+ history: History
+ data: Data
+ export_data: Export Data
+ gps_traces: GPS Traces
+ gps_traces_tooltip: Manage GPS traces
+ user_diaries: User Diaries
+ user_diaries_tooltip: View user diaries
+ edit_with: Edit with %{editor}
+ tag_line: The Free Wiki World Map
+ intro_1: "OpenStreetMap is a free worldwide map, created by people like you."
+ intro_2_html: "The data is free to %{download} and %{use} under its %{license}. %{create_account} to improve the map."
+ intro_2_create_account: "Create a user account"
+ intro_2_license: "open license"
+ intro_2_use: "use"
+ intro_2_download: "download"
+ intro_2_use_url: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Using_OpenStreetMap"
+ partners_html: "Hosting is supported by %{ucl}, %{ic} and %{bytemark}, and other %{partners}."
+ partners_ucl: "the UCL VR Centre"
+ partners_ic: "Imperial College London"
+ partners_bytemark: "Bytemark Hosting"
+ partners_partners: "partners"
+ partners_url: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Partners"
+ osm_offline: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently offline while essential database maintenance work is carried out."
+ osm_read_only: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while essential database maintenance work is carried out."
+ donate: "Support OpenStreetMap by %{link} to the Hardware Upgrade Fund."
+ donate_link_text: donating
+ help: help
+ copyright: "Copyright & License"
+ community: Community
+ community_blogs: "Community Blogs"
+ community_blogs_title: "Blogs from members of the OpenStreetMap community"
+ foundation: Foundation
+ foundation_title: The OpenStreetMap Foundation
+ make_a_donation:
+ title: Support OpenStreetMap with a monetary donation
+ text: Make a Donation
+ license_page:
+ foreign:
+ title: About this translation
+ text: In the event of a conflict between this translated page and %{english_original_link}, the English page shall take precedence
+ english_link: the English original
+ native:
+ title: About this page
+ text: You are viewing the English version of the copyright page. You can go back to the %{native_link} of this page or you can stop reading about copyright and %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: THIS_LANGUAGE_NAME_HERE version
+ mapping_link: start mapping
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Copyright and License
+ intro_1_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>, licensed under the <a
+ href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">Open Data
+ Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ intro_2_html: |
+ You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data,
+ as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its
+ contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you
+ may distribute the result only under the same licence. The
+ full <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">legal
+ code</a> explains your rights and responsibilities.
+ intro_3_html: |
+ The cartography in our map tiles, and our documentation, are
+ licensed under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> license (CC BY-SA).
+ credit_title_html: How to credit OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: |
+ We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap
+ contributors”.
+ credit_2_html: |
+ You must also make it clear that the data is available under the Open
+ Database License, and if using our map tiles, that the cartography is
+ licensed as CC BY-SA. You may do this by linking to
+ <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyright page</a>.
+ Alternatively, and as a requirement if you are distributing OSM in a
+ data form, you can name and link directly to the license(s). In media
+ where links are not possible (e.g. printed works), we suggest you
+ direct your readers to openstreetmap.org (perhaps by expanding
+ 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address), to opendatacommons.org, and
+ if relevant, to creativecommons.org.
+ credit_3_html: |
+ For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map.
+ For example:
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Example of how to attribute OpenStreetMap on a webpage
+ title: Attribution example
+ more_title_html: Finding out more
+ more_1_html: |
+ Read more about using our data, and how to credit us, at the <a
+ href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Legal_FAQ">Legal
+ FAQ</a>.
+ more_2_html: |
+ Although OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannot provide a
+ free-of-charge map API for third-party developers.
+ See our <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_usage_policy">API Usage Policy</a>,
+ <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy">Tile Usage Policy</a>
+ and <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Usage_Policy">Nominatim Usage Policy</a>.
+ contributors_title_html: Our contributors
+ contributors_intro_html: |
+ Our contributors are thousands of individuals. We also include
+ openly-licensed data from national mapping agencies
+ and other sources, among them:
+ contributors_at_html: |
+ <strong>Austria</strong>: Contains data from
+ <a href="http://data.wien.gv.at/">Stadt Wien</a> (under
+ <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/at/deed.de">CC BY</a>),
+ <a href="http://www.vorarlberg.at/vorarlberg/bauen_wohnen/bauen/vermessung_geoinformation/weitereinformationen/services/wmsdienste.htm">Land Vorarlberg</a> and
+ Land Tirol (under <a href="http://www.tirol.gv.at/applikationen/e-government/data/nutzungsbedingungen/">CC BY AT with amendments</a>).
