+ }
+ * Popup extension to L.Marker, adding popup-related methods.
+ */
+ _getPopupAnchor: function () {
+ return this.options.icon.options.popupAnchor || [0, 0];
+ }
+ * @class Tooltip
+ * @inherits DivOverlay
+ * @aka L.Tooltip
+ * Used to display small texts on top of map layers.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * marker.bindTooltip("my tooltip text").openTooltip();
+ * ```
+ * Note about tooltip offset. Leaflet takes two options in consideration
+ * for computing tooltip offseting:
+ * - the `offset` Tooltip option: it defaults to [0, 0], and it's specific to one tooltip.
+ * Add a positive x offset to move the tooltip to the right, and a positive y offset to
+ * move it to the bottom. Negatives will move to the left and top.
+ * - the `tooltipAnchor` Icon option: this will only be considered for Marker. You
+ * should adapt this value if you use a custom icon.
+ */
+// @namespace Tooltip
+L.Tooltip = L.DivOverlay.extend({
+ // @section
+ // @aka Tooltip options
+ options: {
+ // @option pane: String = 'tooltipPane'
+ // `Map pane` where the tooltip will be added.
+ pane: 'tooltipPane',
+ // @option offset: Point = Point(0, 0)
+ // Optional offset of the tooltip position.
+ offset: [0, 0],
+ // @option direction: String = 'auto'
+ // Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: `right`, `left`,
+ // `top`, `bottom`, `center`, `auto`.
+ // `auto` will dynamicaly switch between `right` and `left` according to the tooltip
+ // position on the map.
+ direction: 'auto',
+ // @option permanent: Boolean = false
+ // Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.
+ permanent: false,
+ // @option sticky: Boolean = false
+ // If true, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the feature center.
+ sticky: false,
+ // @option interactive: Boolean = false
+ // If true, the tooltip will listen to the feature events.
+ interactive: false,
+ // @option opacity: Number = 0.9
+ // Tooltip container opacity.
+ opacity: 0.9
+ },
+ onAdd: function (map) {
+ L.DivOverlay.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map);
+ this.setOpacity(this.options.opacity);
+ // @namespace Map
+ // @section Tooltip events
+ // @event tooltipopen: TooltipEvent
+ // Fired when a tooltip is opened in the map.
+ map.fire('tooltipopen', {tooltip: this});
+ if (this._source) {
+ // @namespace Layer
+ // @section Tooltip events
+ // @event tooltipopen: TooltipEvent
+ // Fired when a tooltip bound to this layer is opened.
+ this._source.fire('tooltipopen', {tooltip: this}, true);
+ }
+ },
+ onRemove: function (map) {
+ L.DivOverlay.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map);
+ // @namespace Map
+ // @section Tooltip events
+ // @event tooltipclose: TooltipEvent
+ // Fired when a tooltip in the map is closed.
+ map.fire('tooltipclose', {tooltip: this});
+ if (this._source) {
+ // @namespace Layer
+ // @section Tooltip events
+ // @event tooltipclose: TooltipEvent
+ // Fired when a tooltip bound to this layer is closed.
+ this._source.fire('tooltipclose', {tooltip: this}, true);
+ }
+ },
+ getEvents: function () {
+ var events = L.DivOverlay.prototype.getEvents.call(this);
+ if (L.Browser.touch && !this.options.permanent) {
+ events.preclick = this._close;
+ }
+ return events;
+ },
+ _close: function () {
+ if (this._map) {
+ this._map.closeTooltip(this);
+ }
+ },
+ _initLayout: function () {
+ var prefix = 'leaflet-tooltip',
+ className = prefix + ' ' + (this.options.className || '') + ' leaflet-zoom-' + (this._zoomAnimated ? 'animated' : 'hide');
+ this._contentNode = this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', className);
+ },
+ _updateLayout: function () {},
+ _adjustPan: function () {},
+ _setPosition: function (pos) {
+ var map = this._map,
+ container = this._container,
+ centerPoint = map.latLngToContainerPoint(map.getCenter()),
+ tooltipPoint = map.layerPointToContainerPoint(pos),
+ direction = this.options.direction,
+ tooltipWidth = container.offsetWidth,
+ tooltipHeight = container.offsetHeight,
+ offset = L.point(this.options.offset),
+ anchor = this._getAnchor();
+ if (direction === 'top') {
+ pos = pos.add(L.point(-tooltipWidth / 2 + offset.x, -tooltipHeight + offset.y + anchor.y));
+ } else if (direction === 'bottom') {
+ pos = pos.subtract(L.point(tooltipWidth / 2 - offset.x, -offset.y));
+ } else if (direction === 'center') {
+ pos = pos.subtract(L.point(tooltipWidth / 2 + offset.x, tooltipHeight / 2 - anchor.y + offset.y));
+ } else if (direction === 'right' || direction === 'auto' && tooltipPoint.x < centerPoint.x) {
+ direction = 'right';
+ pos = pos.add([offset.x + anchor.x, anchor.y - tooltipHeight / 2 + offset.y]);
+ } else {
+ direction = 'left';
+ pos = pos.subtract(L.point(tooltipWidth + anchor.x - offset.x, tooltipHeight / 2 - anchor.y - offset.y));
+ }
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(container, 'leaflet-tooltip-right');
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(container, 'leaflet-tooltip-left');
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(container, 'leaflet-tooltip-top');
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(container, 'leaflet-tooltip-bottom');
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(container, 'leaflet-tooltip-' + direction);
+ L.DomUtil.setPosition(container, pos);
+ },
+ _updatePosition: function () {
+ var pos = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng);
+ this._setPosition(pos);
+ },
+ setOpacity: function (opacity) {
+ this.options.opacity = opacity;
+ if (this._container) {
+ L.DomUtil.setOpacity(this._container, opacity);
+ }
+ },
+ _animateZoom: function (e) {
+ var pos = this._map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, e.zoom, e.center);
+ this._setPosition(pos);
+ },
+ _getAnchor: function () {
+ // Where should we anchor the tooltip on the source layer?
