- # ====================================================================
- # Remote calls
- # ----- getpresets
- # return presets,presetmenus and presetnames arrays
- def getpresets
- presets={}
- presetmenus={}; presetmenus['point']=[]; presetmenus['way']=[]; presetmenus['POI']=[]
- presetnames={}; presetnames['point']={}; presetnames['way']={}; presetnames['POI']={}
- presettype=''
- presetcategory=''
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: getpresets")
- # File.open("config/potlatch/presets.txt") do |file|
- # Temporary patch to get around filepath problem
- # To remove this patch and make the code nice again:
- # 1. uncomment above line
- # 2. fix the path in the above line
- # 3. delete this here document, and the following line (StringIO....)
- txt=<<-EOF
-motorway: highway=motorway,ref=(type road number)
-trunk road: highway=trunk,ref=(type road number),name=(type road name)
-primary road: highway=primary,ref=(type road number),name=(type road name)
-secondary road: highway=secondary,ref=(type road number),name=(type road name)
-tertiary road: highway=tertiary,ref=,name=(type road name)
-residential road: highway=residential,ref=,name=(type road name)
-unclassified road: highway=unclassified,ref=,name=(type road name)
-footpath: highway=footway,foot=yes
-bridleway: highway=bridleway,foot=yes
-byway: highway=unsurfaced,foot=yes
-permissive path: highway=footway,foot=permissive
-cycle lane: highway=cycleway,cycleway=lane,ncn_ref=
-cycle track: highway=cycleway,cycleway=track,ncn_ref=
-cycle lane (NCN): highway=cycleway,cycleway=lane,name=(type name here),ncn_ref=(type route number)
-cycle track (NCN): highway=cycleway,cycleway=track,name=(type name here),ncn_ref=(type route number)
-canal: waterway=canal,name=(type name here)
-navigable river: waterway=river,boat=yes,name=(type name here)
-navigable drain: waterway=drain,boat=yes,name=(type name here)
-derelict canal: waterway=derelict_canal,name=(type name here)
-unnavigable river: waterway=river,boat=no,name=(type name here)
-unnavigable drain: waterway=drain,boat=no,name=(type name here)
-railway: railway=rail
-tramway: railway=tram
-light railway: railway=light_rail
-preserved railway: railway=preserved
-disused railway tracks: railway=disused
-course of old railway: railway=abandoned
-lake: natural=water,landuse=
-forest: landuse=forest,natural=
-mini roundabout: highway=mini_roundabout
-traffic lights: highway=traffic_signals
-bridge: highway=bridge
-gate: highway=gate
-stile: highway=stile
-cattle grid: highway=cattle_grid
-gate: highway=gate
-lock gate: waterway=lock_gate
-weir: waterway=weir
-aqueduct: waterway=aqueduct
-winding hole: waterway=turning_point
-mooring: waterway=mooring
-station: railway=station
-viaduct: railway=viaduct
-level crossing: railway=crossing
-peak: natural=peak
-car park: amenity=parking
-petrol station: amenity=fuel
-bike park: amenity=bicycle_parking
-city: place=city,name=(type name here),is_in=(type region or county)
-town: place=town,name=(type name here),is_in=(type region or county)
-suburb: place=suburb,name=(type name here),is_in=(type region or county)
-village: place=village,name=(type name here),is_in=(type region or county)
-hamlet: place=hamlet,name=(type name here),is_in=(type region or county)
-attraction: tourism=attraction,amenity=,religion=,denomination=
-church: tourism=,amenity=place_of_worship,name=(type name here),religion=christian,denomination=(type denomination here)
-hotel: tourism=hotel,amenity=,religion=,denomination=
-other religious: tourism=,amenity=place_of_worship,name=(type name here),religion=(type religion),denomination=
-post box: amenity=post_box,tourism=,name=,religion=,denomination=
-post office: amenity=post_office,tourism=,name=,religion=,denomination=
-pub: tourism=,amenity=pub,name=(type name here),religion=,denomination=
-peak: point=peak
- StringIO.open(txt) do |file|
- file.each_line {|line|
- t=line.chomp
- if (t=~/(\w+)\/(\w+)/) then
- presettype=$1
- presetcategory=$2
- presetmenus[presettype].push(presetcategory)
- presetnames[presettype][presetcategory]=["(no preset)"]
- elsif (t=~/^(.+):\s?(.+)$/) then
- pre=$1; kv=$2
- presetnames[presettype][presetcategory].push(pre)
- presets[pre]={}
- kv.split(',').each {|a|
- if (a=~/^(.+)=(.*)$/) then presets[pre][$1]=$2 end
- }
- end
- }
- end
- return [presets,presetmenus,presetnames]
- end
- # ----- whichways(left,bottom,right,top)
- # return array of ways in current bounding box
- # at present, instead of using correct (=more complex) SQL to find
- # corner-crossing ways, it simply enlarges the bounding box by +/- 0.01
- def whichways(args)
- xmin = args[0].to_f-0.01
- ymin = args[1].to_f-0.01
- xmax = args[2].to_f+0.01
- ymax = args[3].to_f+0.01
- baselong = args[4]
- basey = args[5]
- masterscale = args[6]
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: whichways, bbox=#{xmin},#{ymin},#{xmax},#{ymax}")
- waylist = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT DISTINCT current_way_nodes.id AS wayid"+
- " FROM current_way_nodes,current_nodes,current_ways "+
- " WHERE current_nodes.id=current_way_nodes.node_id "+
- " AND current_nodes.visible=1 "+
- " AND current_ways.id=current_way_nodes.id "+
- " AND current_ways.visible=1 "+
- " AND "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, "current_nodes."))