+ contributors_ca_html: |
+ <strong>Canada</strong>: Contains data from
+ GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural
+ Resources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural
+ Resources Canada), and StatCan (Geography Division,
+ Statistics Canada).
+ contributors_fr_html: |
+ <strong>France</strong>: Contains data sourced from
+ Direction Générale des Impôts.
+ contributors_nl_html: |
+ <strong>Netherlands</strong>: Contains © AND data, 2007
+ (<a href="http://www.and.com">www.and.com</a>)
+ contributors_nz_html: |
+ <strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from
+ Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.
+ contributors_za_html: |
+ <strong>South Africa</strong>: Contains data sourced from
+ <a href="http://www.ngi.gov.za/">Chief Directorate:
+ National Geo-Spatial Information</a>, State copyright reserved.
+ contributors_gb_html: |
+ <strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance
+ Survey data © Crown copyright and database right
+ 2010-12.
+ contributors_footer_1_html: |
+ For further details of these, and other sources that have been used
+ to help improve OpenStreetMap, please see the <a
+ href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors">Contributors
+ page</a> on the OpenStreetMap Wiki.
+ contributors_footer_2_html: |
+ Inclusion of data in OpenStreetMap does not imply that the original
+ data provider endorses OpenStreetMap, provides any warranty, or
+ accepts any liability.
+ infringement_title_html: Copyright infringement
+ infringement_1_html: |
+ OSM contributors are reminded never to add data from any
+ copyrighted sources (e.g. Google Maps or printed maps) without
+ explicit permission from the copyright holders.
+ infringement_2_html: |
+ If you believe that copyrighted material has been inappropriately
+ added to the OpenStreetMap database or this site, please refer
+ to our <a href="http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Takedown_procedure">takedown
+ procedure</a> or file directly at our
+ <a href="http://dmca.openstreetmap.org/">on-line filing page</a>.
+ welcome_page:
+ title: Welcome!
+ introduction_html: |
+ Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. Now that you're signed
+ up, you're all set to get started mapping. Here's a quick guide with the most important
+ things you need to know.
+ whats_on_the_map:
+ title: What's on the Map
+ on_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap is a place for mapping things that are both <em>real and current</em> -
+ it includes millions of buildings, roads, and other details about places. You can map
+ whatever real-world features are interesting to you.
+ off_html: |
+ What it <em>doesn't</em> include is opinionated data like ratings, historical or
+ hypothetical features, and data from copyrighted sources. Unless you have special
+ permission, don't copy from online or paper maps.
+ basic_terms:
+ title: Basic Terms For Mapping
+ paragraph_1_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap has some of its own lingo. Here are a few key words that'll come in handy.
+ editor_html: |
+ An <strong>editor</strong> is a program or website you can use to edit the map.
+ node_html: |
+ A <strong>node</strong> is a point on the map, like a single restauraunt or a tree.
+ way_html: |
+ A <strong>way</strong> is a line or area, like a road, stream, lake or building.
+ tag_html: |
+ A <strong>tag</strong> is a bit of data about a node or way, like a
+ restaurant's name or a road's speed limit.
+ questions:
+ title: Any questions?
+ paragraph_1_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap has several resources for learning about the project, asking and answering
+ questions, and collaboratively discussing and documenting mapping topics.
+ <a href='%{help_url}'>Get help here</a>.
+ start_mapping: Start Mapping
+ add_a_note:
+ title: No Time To Edit? Add a Note!
+ paragraph_1_html: |
+ If you just want something small fixed and don't have the time to sign up and learn how to edit, it's
+ easy to add a note.
+ paragraph_2_html: |
+ Just go to <a href='%{map_url}'>the map</a> and click the note icon:
+ <span class='icon note'></span>. This will add a marker to the map, which you can move
+ by dragging. Add your message, then click save, and other mappers will investigate.
+ help_page:
+ title: Getting Help
+ introduction: |
+ OpenStreetMap has several resources for learning about the project, asking and answering questions,
+ and collaboratively discussing and documenting mapping topics.
+ welcome:
+ url: http://www.openstreetmap.org/welcome
+ title: Welcome to OSM
+ description: Start with this quick guide covering the OpenStreetMap basics.
+ learnosm:
+ url: http://learnosm.org/
+ title: LearnOSM
+ description: Learn how to edit OpenStreetMap with the JOSM editor step-by-step.
+ help:
+ url: https://help.openstreetmap.org/
+ title: help.openstreetmap.org
+ description: Ask a question or look up answers on OSM's question-and-answer site.