+ return L.point(this._source && this._source._getTooltipAnchor && !this.options.sticky ? this._source._getTooltipAnchor() : [0, 0]);
+ }
+// @namespace Tooltip
+// @factory L.tooltip(options?: Tooltip options, source?: Layer)
+// Instantiates a Tooltip object given an optional `options` object that describes its appearance and location and an optional `source` object that is used to tag the tooltip with a reference to the Layer to which it refers.
+L.tooltip = function (options, source) {
+ return new L.Tooltip(options, source);
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Methods for Layers and Controls
+ // @method openTooltip(tooltip: Tooltip): this
+ // Opens the specified tooltip.
+ // @alternative
+ // @method openTooltip(content: String|HTMLElement, latlng: LatLng, options?: Tooltip options): this
+ // Creates a tooltip with the specified content and options and open it.
+ openTooltip: function (tooltip, latlng, options) {
+ if (!(tooltip instanceof L.Tooltip)) {
+ tooltip = new L.Tooltip(options).setContent(tooltip);
+ }
+ if (latlng) {
+ tooltip.setLatLng(latlng);
+ }
+ if (this.hasLayer(tooltip)) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.addLayer(tooltip);
+ },
+ // @method closeTooltip(tooltip?: Tooltip): this
+ // Closes the tooltip given as parameter.
+ closeTooltip: function (tooltip) {
+ if (tooltip) {
+ this.removeLayer(tooltip);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ * @namespace Layer
+ * @section Tooltip methods example
+ *
+ * All layers share a set of methods convenient for binding tooltips to it.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * var layer = L.Polygon(latlngs).bindTooltip('Hi There!').addTo(map);
+ * layer.openTooltip();
+ * layer.closeTooltip();
+ * ```
+ */
+// @section Tooltip methods
+ // @method bindTooltip(content: String|HTMLElement|Function|Tooltip, options?: Tooltip options): this
+ // Binds a tooltip to the layer with the passed `content` and sets up the
+ // neccessary event listeners. If a `Function` is passed it will receive
+ // the layer as the first argument and should return a `String` or `HTMLElement`.
+ bindTooltip: function (content, options) {
+ if (content instanceof L.Tooltip) {
+ L.setOptions(content, options);
+ this._tooltip = content;
+ content._source = this;
+ } else {
+ if (!this._tooltip || options) {
+ this._tooltip = L.tooltip(options, this);
+ }
+ this._tooltip.setContent(content);
+ }
+ this._initTooltipInteractions();
+ if (this._tooltip.options.permanent && this._map && this._map.hasLayer(this)) {
+ this.openTooltip();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method unbindTooltip(): this
+ // Removes the tooltip previously bound with `bindTooltip`.
+ unbindTooltip: function () {
+ if (this._tooltip) {
+ this._initTooltipInteractions(true);
+ this.closeTooltip();
+ this._tooltip = null;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _initTooltipInteractions: function (remove) {
+ if (!remove && this._tooltipHandlersAdded) { return; }
+ var onOff = remove ? 'off' : 'on',
+ events = {
+ remove: this.closeTooltip,
+ move: this._moveTooltip
+ };
+ if (!this._tooltip.options.permanent) {
+ events.mouseover = this._openTooltip;
+ events.mouseout = this.closeTooltip;
+ if (this._tooltip.options.sticky) {
+ events.mousemove = this._moveTooltip;
+ }
+ if (L.Browser.touch) {
+ events.click = this._openTooltip;
+ }
+ } else {
+ events.add = this._openTooltip;
+ }
+ this[onOff](events);
+ this._tooltipHandlersAdded = !remove;
+ },
+ // @method openTooltip(latlng?: LatLng): this
+ // Opens the bound tooltip at the specificed `latlng` or at the default tooltip anchor if no `latlng` is passed.
