comment: Comment
full: Full note
- edit:
+ show:
title: "Edit account"
- my settings: My Settings
+ my_account: My Account
current email address: "Current Email Address"
external auth: "External Authentication"
agreed_with_pd: "You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
link: ""
link text: "what is this?"
+ not_agreed_with_pd: "You haven't declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
+ pd_link_text: "declare"
save changes button: Save Changes
delete_account: Delete Account...
read_ct: "I have read and agree to the above contributor terms"
tou_explain_html: "These %{tou_link} govern the use of the website and other infrastructure provided by the OSMF. Please click on the link, read and agree to the text."
read_tou: "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
- consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
- consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
- consider_pd_why_url:
guidance_info_html: "Information to help understand these terms: a %{readable_summary_link} and some %{informal_translations_link}"
readable_summary: human readable summary
informal_translations: informal translations
terms_declined_html: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor Terms. For more information, please see %{terms_declined_link}.
terms_declined_link: this wiki page
+ pd_declarations:
+ show:
+ title: Consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain
+ consider_pd: "I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
+ consider_pd_why: "Why would I want my contributions to be Public Domain?"
+ consider_pd_why_url:
+ confirm: Confirm
+ create:
+ successfully_declared: "You have successfully declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
+ already_declared: "You have already declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
+ did_not_confirm: "You didn't confirm that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
deleted_ago_by_html: "Deleted %{time_ago} by %{user}"
edited_ago_by_html: "Edited %{time_ago} by %{user}"
telephone_link: "Call %{phone_number}"
colour_preview: "Colour %{colour_value} preview"
email_link: "Email %{email}"
- query:
+ feature_queries:
+ show:
title: "Query Features"
introduction: "Click on the map to find nearby features."
nearby: "Nearby features"
failure: Couldn't update profile.
- tab_title: "Log in"
+ tab_title: "Log In"
login_to_authorize_html: "Log in to OpenStreetMap to access %{client_app_name}."
email or username: "Email Address or Username"
password: "Password"
where_am_i_title: Describe the current location using the search engine
submit_text: "Go"
reverse_directions_text: "Reverse Directions"
+ modes:
+ bicycle: "Bicycle"
+ car: "Car"
+ foot: "Foot"
+ providers:
+ fossgis_osrm: "OSRM"
+ graphhopper: "GraphHopper"
+ fossgis_valhalla: "Valhalla"
need_to_see_terms: "Your access to the API is temporarily suspended. Please log-in to the web interface to view the Contributor Terms. You do not need to agree, but you must view them."
account_settings: Account Settings
- oauth2_applications: OAuth 2 applications
- oauth2_authorizations: OAuth 2 authorizations
+ oauth2_applications: OAuth 2 Applications
+ oauth2_authorizations: OAuth 2 Authorizations
muted_users: Muted Users
openid_url: "OpenID URL"
write_gpx: Upload GPS traces
write_notes: Modify notes
write_redactions: Redact map data
+ write_blocks: Create and revoke user blocks
read_email: Read user email address
consume_messages: Read, update status and delete user messages
send_messages: Send private messages to other users
title: "Sign Up"
- tab_title: "Sign up"
+ tab_title: "Sign Up"
signup_to_authorize_html: "Sign up with OpenStreetMap to access %{client_app_name}."
no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically."
please_contact_support_html: 'Please contact %{support_link} to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.'
privacy_policy_title: OSMF privacy policy including section on email addresses
html: 'Your address is not displayed publicly, see our %{privacy_policy_link} for more information.'
- consider_pd_html: "I consider my contributions to be in the %{consider_pd_link}."
- consider_pd: "public domain"
- consider_pd_url:
or: "or"
use external auth: "or sign up with a third party"
my notes: My Notes
my messages: My Messages
my profile: My Profile
- my settings: My Settings
+ my_account: My Account
my comments: My Comments
my_preferences: My Preferences
my_dashboard: My Dashboard
confirmed: Confirmed
suspended: Suspended
deleted: Deleted
+ name_or_email: Name or Email
ip_address: IP Address
search: Search
heading_html: "%{user}'s Comments"
changesets: "Changesets"
- diary_entries: "Diary entries"
+ diary_entries: "Diary Entries"
no_comments: "No comments"
closed_title: "Resolved note #%{note_name}"
hidden_title: "Hidden note #%{note_name}"
description_when_author_is_deleted: "deleted"
+ description_when_there_is_no_opening_comment: "unknown"
event_opened_by_html: "Created by %{user} %{time_ago}"
event_opened_by_anonymous_html: "Created by anonymous %{time_ago}"
event_commented_by_html: "Comment from %{user} %{time_ago}"
edit_help: Move the map and zoom in on a location you want to edit, then click here.
ascend: "Ascend"
- engines:
- fossgis_osrm_bike: "Bicycle (OSRM)"
- fossgis_osrm_car: "Car (OSRM)"
- fossgis_osrm_foot: "Foot (OSRM)"
- graphhopper_bicycle: "Bicycle (GraphHopper)"
- graphhopper_car: "Car (GraphHopper)"
- graphhopper_foot: "Foot (GraphHopper)"
- fossgis_valhalla_bicycle: "Bicycle (Valhalla)"
- fossgis_valhalla_car: "Car (Valhalla)"
- fossgis_valhalla_foot: "Foot (Valhalla)"
descend: "Descend"
directions: "Directions"
distance: "Distance"
ninth: "9th"
tenth: "10th"
time: "Time"
+ download: "Download route as GeoJSON"
+ filename: "route"
node: Node
way: Way
show_address: Show address
query_features: Query features
centre_map: Centre map here
+ home:
+ marker_title: My home location
+ not_set: Home location is not set for your account
heading: "Edit Redaction"