before_action :lookup_user_by_name, :only => [:set_status, :destroy]
before_action :allow_thirdparty_images, :only => [:show]
+ ##
+ # display a list of users matching specified criteria
+ def index
+ if
+ ids = params[:user].keys.collect(&:to_i)
+ User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "confirmed") if params[:confirm]
+ User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "deleted") if params[:hide]
+ redirect_to url_for(:status => params[:status], :ip => params[:ip], :page => params[:page])
+ else
+ @params = params.permit(:status, :ip)
+ conditions = {}
+ conditions[:status] = @params[:status] if @params[:status]
+ conditions[:creation_ip] = @params[:ip] if @params[:ip]
+ @user_pages, @users = paginate(:users,
+ :conditions => conditions,
+ :order => :id,
+ :per_page => 50)
+ end
+ end
+ def show
+ @user = User.find_by(:display_name => params[:display_name])
+ if @user &&
+ (@user.visible? || current_user&.administrator?)
+ @title = @user.display_name
+ else
+ render_unknown_user params[:display_name]
+ end
+ end
+ def new
+ @title = t ""
+ @referer = if params[:referer]
+ safe_referer(params[:referer])
+ else
+ session[:referer]
+ end
+ append_content_security_policy_directives(
+ :form_action => %w[ *]
+ )
+ if current_user
+ # The user is logged in already, so don't show them the signup
+ # page, instead send them to the home page
+ redirect_to @referer || { :controller => "site", :action => "index" }
+ elsif params.key?(:auth_provider) && params.key?(:auth_uid)
+ self.current_user = => params[:email],
+ :email_confirmation => params[:email],
+ :display_name => params[:nickname],
+ :auth_provider => params[:auth_provider],
+ :auth_uid => params[:auth_uid])
+[:notice] = render_to_string :partial => "auth_association"
+ else
+ check_signup_allowed
+ self.current_user =
+ end
+ end
+ def create
+ self.current_user =
+ if check_signup_allowed(
+ session[:referer] = safe_referer(params[:referer]) if params[:referer]
+ "create: #{session[:referer]}"
+ if current_user.auth_provider.present? && current_user.pass_crypt.empty?
+ # We are creating an account with external authentication and
+ # no password was specified so create a random one
+ current_user.pass_crypt = SecureRandom.base64(16)
+ current_user.pass_crypt_confirmation = current_user.pass_crypt
+ end
+ if current_user.invalid?
+ # Something is wrong with a new user, so rerender the form
+ render :action => "new"
+ elsif current_user.auth_provider.present?
+ # Verify external authenticator before moving on
+ session[:new_user] = current_user
+ redirect_to auth_url(current_user.auth_provider, current_user.auth_uid), :status => :temporary_redirect
+ else
+ # Save the user record
+ session[:new_user] = current_user
+ redirect_to :action => :terms
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # destroy a user, marking them as deleted and removing personal data
+ def destroy
+ @user.soft_destroy!
+ redirect_to user_path(:display_name => params[:display_name])
+ end
def terms
@legale = params[:legale] || OSM.ip_to_country(request.remote_ip) || Settings.default_legale
@text = OSM.legal_text_for_country(@legale)
redirect_to edit_account_path
- def new
- @title = t ""
- @referer = if params[:referer]
- safe_referer(params[:referer])
- else
- session[:referer]
- end
- append_content_security_policy_directives(
- :form_action => %w[ *]
- )
- if current_user
- # The user is logged in already, so don't show them the signup
- # page, instead send them to the home page
- redirect_to @referer || { :controller => "site", :action => "index" }
- elsif params.key?(:auth_provider) && params.key?(:auth_uid)
- self.current_user = => params[:email],
- :email_confirmation => params[:email],
- :display_name => params[:nickname],
- :auth_provider => params[:auth_provider],
- :auth_uid => params[:auth_uid])
-[:notice] = render_to_string :partial => "auth_association"
- else
- check_signup_allowed
- self.current_user =
- end
- end
- def create
- self.current_user =
- if check_signup_allowed(
- session[:referer] = safe_referer(params[:referer]) if params[:referer]
- "create: #{session[:referer]}"
- if current_user.auth_provider.present? && current_user.pass_crypt.empty?
- # We are creating an account with external authentication and
- # no password was specified so create a random one
- current_user.pass_crypt = SecureRandom.base64(16)
- current_user.pass_crypt_confirmation = current_user.pass_crypt
- end
- if current_user.invalid?
- # Something is wrong with a new user, so rerender the form
- render :action => "new"
- elsif current_user.auth_provider.present?
- # Verify external authenticator before moving on
- session[:new_user] = current_user
- redirect_to auth_url(current_user.auth_provider, current_user.auth_uid), :status => :temporary_redirect
- else
- # Save the user record
- session[:new_user] = current_user
- redirect_to :action => :terms
- end
- end
- end
- def show
- @user = User.find_by(:display_name => params[:display_name])
- if @user &&
- (@user.visible? || current_user&.administrator?)
- @title = @user.display_name
- else
- render_unknown_user params[:display_name]
- end
- end
# sets a user's status
def set_status
redirect_to user_path(:display_name => params[:display_name])
- ##
- # destroy a user, marking them as deleted and removing personal data
- def destroy
- @user.soft_destroy!
- redirect_to user_path(:display_name => params[:display_name])
- end
- ##
- # display a list of users matching specified criteria
- def index
- if
- ids = params[:user].keys.collect(&:to_i)
- User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "confirmed") if params[:confirm]
- User.where(:id => ids).update_all(:status => "deleted") if params[:hide]
- redirect_to url_for(:status => params[:status], :ip => params[:ip], :page => params[:page])
- else
- @params = params.permit(:status, :ip)
- conditions = {}
- conditions[:status] = @params[:status] if @params[:status]
- conditions[:creation_ip] = @params[:ip] if @params[:ip]
- @user_pages, @users = paginate(:users,
- :conditions => conditions,
- :order => :id,
- :per_page => 50)
- end
- end
# omniauth success callback
def auth_success