-class NoteComment < ActiveRecord::Base
- belongs_to :note, :foreign_key => :note_id
- belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :author_id
+# == Schema Information
+# Table name: note_comments
+# id :bigint not null, primary key
+# note_id :bigint not null
+# visible :boolean not null
+# created_at :datetime not null
+# author_ip :inet
+# author_id :bigint
+# body :text
+# event :enum
+# Indexes
+# index_note_comments_on_author_id_and_created_at (author_id,created_at)
+# index_note_comments_on_body (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, body)) USING gin
+# index_note_comments_on_created_at (created_at)
+# note_comments_note_id_idx (note_id)
+# Foreign Keys
+# note_comments_author_id_fkey (author_id => users.id)
+# note_comments_note_id_fkey (note_id => notes.id)
- validates_presence_of :id, :on => :update
- validates_uniqueness_of :id
- validates_presence_of :note_id
- validates_associated :note
- validates_presence_of :visible
- validates_associated :author
- validates_inclusion_of :event, :in => [ "opened", "closed", "reopened", "commented", "hidden" ]
+class NoteComment < ApplicationRecord
+ belongs_to :note, :touch => true
+ belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :optional => true, :counter_cache => true
- # Return the author name
- def author_name
- if self.author_id.nil?
- self.read_attribute(:author_name)
- else
- self.author.display_name
- end
+ validates :id, :uniqueness => true, :presence => { :on => :update },
+ :numericality => { :on => :update, :only_integer => true }
+ validates :note, :associated => true
+ validates :visible, :inclusion => [true, false]
+ validates :author, :associated => true
+ validates :event, :inclusion => %w[opened closed reopened commented hidden]
+ validates :body, :length => { :maximum => 2000 }, :characters => true
+ # Return the comment text
+ def body
+ RichText.new("text", self[:body])