+ wiki:
+ url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/
+ title: wiki.openstreetmap.org
+ description: Browse the wiki for in-depth OSM documentation.
+ notifier:
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] %{user} commented on your diary entry"
+ hi: "Hi %{to_user},"
+ header: "%{from_user} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry with the subject %{subject}:"
+ footer: "You can also read the comment at %{readurl} and you can comment at %{commenturl} or reply at %{replyurl}"
+ message_notification:
+ subject_header: "[OpenStreetMap] %{subject}"
+ hi: "Hi %{to_user},"
+ header: "%{from_user} has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the subject %{subject}:"
+ footer_html: "You can also read the message at %{readurl} and you can reply at %{replyurl}"
+ friend_notification:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] %{user} added you as a friend"
+ had_added_you: "%{user} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap."
+ see_their_profile: "You can see their profile at %{userurl}."
+ befriend_them: "You can also add them as a friend at %{befriendurl}."
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ your_gpx_file: "It looks like your GPX file"
+ with_description: "with the description"
+ and_the_tags: "and the following tags:"
+ and_no_tags: "and no tags."
+ failure:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import failure"
+ failed_to_import: "failed to import. Here is the error:"
+ more_info_1: "More information about GPX import failures and how to avoid"
+ more_info_2: "them can be found at:"
+ import_failures_url: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GPX_Import_Failures"
+ success:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import success"
+ loaded_successfully: loaded successfully with %{trace_points} out of a possible %{possible_points} points.
+ signup_confirm:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Welcome to OpenStreetMap"
+ greeting: "Hi there!"
+ created: "Someone (hopefully you) just created an account at %{site_url}."
+ confirm: "Before we do anything else, we need to confirm that this request came from you, so if it did then please click the link below to confirm your account:"
+ welcome: "After you confirm your account, we'll provide you with some additional information to get you started."
+ email_confirm:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Confirm your email address"
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to change their email address over at %{server_url} to %{new_address}."
+ click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to confirm the change."
+ email_confirm_html:
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to change their email address over at %{server_url} to %{new_address}."
+ click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to confirm the change."
+ lost_password:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Password reset request"
+ lost_password_plain:
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ hopefully_you: "Someone (possibly you) has asked for the password to be reset on this email address's openstreetmap.org account."
+ click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to reset your password."
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ hopefully_you: "Someone (possibly you) has asked for the password to be reset on this email address's openstreetmap.org account."
+ click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to reset your password."
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: An anonymous user
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ commented:
+ subject_own: "[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has commented on one of your notes"
+ subject_other: "[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has commented on a note you are interested in"
+ your_note: "%{commenter} has left a comment on one of your map notes near %{place}."
+ commented_note: "%{commenter} has left a comment on a map note you have commented on. The note is near %{place}."
+ closed:
+ subject_own: "[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has resolved one of your notes"
+ subject_other: "[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has resolved a note you are interested in"
+ your_note: "%{commenter} has resolved one of your map notes near %{place}."
+ commented_note: "%{commenter} has resolved a map note you have commented on. The note is near %{place}."
+ reopened:
+ subject_own: "[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has reactivated one of your notes"
+ subject_other: "[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has reactivated a note you are interested in"
+ your_note: "%{commenter} has reactivated one of your map notes near %{place}."
+ commented_note: "%{commenter} has reactivated a map note you have commented on. The note is near %{place}."
+ details: "More details about the note can be found at %{url}."
+ message:
+ inbox:
+ title: "Inbox"
+ my_inbox: "My Inbox"
+ outbox: "outbox"
+ messages: "You have %{new_messages} and %{old_messages}"
+ new_messages:
+ one: "%{count} new message"
+ other: "%{count} new messages"
+ old_messages:
+ one: "%{count} old message"
+ other: "%{count} old messages"
+ from: "From"
+ subject: "Subject"
+ date: "Date"
+ no_messages_yet: "You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?"
+ people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby"
+ message_summary:
+ unread_button: "Mark as unread"
+ read_button: "Mark as read"
+ reply_button: "Reply"
+ delete_button: "Delete"
+ new:
+ title: "Send message"
+ send_message_to: "Send a new message to %{name}"
+ subject: "Subject"
+ body: "Body"
+ send_button: "Send"
+ back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox"
+ message_sent: "Message sent"
+ limit_exceeded: "You have sent a lot of messages recently. Please wait a while before trying to send any more."
+ no_such_message:
+ title: "No such message"
+ heading: "No such message"
+ body: "Sorry there is no message with that id."