+ openTooltip: function (layer, latlng) {
+ if (!(layer instanceof L.Layer)) {
+ latlng = layer;
+ layer = this;
+ }
+ if (layer instanceof L.FeatureGroup) {
+ for (var id in this._layers) {
+ layer = this._layers[id];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!latlng) {
+ latlng = layer.getCenter ? layer.getCenter() : layer.getLatLng();
+ }
+ if (this._tooltip && this._map) {
+ // set tooltip source to this layer
+ this._tooltip._source = layer;
+ // update the tooltip (content, layout, ect...)
+ this._tooltip.update();
+ // open the tooltip on the map
+ this._map.openTooltip(this._tooltip, latlng);
+ // Tooltip container may not be defined if not permanent and never
+ // opened.
+ if (this._tooltip.options.interactive && this._tooltip._container) {
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(this._tooltip._container, 'leaflet-clickable');
+ this.addInteractiveTarget(this._tooltip._container);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method closeTooltip(): this
+ // Closes the tooltip bound to this layer if it is open.
+ closeTooltip: function () {
+ if (this._tooltip) {
+ this._tooltip._close();
+ if (this._tooltip.options.interactive && this._tooltip._container) {
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._tooltip._container, 'leaflet-clickable');
+ this.removeInteractiveTarget(this._tooltip._container);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method toggleTooltip(): this
+ // Opens or closes the tooltip bound to this layer depending on its current state.
+ toggleTooltip: function (target) {
+ if (this._tooltip) {
+ if (this._tooltip._map) {
+ this.closeTooltip();
+ } else {
+ this.openTooltip(target);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method isTooltipOpen(): boolean
+ // Returns `true` if the tooltip bound to this layer is currently open.
+ isTooltipOpen: function () {
+ return this._tooltip.isOpen();
+ },
+ // @method setTooltipContent(content: String|HTMLElement|Tooltip): this
+ // Sets the content of the tooltip bound to this layer.
+ setTooltipContent: function (content) {
+ if (this._tooltip) {
+ this._tooltip.setContent(content);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method getTooltip(): Tooltip
+ // Returns the tooltip bound to this layer.
+ getTooltip: function () {
+ return this._tooltip;
+ },
+ _openTooltip: function (e) {
+ var layer = e.layer || e.target;
+ if (!this._tooltip || !this._map) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.openTooltip(layer, this._tooltip.options.sticky ? e.latlng : undefined);
+ },
+ _moveTooltip: function (e) {
+ var latlng = e.latlng, containerPoint, layerPoint;
+ if (this._tooltip.options.sticky && e.originalEvent) {
+ containerPoint = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e.originalEvent);
+ layerPoint = this._map.containerPointToLayerPoint(containerPoint);
+ latlng = this._map.layerPointToLatLng(layerPoint);
+ }
+ this._tooltip.setLatLng(latlng);
+ }
+ * Tooltip extension to L.Marker, adding tooltip-related methods.
+ */
+ _getTooltipAnchor: function () {
+ return this.options.icon.options.tooltipAnchor || [0, 0];
+ }
+ * @class LayerGroup
+ * @aka L.LayerGroup
+ * @inherits Layer
+ *
+ * Used to group several layers and handle them as one. If you add it to the map,
+ * any layers added or removed from the group will be added/removed on the map as
+ * well. Extends `Layer`.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * L.layerGroup([marker1, marker2])
+ * .addLayer(polyline)
+ * .addTo(map);
+ * ```
+ */
+L.LayerGroup = L.Layer.extend({
+ initialize: function (layers) {
+ this._layers = {};
+ var i, len;
+ if (layers) {
+ for (i = 0, len = layers.length; i < len; i++) {
+ this.addLayer(layers[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // @method addLayer(layer: Layer): this
+ // Adds the given layer to the group.
+ addLayer: function (layer) {
+ var id = this.getLayerId(layer);
+ this._layers[id] = layer;
+ if (this._map) {
+ this._map.addLayer(layer);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method removeLayer(layer: Layer): this
+ // Removes the given layer from the group.
+ // @alternative
+ // @method removeLayer(id: Number): this
+ // Removes the layer with the given internal ID from the group.
+ removeLayer: function (layer) {
+ var id = layer in this._layers ? layer : this.getLayerId(layer);
+ if (this._map && this._layers[id]) {
+ this._map.removeLayer(this._layers[id]);
+ }
+ delete this._layers[id];
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method hasLayer(layer: Layer): Boolean
+ // Returns `true` if the given layer is currently added to the group.
+ hasLayer: function (layer) {
+ return !!layer && (layer in this._layers || this.getLayerId(layer) in this._layers);
+ },
+ // @method clearLayers(): this
+ // Removes all the layers from the group.
+ clearLayers: function () {
+ for (var i in this._layers) {
+ this.removeLayer(this._layers[i]);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method invoke(methodName: String, …): this
+ // Calls `methodName` on every layer contained in this group, passing any
+ // additional parameters. Has no effect if the layers contained do not
+ // implement `methodName`.
