require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class DiaryEntryControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- fixtures :users, :diary_entries, :diary_comments
+ fixtures :users, :diary_entries, :diary_comments, :languages
include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
#print @response.body
#print @response.to_yaml
- assert_select "html:root", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "html", :count => 1 do
assert_select "head", :count => 1 do
assert_select "title", :text => /New Diary Entry/, :count => 1
# Verify that you get a not found error, when you don't pass an id
get(:edit, nil, {'user' => users(:normal_user).id})
assert_response :not_found
- assert_select "html:root", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "html", :count => 1 do
assert_select "body", :count => 1 do
assert_select "div#content", :count => 1 do
assert_select "h2", :text => "No entry with the id:", :count => 1
# user as the person who created the entry
get(:edit, {:id => diary_entries(:normal_user_entry_1).id}, {'user' => users(:normal_user).id})
assert_response :success
- assert_select "html:root", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "html", :count => 1 do
assert_select "head", :count => 1 do
assert_select "title", :text => /Edit diary entry/, :count => 1
get :view, {:id => diary_entries(:normal_user_entry_1).id, :display_name => 'test'}, {'user' => users(:normal_user).id}
assert_response :success
assert_template 'diary_entry/view'
- assert_select "html:root", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "html", :count => 1 do
assert_select "head", :count => 1 do
assert_select "title", :text => /Users' diaries | /, :count => 1
get :view, {:id => diary_entries(:normal_user_entry_1).id, :display_name => 'test'}, {'user' => users(:public_user).id}
assert_response :success
assert_template 'diary_entry/view'
- assert_select "html:root", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "html", :count => 1 do
assert_select "head", :count => 1 do
assert_select "title", :text => /Users' diaries | /, :count => 1
def test_rss
get :rss
assert_response :success, "Should be able to get a diary RSS"
- assert_select "rss:root", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "rss", :count => 1 do
assert_select "channel", :count => 1 do
assert_select "channel>title", :count => 1
assert_select "image", :count => 1