+ outbox:
+ title: "Outbox"
+ my_inbox: "My %{inbox_link}"
+ inbox: "inbox"
+ outbox: "outbox"
+ messages:
+ one: "You have %{count} sent message"
+ other: "You have %{count} sent messages"
+ to: "To"
+ subject: "Subject"
+ date: "Date"
+ no_sent_messages: "You have no sent messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?"
+ people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby"
+ reply:
+ wrong_user: "You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to reply to was not sent to that user. Please login as the correct user in order to reply."
+ read:
+ title: "Read message"
+ from: "From"
+ subject: "Subject"
+ date: "Date"
+ reply_button: "Reply"
+ unread_button: "Mark as unread"
+ back: "Back"
+ to: "To"
+ wrong_user: "You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to read was not sent by or to that user. Please login as the correct user in order to read it."
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: "Delete"
+ mark:
+ as_read: "Message marked as read"
+ as_unread: "Message marked as unread"
+ delete:
+ deleted: "Message deleted"
+ site:
+ index:
+ js_1: "You are either using a browser that does not support JavaScript, or you have disabled JavaScript."
+ js_2: "OpenStreetMap uses JavaScript for its slippy map."
+ permalink: Permalink
+ shortlink: Shortlink
+ createnote: Add a note
+ license:
+ copyright: "Copyright OpenStreetMap and contributors, under an open license"
+ license_url: "http://openstreetmap.org/copyright"
+ project_url: "http://openstreetmap.org"
+ remote_failed: "Editing failed - make sure JOSM or Merkaartor is loaded and the remote control option is enabled"
+ edit:
+ not_public: "You have not set your edits to be public."
+ not_public_description: "You can no longer edit the map unless you do so. You can set your edits as public from your %{user_page}."
+ user_page_link: user page
+ anon_edits: "(%{link})"
+ anon_edits_link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Disabling_anonymous_edits"
+ anon_edits_link_text: "Find out why this is the case."
+ flash_player_required: 'You need a Flash player to use Potlatch, the OpenStreetMap Flash editor. You can <a href="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">download Flash Player from Adobe.com</a>. <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Editing">Several other options</a> are also available for editing OpenStreetMap.'
+ potlatch_unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch, you should deselect the current way or point, if editing in live mode, or click save if you have a save button.)"
+ potlatch2_not_configured: "Potlatch 2 has not been configured - please see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/The_Rails_Port#Potlatch_2 for more information"
+ potlatch2_unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch 2, you should click save.)"
+ id_not_configured: "iD has not been configured"
+ no_iframe_support: "Your browser doesn't support HTML iframes, which are necessary for this feature."
+ sidebar:
+ search_results: Search Results
+ close: Close
+ search:
+ search: Search
+ where_am_i: "Where am I?"
+ where_am_i_title: Describe the current location using the search engine
+ submit_text: "Go"
+ search_help: "examples: 'Alkmaar', 'Regent Street, Cambridge', 'CB2 5AQ', or 'post offices near Lünen' <a href='http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Search'>more examples...</a>"
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ motorway: "Motorway"
+ trunk: "Trunk road"
+ primary: "Primary road"
+ secondary: "Secondary road"
+ unclassified: "Unclassified road"
+ unsurfaced: "Unsurfaced road"
+ track: "Track"
+ byway: "Byway"
+ bridleway: "Bridleway"
+ cycleway: "Cycleway"
+ footway: "Footway"
+ rail: "Railway"
+ subway: "Subway"
+ tram:
+ - Light rail
+ - tram
+ cable:
+ - Cable car
+ - chair lift
+ runway:
+ - Airport Runway
+ - taxiway
+ apron:
+ - Airport apron
+ - terminal
+ admin: "Administrative boundary"
+ forest: "Forest"
+ wood: "Wood"
+ golf: "Golf course"
+ park: "Park"
+ resident: "Residential area"
+ tourist: "Tourist attraction"
+ common:
+ - Common
+ - meadow
+ retail: "Retail area"
+ industrial: "Industrial area"
+ commercial: "Commercial area"
+ heathland: "Heathland"
+ lake:
+ - Lake
+ - reservoir
+ farm: "Farm"
+ brownfield: "Brownfield site"
+ cemetery: "Cemetery"
+ allotments: "Allotments"
+ pitch: "Sports pitch"
+ centre: "Sports centre"
+ reserve: "Nature reserve"
+ military: "Military area"
+ school:
+ - School
+ - university
+ building: "Significant building"
+ station: "Railway station"
+ summit:
+ - Summit
+ - peak
+ tunnel: "Dashed casing = tunnel"
+ bridge: "Black casing = bridge"
+ private: "Private access"
+ permissive: "Permissive access"
+ destination: "Destination access"
+ construction: "Roads under construction"
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: Edit
+ preview: Preview
+ markdown_help:
+ title_html: Parsed with <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown</a>
+ headings: Headings
+ heading: Heading
+ subheading: Subheading
+ unordered: Unordered list
+ ordered: Ordered list
+ first: First item
+ second: Second item
+ link: Link
+ text: Text
+ image: Image
+ alt: Alt text
+ url: URL
+ trace:
+ visibility:
+ private: "Private (only shared as anonymous, unordered points)"
+ public: "Public (shown in trace list and as anonymous, unordered points)"
+ trackable: "Trackable (only shared as anonymous, ordered points with timestamps)"
+ identifiable: "Identifiable (shown in trace list and as identifiable, ordered points with timestamps)"
+ create:
+ upload_trace: "Upload GPS Trace"
+ trace_uploaded: "Your GPX file has been uploaded and is awaiting insertion in to the database. This will usually happen within half an hour, and an email will be sent to you on completion."