+ invoke: function (methodName) {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
+ i, layer;
+ for (i in this._layers) {
+ layer = this._layers[i];
+ if (layer[methodName]) {
+ layer[methodName].apply(layer, args);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ onAdd: function (map) {
+ for (var i in this._layers) {
+ map.addLayer(this._layers[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ onRemove: function (map) {
+ for (var i in this._layers) {
+ map.removeLayer(this._layers[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ // @method eachLayer(fn: Function, context?: Object): this
+ // Iterates over the layers of the group, optionally specifying context of the iterator function.
+ // ```js
+ // group.eachLayer(function (layer) {
+ // layer.bindPopup('Hello');
+ // });
+ // ```
+ eachLayer: function (method, context) {
+ for (var i in this._layers) {
+ method.call(context, this._layers[i]);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method getLayer(id: Number): Layer
+ // Returns the layer with the given internal ID.
+ getLayer: function (id) {
+ return this._layers[id];
+ },
+ // @method getLayers(): Layer[]
+ // Returns an array of all the layers added to the group.
+ getLayers: function () {
+ var layers = [];
+ for (var i in this._layers) {
+ layers.push(this._layers[i]);
+ }
+ return layers;
+ },
+ // @method setZIndex(zIndex: Number): this
+ // Calls `setZIndex` on every layer contained in this group, passing the z-index.
+ setZIndex: function (zIndex) {
+ return this.invoke('setZIndex', zIndex);
+ },
+ // @method getLayerId(layer: Layer): Number
+ // Returns the internal ID for a layer
+ getLayerId: function (layer) {
+ return L.stamp(layer);
+ }
+// @factory L.layerGroup(layers: Layer[])
+// Create a layer group, optionally given an initial set of layers.
+L.layerGroup = function (layers) {
+ return new L.LayerGroup(layers);
+ * @class FeatureGroup
+ * @aka L.FeatureGroup
+ * @inherits LayerGroup
+ *
+ * Extended `LayerGroup` that makes it easier to do the same thing to all its member layers:
+ * * [`bindPopup`](#layer-bindpopup) binds a popup to all of the layers at once (likewise with [`bindTooltip`](#layer-bindtooltip))
+ * * Events are propagated to the `FeatureGroup`, so if the group has an event
+ * handler, it will handle events from any of the layers. This includes mouse events
+ * and custom events.
+ * * Has `layeradd` and `layerremove` events
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * L.featureGroup([marker1, marker2, polyline])
+ * .bindPopup('Hello world!')
+ * .on('click', function() { alert('Clicked on a member of the group!'); })
+ * .addTo(map);
+ * ```
+ */
+L.FeatureGroup = L.LayerGroup.extend({
+ addLayer: function (layer) {
+ if (this.hasLayer(layer)) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ layer.addEventParent(this);
+ L.LayerGroup.prototype.addLayer.call(this, layer);
+ // @event layeradd: LayerEvent
+ // Fired when a layer is added to this `FeatureGroup`
+ return this.fire('layeradd', {layer: layer});
+ },
+ removeLayer: function (layer) {
+ if (!this.hasLayer(layer)) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (layer in this._layers) {
+ layer = this._layers[layer];
+ }
+ layer.removeEventParent(this);
+ L.LayerGroup.prototype.removeLayer.call(this, layer);
+ // @event layerremove: LayerEvent
+ // Fired when a layer is removed from this `FeatureGroup`
+ return this.fire('layerremove', {layer: layer});
+ },
+ // @method setStyle(style: Path options): this
+ // Sets the given path options to each layer of the group that has a `setStyle` method.
+ setStyle: function (style) {
+ return this.invoke('setStyle', style);
+ },
+ // @method bringToFront(): this
+ // Brings the layer group to the top of all other layers
+ bringToFront: function () {
+ return this.invoke('bringToFront');
+ },
+ // @method bringToBack(): this
+ // Brings the layer group to the top of all other layers
+ bringToBack: function () {
+ return this.invoke('bringToBack');
+ },
+ // @method getBounds(): LatLngBounds
+ // Returns the LatLngBounds of the Feature Group (created from bounds and coordinates of its children).
+ getBounds: function () {
+ var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds();
+ for (var id in this._layers) {
+ var layer = this._layers[id];
+ bounds.extend(layer.getBounds ? layer.getBounds() : layer.getLatLng());
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+// @factory L.featureGroup(layers: Layer[])
+// Create a feature group, optionally given an initial set of layers.
+L.featureGroup = function (layers) {
+ return new L.FeatureGroup(layers);
+ * @class Renderer
+ * @inherits Layer
+ * @aka L.Renderer
+ *
+ * Base class for vector renderer implementations (`SVG`, `Canvas`). Handles the
+ * DOM container of the renderer, its bounds, and its zoom animation.
+ *
+ * A `Renderer` works as an implicit layer group for all `Path`s - the renderer
+ * itself can be added or removed to the map. All paths use a renderer, which can
+ * be implicit (the map will decide the type of renderer and use it automatically)
+ * or explicit (using the [`renderer`](#path-renderer) option of the path).
+ *
+ * Do not use this class directly, use `SVG` and `Canvas` instead.
