms": "禮儀公司"
"shop/furnace": {
- "name": "火爐店",
- "terms": "鍋爐店"
+ "name": "火爐店"
"shop/furniture": {
"name": "傢具店",
"name": "賣票亭",
"terms": "售票處"
+ "shop/tiles": {
+ "name": "磁磚商店",
+ "terms": "磁磚商店,磁磚店,瓷磚商店,瓷磚店"
+ },
"shop/tobacco": {
"name": "菸店",
"terms": "香菸店"
"name": "玩具店",
"terms": "玩具店"
+ "shop/trade": {
+ "name": "材料行",
+ "terms": "材料行,供應商,貿易商"
+ },
"shop/travel_agency": {
"name": "旅行社",
"terms": "旅行社"
"terms": "起皺狹長路段"
"traffic_calming/table": {
- "name": "隆起行人穿越道",
- "terms": "隆起行人穿越道"
+ "name": "減速丘",
+ "terms": "減速丘"
"type/boundary": {
"name": "邊界",
"name": "地點",
"terms": "場地"
+ "type/waterway": {
+ "name": "水路",
+ "terms": "水路"
+ },
"vertex": {
"name": "其他",
"terms": "其他"
"name": "溪流",
"terms": "小溪"
+ "waterway/stream_intermittent": {
+ "name": "週期性水流",
+ "terms": "週期性水流"
+ },
"waterway/water_point": {
"name": "海洋飲用水",
"terms": "海洋飲用水"
"terms": "堰堤"
+ },
+ "imagery": {
+ "Bing": {
+ "description": "衛星與空照圖",
+ "name": "Bing 空照圖"
+ },
+ "DigitalGlobe-Premium": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "使用條款與意見回饋"
+ },
+ "description": "Premium DigitalGlobe 衛星圖",
+ "name": "DigitalGlobe Premium 空照圖"
+ },
+ "DigitalGlobe-Standard": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "使用條款與意見回饋"
+ },
+ "description": "Standard DigitalGlobe 衛星圖",
+ "name": "DigitalGlobe Standard 空照圖"
+ },
+ "EsriWorldImagery": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "使用條款與回饋"
+ },
+ "description": "Esri 世界衛星圖。",
+ "name": "Esri 世界衛星圖"
+ },
+ "MAPNIK": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "description": "預設的 OpenStreetMap 圖層",
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap(標準)"
+ },
+ "Mapbox": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "使用條款與意見回饋"
+ },
+ "description": "衛星與空照圖",
+ "name": "Mapbox 衛星圖"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Addresses": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:地址"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Geometry": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:幾何"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Highways": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:道路"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Multipolygon": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:區域"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Places": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:地區"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Routing": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:路徑"
+ },
+ "OSM_Inspector-Tagging": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OSM 檢查器:標籤"
+ },
+ "US-TIGER-Roads-2012": {
+ "name": "TIGER 道路 2012"
+ },
+ "US-TIGER-Roads-2014": {
+ "description": "在縮放等級 16 以上的資料是從美國人口普查局的公眾領域圖資取得的。較低縮放等級的則僅有自2006年開放街圖刪除部份不合授權條款的資料後併入開放街圖的資料",
+ "name": "TIGER 道路 2014"
+ },
+ "US-TIGER-Roads-2017": {
+ "description": "黃 = 自美國人口普查局的公共領域地圖資料取得。紅 = 在開放街圖上找不到資料",
+ "name": "TIGER 道路 2017"
+ },
+ "Waymarked_Trails-Cycling": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Sarah Hoffmann, CC by-SA 3.0,圖資:OpenStreetMap 貢獻者, ODbL 1.0"
+ },
+ "name": "小徑標示:自行車"
+ },
+ "Waymarked_Trails-Hiking": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Sarah Hoffmann, CC by-SA 3.0,圖資:OpenStreetMap 貢獻者, ODbL 1.0"
+ },
+ "name": "小徑標示:健行"
+ },
+ "Waymarked_Trails-MTB": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Sarah Hoffmann, CC by-SA 3.0,圖資:OpenStreetMap 貢獻者, ODbL 1.0"
+ },
+ "name": "小徑標示:MTB"
+ },
+ "Waymarked_Trails-Skating": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Sarah Hoffmann, CC by-SA 3.0,圖資:OpenStreetMap 貢獻者, ODbL 1.0"
+ },
+ "name": "小徑標示:溜冰"
+ },
+ "Waymarked_Trails-Winter_Sports": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© Michael Spreng, CC by-SA 3.0,圖資:OpenStreetMap 貢獻者, ODbL 1.0"
+ },
+ "name": "小徑標示:冬季運動"
+ },
+ "basemap.at": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "basemap.at"
+ },
+ "description": "基於政府資料的奧地利底圖。",
+ "name": "basemap.at"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "basemap.at"
+ },
+ "description": "由 basemap.at 提供的 Orthofoto 圖層。geoimage.at 圖的「繼承者」。",
+ "name": "basemap.at Orthofoto"
+ },
+ "hike_n_bike": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© OpenStreetMap 貢獻者"
+ },
+ "name": "健行與自行車"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "使用條款與意見回饋"
+ },
+ "description": "顯示主要的圖徽以協助您定位。",
+ "name": "定位器覆蓋層"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OpenPT 地圖(覆蓋層)"
+ },
+ "osm-gps": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© OpenStreetMap 貢獻者"
+ },
+ "description": "上傳至開放街圖的公開 GPS 軌跡。",
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap GPS 軌跡"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap(標準黑與白)"
+ },
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+ "text": "© OpenStreetMap 貢獻者,CC-BY-SA"
+ },
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap(德國樣式)"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "Simon Poole,資料 ©OpenStreetMap 貢獻者"
+ },
+ "name": "QA 無地址"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "© 圖磚:skobbler 圖資:OpenStreetMap 貢獻者"
+ },
+ "name": "skobbler"
+ },
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+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "Stamen 設計的圖磚,以 CC-BY 3.0 授權"
+ },
+ "name": "Stamen Terrain"
+ },
+ "tf-cycle": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "地圖 © Thunderforest,資料 © OpenStreetMap 貢獻者"
+ },
+ "name": "Thunderforest OpenCycleMap"
+ },
+ "tf-landscape": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "地圖 © Thunderforest,資料 © OpenStreetMap 貢獻者"
+ },
+ "name": "Thunderforest Landscape"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file