<inputSet ref="common"/>
+ <feature name="Beach">
+ <category>natural</category>
+ <icon image="features/natural__beach.png"/>
+ <area/>
+ <tag k="natural" v="beach"/>
+ <input type="choice" presence="always" category="Details" name="Beach surface" key="surface" description="What material is the ground mostly?">
+ <choice value="sand" text="Sand"/>
+ <choice value="pebbles" text="Pebbles"/>
+ <choice value="stone" text="Pebbles"/>
+ <choice value="rocky" text="Rocky"/>
+ </input>
+ <input type="choice" presence="always" category="Details" name="Access" key="access" description="Accessible to the public?">
+ <choice value="yes" text="Public access"/>
+ <choice value="permissive" text="Privately owned, but publicly accessible"/>
+ <choice value="private" text="Private access only"/>
+ </input>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Details" name="Operator" key="Operator" description="Organisation that manages or owns the beach.">
+ </input>
+ <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
+ <inputSet ref="common"/>
+ </feature>
<tag k="leisure" v="park"/>
+ <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
<inputSet ref="common"/>
<tag k="landuse" v="forest"/>
+ <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
<inputSet ref="common"/>
<tag k="landuse" v="meadow"/>
+ <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
<inputSet ref="common"/>