+ *
+ * @event update: Event
+ * Fired when the renderer updates its bounds, center and zoom, for example when
+ * its map has moved
+ */
+L.Renderer = L.Layer.extend({
+ // @section
+ // @aka Renderer options
+ options: {
+ // @option padding: Number = 0.1
+ // How much to extend the clip area around the map view (relative to its size)
+ // e.g. 0.1 would be 10% of map view in each direction
+ padding: 0.1
+ },
+ initialize: function (options) {
+ L.setOptions(this, options);
+ L.stamp(this);
+ },
+ onAdd: function () {
+ if (!this._container) {
+ this._initContainer(); // defined by renderer implementations
+ if (this._zoomAnimated) {
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'leaflet-zoom-animated');
+ }
+ }
+ this.getPane().appendChild(this._container);
+ this._update();
+ },
+ onRemove: function () {
+ L.DomUtil.remove(this._container);
+ },
+ getEvents: function () {
+ var events = {
+ viewreset: this._reset,
+ zoom: this._onZoom,
+ moveend: this._update
+ };
+ if (this._zoomAnimated) {
+ events.zoomanim = this._onAnimZoom;
+ }
+ return events;
+ },
+ _onAnimZoom: function (ev) {
+ this._updateTransform(ev.center, ev.zoom);
+ },
+ _onZoom: function () {
+ this._updateTransform(this._map.getCenter(), this._map.getZoom());
+ },
+ _updateTransform: function (center, zoom) {
+ var scale = this._map.getZoomScale(zoom, this._zoom),
+ position = L.DomUtil.getPosition(this._container),
+ viewHalf = this._map.getSize().multiplyBy(0.5 + this.options.padding),
+ currentCenterPoint = this._map.project(this._center, zoom),
+ destCenterPoint = this._map.project(center, zoom),
+ centerOffset = destCenterPoint.subtract(currentCenterPoint),
+ topLeftOffset = viewHalf.multiplyBy(-scale).add(position).add(viewHalf).subtract(centerOffset);
+ if (L.Browser.any3d) {
+ L.DomUtil.setTransform(this._container, topLeftOffset, scale);
+ } else {
+ L.DomUtil.setPosition(this._container, topLeftOffset);
+ }
+ },
+ _reset: function () {
+ this._update();
+ this._updateTransform(this._center, this._zoom);
+ },
+ _update: function () {
+ // Update pixel bounds of renderer container (for positioning/sizing/clipping later)
+ // Subclasses are responsible of firing the 'update' event.
+ var p = this.options.padding,
+ size = this._map.getSize(),
+ min = this._map.containerPointToLayerPoint(size.multiplyBy(-p)).round();
+ this._bounds = new L.Bounds(min, min.add(size.multiplyBy(1 + p * 2)).round());
+ this._center = this._map.getCenter();
+ this._zoom = this._map.getZoom();
+ }
+ // @namespace Map; @method getRenderer(layer: Path): Renderer
+ // Returns the instance of `Renderer` that should be used to render the given
+ // `Path`. It will ensure that the `renderer` options of the map and paths
+ // are respected, and that the renderers do exist on the map.
+ getRenderer: function (layer) {
+ // @namespace Path; @option renderer: Renderer
+ // Use this specific instance of `Renderer` for this path. Takes
+ // precedence over the map's [default renderer](#map-renderer).
+ var renderer = layer.options.renderer || this._getPaneRenderer(layer.options.pane) || this.options.renderer || this._renderer;
+ if (!renderer) {
+ // @namespace Map; @option preferCanvas: Boolean = false
+ // Whether `Path`s should be rendered on a `Canvas` renderer.
+ // By default, all `Path`s are rendered in a `SVG` renderer.
+ renderer = this._renderer = (this.options.preferCanvas && L.canvas()) || L.svg();
+ }
+ if (!this.hasLayer(renderer)) {
+ this.addLayer(renderer);
+ }
+ return renderer;
+ },
+ _getPaneRenderer: function (name) {
+ if (name === 'overlayPane' || name === undefined) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var renderer = this._paneRenderers[name];
+ if (renderer === undefined) {
+ renderer = (L.SVG && L.svg({pane: name})) || (L.Canvas && L.canvas({pane: name}));
+ this._paneRenderers[name] = renderer;
+ }
+ return renderer;
+ }
+ * @class Path
+ * @aka L.Path
+ * @inherits Interactive layer
+ *
+ * An abstract class that contains options and constants shared between vector
+ * overlays (Polygon, Polyline, Circle). Do not use it directly. Extends `Layer`.
+ */
+L.Path = L.Layer.extend({
+ // @section
+ // @aka Path options
+ options: {
+ // @option stroke: Boolean = true
+ // Whether to draw stroke along the path. Set it to `false` to disable borders on polygons or circles.
+ stroke: true,
+ // @option color: String = '#3388ff'
+ // Stroke color
+ color: '#3388ff',
+ // @option weight: Number = 3
+ // Stroke width in pixels
+ weight: 3,
+ // @option opacity: Number = 1.0
+ // Stroke opacity
+ opacity: 1,
+ // @option lineCap: String= 'round'
+ // A string that defines [shape to be used at the end](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-linecap) of the stroke.