- ways = waylist.collect {|a| a['wayid'].to_i } # get an array of way IDs
- pointlist = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT current_nodes.id,current_nodes.latitude*0.0000001 AS lat,current_nodes.longitude*0.0000001 AS lng,current_nodes.tags "+
- " FROM current_nodes "+
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN current_way_nodes cwn ON cwn.node_id=current_nodes.id "+
- " WHERE "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, "current_nodes.")+
- " AND cwn.id IS NULL "+
- " AND current_nodes.visible=1")
- points = pointlist.collect {|a| [a['id'],long2coord(a['lng'].to_f,baselong,masterscale),lat2coord(a['lat'].to_f,basey,masterscale),tag2array(a['tags'])] } # get a list of node ids and their tags
- return [ways,points]
- end
- # ----- whichways_deleted(left,bottom,right,top)
- # return array of deleted ways in current bounding box
- def whichways_deleted(args)
- xmin = args[0].to_f-0.01
- ymin = args[1].to_f-0.01
- xmax = args[2].to_f+0.01
- ymax = args[3].to_f+0.01
- baselong = args[4]
- basey = args[5]
- masterscale = args[6]
- waylist = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT DISTINCT current_way_nodes.id AS wayid"+
- " FROM current_way_nodes,current_nodes,current_ways "+
- " WHERE current_nodes.id=current_way_nodes.node_id "+
- " AND current_ways.id=current_way_nodes.id "+
- " AND current_ways.visible=0 "+
- " AND "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, "current_nodes."))
- ways = waylist.collect {|a| a['wayid'].to_i } # get an array of way IDs
- [ways]
- end
- # ----- getway (objectname, way, baselong, basey, masterscale)
- # returns objectname, array of co-ordinates, attributes,
- # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
- def getway(args)
- objname,wayid,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
- wayid = wayid.to_i
- points = []
- xmin = ymin = 999999
- xmax = ymax = -999999
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: getway, id=#{wayid}")
- readwayquery(wayid).each {|row|
- points<<[long2coord(row['longitude'].to_f,baselong,masterscale),lat2coord(row['latitude'].to_f,basey,masterscale),row['id'].to_i,nil,tag2array(row['tags'])]
- xmin = [xmin,row['longitude'].to_f].min
- xmax = [xmax,row['longitude'].to_f].max
- ymin = [ymin,row['latitude'].to_f].min
- ymax = [ymax,row['latitude'].to_f].max
- }
- attributes={}
- attrlist=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all "SELECT k,v FROM current_way_tags WHERE id=#{wayid}"
- attrlist.each {|a| attributes[a['k'].gsub(':','|')]=a['v'] }
- [objname,points,attributes,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
- end
- # ----- getway_old (objectname, way, version, baselong, basey, masterscale)
- # returns old version of way
- # Node handling on undelete (historic=false):
- # - always use the node specified, even if it's moved
- # Node handling on revert (historic=true):
- # - if it's a visible node, use a new node id (i.e. not mucking up the old one)
- # which means the SWF needs to allocate new ids
- # - if it's an invisible node, we can reuse the old node id
- def getway_old(args)
- objname,wayid,version,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
- wayid = wayid.to_i
- xmin = ymin = 999999
- xmax = ymax = -999999
- dellist=[]
- # get version (if -1) and timestamp
- if version<0
- historic=false
- row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT version FROM ways WHERE way=#{wayid} ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1")
- version=row['version']
- else
- historic=true
- end
- row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT timestamp FROM ways WHERE version=#{version} AND way=#{wayid}")
- timestamp=row['timestamp']
- # get node list from this version
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT cn.id,visible,latitude*0.0000001 AS latitude,longitude*0.0000001 AS longitude,tags
- FROM way_nodes wn,current_nodes cn
- WHERE wn.version=#{version}
- AND wn.id=#{wayid}
- AND wn.node_id=cn.id
- ORDER BY sequence_id
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql).each {|row|
- points<<[long2coord(row['longitude'].to_f,baselong,masterscale),lat2coord(row['latitude'].to_f,basey,masterscale),row['id'].to_i,row['visible'].to_i,tag2array(row['tags'])]
- xmin=[xmin,row['longitude'].to_f].min
- xmax=[xmax,row['longitude'].to_f].max
- ymin=[ymin,row['latitude'].to_f].min
- ymax=[ymax,row['latitude'].to_f].max
- }
- # if historic (full revert), get the old version of each node
- if historic then
- for i in (0..points.length-1)
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT latitude*0.0000001 AS latitude,longitude*0.0000001 AS longitude,tags
- FROM nodes
- WHERE id=#{points[i][2]}
- AND timestamp<=#{waytime}
- ORDER BY timestamp DESC
- row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql)
- unless row.empty? then
- points[i][0]=long2coord(row['longitude'].to_f,baselong,masterscale)
- points[i][1]=lat2coord(row['latitude'].to_f,baselong,masterscale)
- points[i][4]=tag2array(row['tags'])
- end
- end
- end
- # get tags from this version
- attributes={}
- attrlist=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all "SELECT k,v FROM current_way_tags WHERE id=#{wayid} AND version=#{version}"
- attrlist.each {|a| attributes[a['k'].gsub(':','|')]=a['v'] }
- [objname,points,attributes,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
- end
- # ----- getway_history (way)
- # returns array of previous versions (version,timestamp,visible,user)
- # should also show 'created_by'