+ lineCap: 'round',
+ // @option lineJoin: String = 'round'
+ // A string that defines [shape to be used at the corners](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-linejoin) of the stroke.
+ lineJoin: 'round',
+ // @option dashArray: String = null
+ // A string that defines the stroke [dash pattern](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dasharray). Doesn't work on `Canvas`-powered layers in [some old browsers](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/setLineDash#Browser_compatibility).
+ dashArray: null,
+ // @option dashOffset: String = null
+ // A string that defines the [distance into the dash pattern to start the dash](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dashoffset). Doesn't work on `Canvas`-powered layers in [some old browsers](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/setLineDash#Browser_compatibility).
+ dashOffset: null,
+ // @option fill: Boolean = depends
+ // Whether to fill the path with color. Set it to `false` to disable filling on polygons or circles.
+ fill: false,
+ // @option fillColor: String = *
+ // Fill color. Defaults to the value of the [`color`](#path-color) option
+ fillColor: null,
+ // @option fillOpacity: Number = 0.2
+ // Fill opacity.
+ fillOpacity: 0.2,
+ // @option fillRule: String = 'evenodd'
+ // A string that defines [how the inside of a shape](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/fill-rule) is determined.
+ fillRule: 'evenodd',
+ // className: '',
+ // Option inherited from "Interactive layer" abstract class
+ interactive: true
+ },
+ beforeAdd: function (map) {
+ // Renderer is set here because we need to call renderer.getEvents
+ // before this.getEvents.
+ this._renderer = map.getRenderer(this);
+ },
+ onAdd: function () {
+ this._renderer._initPath(this);
+ this._reset();
+ this._renderer._addPath(this);
+ this._renderer.on('update', this._update, this);
+ },
+ onRemove: function () {
+ this._renderer._removePath(this);
+ this._renderer.off('update', this._update, this);
+ },
+ getEvents: function () {
+ return {
+ zoomend: this._project,
+ viewreset: this._reset
+ };
+ },
+ // @method redraw(): this
+ // Redraws the layer. Sometimes useful after you changed the coordinates that the path uses.
+ redraw: function () {
+ if (this._map) {
+ this._renderer._updatePath(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method setStyle(style: Path options): this
+ // Changes the appearance of a Path based on the options in the `Path options` object.
+ setStyle: function (style) {
+ L.setOptions(this, style);
+ if (this._renderer) {
+ this._renderer._updateStyle(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method bringToFront(): this
+ // Brings the layer to the top of all path layers.
+ bringToFront: function () {
+ if (this._renderer) {
+ this._renderer._bringToFront(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method bringToBack(): this
+ // Brings the layer to the bottom of all path layers.
+ bringToBack: function () {
+ if (this._renderer) {
+ this._renderer._bringToBack(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ getElement: function () {
+ return this._path;
+ },
+ _reset: function () {
+ // defined in children classes
+ this._project();
+ this._update();
+ },
+ _clickTolerance: function () {
+ // used when doing hit detection for Canvas layers
+ return (this.options.stroke ? this.options.weight / 2 : 0) + (L.Browser.touch ? 10 : 0);
+ }
+ * @namespace LineUtil
+ *
+ * Various utility functions for polyine points processing, used by Leaflet internally to make polylines lightning-fast.
+ */
+L.LineUtil = {
+ // Simplify polyline with vertex reduction and Douglas-Peucker simplification.
+ // Improves rendering performance dramatically by lessening the number of points to draw.
+ // @function simplify(points: Point[], tolerance: Number): Point[]
+ // Dramatically reduces the number of points in a polyline while retaining
+ // its shape and returns a new array of simplified points, using the
+ // [Douglas-Peucker algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas-Peucker_algorithm).
+ // Used for a huge performance boost when processing/displaying Leaflet polylines for
+ // each zoom level and also reducing visual noise. tolerance affects the amount of
+ // simplification (lesser value means higher quality but slower and with more points).
+ // Also released as a separated micro-library [Simplify.js](http://mourner.github.com/simplify-js/).
+ simplify: function (points, tolerance) {
+ if (!tolerance || !points.length) {
+ return points.slice();
+ }
+ var sqTolerance = tolerance * tolerance;
+ // stage 1: vertex reduction
+ points = this._reducePoints(points, sqTolerance);
+ // stage 2: Douglas-Peucker simplification
+ points = this._simplifyDP(points, sqTolerance);
+ return points;
+ },
+ // @function pointToSegmentDistance(p: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point): Number
+ // Returns the distance between point `p` and segment `p1` to `p2`.
+ pointToSegmentDistance: function (p, p1, p2) {
+ return Math.sqrt(this._sqClosestPointOnSegment(p, p1, p2, true));
+ },
+ // @function closestPointOnSegment(p: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point): Number
+ // Returns the closest point from a point `p` on a segment `p1` to `p2`.
+ closestPointOnSegment: function (p, p1, p2) {
+ return this._sqClosestPointOnSegment(p, p1, p2);
+ },
+ // Douglas-Peucker simplification, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas-Peucker_algorithm
+ _simplifyDP: function (points, sqTolerance) {
+ var len = points.length,
+ ArrayConstructor = typeof Uint8Array !== undefined + '' ? Uint8Array : Array,
+ markers = new ArrayConstructor(len);
+ markers[0] = markers[len - 1] = 1;
+ this._simplifyDPStep(points, markers, sqTolerance, 0, len - 1);
+ var i,
+ newPoints = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (markers[i]) {
+ newPoints.push(points[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return newPoints;
+ },
+ _simplifyDPStep: function (points, markers, sqTolerance, first, last) {
+ var maxSqDist = 0,
+ index, i, sqDist;
+ for (i = first + 1; i <= last - 1; i++) {
+ sqDist = this._sqClosestPointOnSegment(points[i], points[first], points[last], true);
+ if (sqDist > maxSqDist) {
+ index = i;
+ maxSqDist = sqDist;
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxSqDist > sqTolerance) {
+ markers[index] = 1;
+ this._simplifyDPStep(points, markers, sqTolerance, first, index);
+ this._simplifyDPStep(points, markers, sqTolerance, index, last);
+ }
+ },
+ // reduce points that are too close to each other to a single point
+ _reducePoints: function (points, sqTolerance) {
+ var reducedPoints = [points[0]];
+ for (var i = 1, prev = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
+ if (this._sqDist(points[i], points[prev]) > sqTolerance) {
+ reducedPoints.push(points[i]);
+ prev = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prev < len - 1) {
+ reducedPoints.push(points[len - 1]);
+ }
+ return reducedPoints;
+ },
+ // @function clipSegment(a: Point, b: Point, bounds: Bounds, useLastCode?: Boolean, round?: Boolean): Point[]|Boolean
+ // Clips the segment a to b by rectangular bounds with the
+ // [Cohen-Sutherland algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen%E2%80%93Sutherland_algorithm)
+ // (modifying the segment points directly!). Used by Leaflet to only show polyline
+ // points that are on the screen or near, increasing performance.
+ clipSegment: function (a, b, bounds, useLastCode, round) {
+ var codeA = useLastCode ? this._lastCode : this._getBitCode(a, bounds),
+ codeB = this._getBitCode(b, bounds),
+ codeOut, p, newCode;
+ // save 2nd code to avoid calculating it on the next segment
+ this._lastCode = codeB;
+ while (true) {
+ // if a,b is inside the clip window (trivial accept)
+ if (!(codeA | codeB)) {
+ return [a, b];
+ }
+ // if a,b is outside the clip window (trivial reject)
+ if (codeA & codeB) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // other cases
+ codeOut = codeA || codeB;
+ p = this._getEdgeIntersection(a, b, codeOut, bounds, round);
+ newCode = this._getBitCode(p, bounds);
+ if (codeOut === codeA) {
+ a = p;
+ codeA = newCode;
+ } else {
+ b = p;
+ codeB = newCode;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getEdgeIntersection: function (a, b, code, bounds, round) {
+ var dx = b.x - a.x,
+ dy = b.y - a.y,
+ min = bounds.min,
+ max = bounds.max,
+ x, y;
+ if (code & 8) { // top
+ x = a.x + dx * (max.y - a.y) / dy;
+ y = max.y;
+ } else if (code & 4) { // bottom
+ x = a.x + dx * (min.y - a.y) / dy;
+ y = min.y;
+ } else if (code & 2) { // right
+ x = max.x;
+ y = a.y + dy * (max.x - a.x) / dx;
+ } else if (code & 1) { // left
+ x = min.x;
+ y = a.y + dy * (min.x - a.x) / dx;
+ }
+ return new L.Point(x, y, round);
+ },
+ _getBitCode: function (p, bounds) {
+ var code = 0;
+ if (p.x < bounds.min.x) { // left
+ code |= 1;
+ } else if (p.x > bounds.max.x) { // right
+ code |= 2;
+ }
+ if (p.y < bounds.min.y) { // bottom
+ code |= 4;
+ } else if (p.y > bounds.max.y) { // top
+ code |= 8;
+ }
+ return code;
+ },
+ // square distance (to avoid unnecessary Math.sqrt calls)
+ _sqDist: function (p1, p2) {
+ var dx = p2.x - p1.x,
+ dy = p2.y - p1.y;
+ return dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ },
+ // return closest point on segment or distance to that point
+ _sqClosestPointOnSegment: function (p, p1, p2, sqDist) {
+ var x = p1.x,
+ y = p1.y,
+ dx = p2.x - x,
+ dy = p2.y - y,
+ dot = dx * dx + dy * dy,
+ t;
+ if (dot > 0) {
+ t = ((p.x - x) * dx + (p.y - y) * dy) / dot;
+ if (t > 1) {
+ x = p2.x;
+ y = p2.y;
+ } else if (t > 0) {
+ x += dx * t;
+ y += dy * t;
+ }
+ }
+ dx = p.x - x;
+ dy = p.y - y;
+ return sqDist ? dx * dx + dy * dy : new L.Point(x, y);
+ }
+ * @class Polyline
+ * @aka L.Polyline
+ * @inherits Path
+ *
+ * A class for drawing polyline overlays on a map. Extends `Path`.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * // create a red polyline from an array of LatLng points
+ * var latlngs = [
+ * [-122.68, 45.51],
+ * [-122.43, 37.77],
+ * [-118.2, 34.04]
+ * ];
+ *
+ * var polyline = L.polyline(latlngs, {color: 'red'}).addTo(map);
+ *
+ * // zoom the map to the polyline
+ * map.fitBounds(polyline.getBounds());
+ * ```
+ *
+ * You can also pass a multi-dimensional array to represent a `MultiPolyline` shape:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * // create a red polyline from an array of arrays of LatLng points
+ * var latlngs = [
+ * [[-122.68, 45.51],
+ * [-122.43, 37.77],
+ * [-118.2, 34.04]],
+ * [[-73.91, 40.78],
+ * [-87.62, 41.83],
+ * [-96.72, 32.76]]
+ * ];
+ * ```
+ */
+L.Polyline = L.Path.extend({
+ // @section
+ // @aka Polyline options
+ options: {
+ // @option smoothFactor: Number = 1.0
+ // How much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level. More means
+ // better performance and smoother look, and less means more accurate representation.
+ smoothFactor: 1.0,
+ // @option noClip: Boolean = false
+ // Disable polyline clipping.
+ noClip: false
+ },
+ initialize: function (latlngs, options) {
+ L.setOptions(this, options);
+ this._setLatLngs(latlngs);
+ },
+ // @method getLatLngs(): LatLng[]
+ // Returns an array of the points in the path, or nested arrays of points in case of multi-polyline.
+ getLatLngs: function () {
+ return this._latlngs;
+ },
+ // @method setLatLngs(latlngs: LatLng[]): this
+ // Replaces all the points in the polyline with the given array of geographical points.
+ setLatLngs: function (latlngs) {
+ this._setLatLngs(latlngs);
+ return this.redraw();
+ },
+ // @method isEmpty(): Boolean
+ // Returns `true` if the Polyline has no LatLngs.
+ isEmpty: function () {
+ return !this._latlngs.length;
+ },
+ closestLayerPoint: function (p) {
+ var minDistance = Infinity,
+ minPoint = null,
+ closest = L.LineUtil._sqClosestPointOnSegment,
+ p1, p2;
+ for (var j = 0, jLen = this._parts.length; j < jLen; j++) {
+ var points = this._parts[j];
+ for (var i = 1, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
+ p1 = points[i - 1];
+ p2 = points[i];
+ var sqDist = closest(p, p1, p2, true);
+ if (sqDist < minDistance) {
+ minDistance = sqDist;
+ minPoint = closest(p, p1, p2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (minPoint) {
+ minPoint.distance = Math.sqrt(minDistance);
+ }
+ return minPoint;
+ },
+ // @method getCenter(): LatLng
+ // Returns the center ([centroid](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centroid)) of the polyline.
+ getCenter: function () {
+ // throws error when not yet added to map as this center calculation requires projected coordinates
+ if (!this._map) {
+ throw new Error('Must add layer to map before using getCenter()');
+ }
+ var i, halfDist, segDist, dist, p1, p2, ratio,
+ points = this._rings[0],
+ len = points.length;
+ if (!len) { return null; }
+ // polyline centroid algorithm; only uses the first ring if there are multiple
+ for (i = 0, halfDist = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
+ halfDist += points[i].distanceTo(points[i + 1]) / 2;
+ }
+ // The line is so small in the current view that all points are on the same pixel.
+ if (halfDist === 0) {
+ return this._map.layerPointToLatLng(points[0]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0, dist = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
+ p1 = points[i];
+ p2 = points[i + 1];
+ segDist = p1.distanceTo(p2);
+ dist += segDist;
+ if (dist > halfDist) {
+ ratio = (dist - halfDist) / segDist;
+ return this._map.layerPointToLatLng([
+ p2.x - ratio * (p2.x - p1.x),
+ p2.y - ratio * (p2.y - p1.y)
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // @method getBounds(): LatLngBounds
+ // Returns the `LatLngBounds` of the path.
+ getBounds: function () {
+ return this._bounds;
+ },
+ // @method addLatLng(latlng: LatLng, latlngs? LatLng[]): this
+ // Adds a given point to the polyline. By default, adds to the first ring of
+ // the polyline in case of a multi-polyline, but can be overridden by passing
+ // a specific ring as a LatLng array (that you can earlier access with [`getLatLngs`](#polyline-getlatlngs)).
+ addLatLng: function (latlng, latlngs) {
+ latlngs = latlngs || this._defaultShape();
+ latlng = L.latLng(latlng);
+ latlngs.push(latlng);
+ this._bounds.extend(latlng);
+ return this.redraw();