+ edit:
+ title: "Editing trace %{name}"
+ heading: "Editing trace %{name}"
+ filename: "Filename:"
+ download: "download"
+ uploaded_at: "Uploaded:"
+ points: "Points:"
+ start_coord: "Start coordinate:"
+ map: "map"
+ edit: "edit"
+ owner: "Owner:"
+ description: "Description:"
+ tags: "Tags:"
+ tags_help: "comma delimited"
+ save_button: "Save Changes"
+ visibility: "Visibility:"
+ visibility_help: "what does this mean?"
+ visibility_help_url: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Visibility_of_GPS_traces"
+ trace_form:
+ upload_gpx: "Upload GPX File:"
+ description: "Description:"
+ tags: "Tags:"
+ tags_help: "comma delimited"
+ visibility: "Visibility:"
+ visibility_help: "what does this mean?"
+ visibility_help_url: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Visibility_of_GPS_traces"
+ upload_button: "Upload"
+ help: "Help"
+ help_url: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Upload"
+ trace_header:
+ upload_trace: "Upload a trace"
+ see_all_traces: "See all traces"
+ see_your_traces: "See your traces"
+ traces_waiting:
+ one: "You have %{count} trace waiting for upload. Please consider waiting for these to finish before uploading any more, so as not to block the queue for other users."
+ other: "You have %{count} traces waiting for upload. Please consider waiting for these to finish before uploading any more, so as not to block the queue for other users."
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: "Tags"
+ view:
+ title: "Viewing trace %{name}"
+ heading: "Viewing trace %{name}"
+ pending: "PENDING"
+ filename: "Filename:"
+ download: "download"
+ uploaded: "Uploaded:"
+ points: "Points:"
+ start_coordinates: "Start coordinate:"
+ map: "map"
+ edit: "edit"
+ owner: "Owner:"
+ description: "Description:"
+ tags: "Tags:"
+ none: "None"
+ edit_track: "Edit this trace"
+ delete_track: "Delete this trace"
+ trace_not_found: "Trace not found!"
+ visibility: "Visibility:"
+ trace_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: "Page %{page}"
+ older: "Older Traces"
+ newer: "Newer Traces"
+ trace:
+ pending: "PENDING"
+ count_points: "%{count} points"
+ ago: "%{time_in_words_ago} ago"
+ more: "more"
+ trace_details: "View Trace Details"
+ view_map: "View Map"
+ edit: "edit"
+ edit_map: "Edit Map"
+ public: "PUBLIC"
+ identifiable: "IDENTIFIABLE"
+ private: "PRIVATE"
+ trackable: "TRACKABLE"
+ by: "by"
+ in: "in"
+ map: "map"
+ list:
+ public_traces: "Public GPS traces"
+ your_traces: "Your GPS traces"
+ public_traces_from: "Public GPS traces from %{user}"
+ description: "Browse recent GPS track uploads"
+ tagged_with: " tagged with %{tags}"
+ empty_html: "Nothing here yet. <a href='%{upload_link}'>Upload a new trace</a> or learn more about GPS tracing on the <a href='http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners_Guide_1.2'>wiki page</a>."
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: "Trace scheduled for deletion"
+ make_public:
+ made_public: "Trace made public"
+ offline_warning:
+ message: "The GPX file upload system is currently unavailable"
+ offline:
+ heading: "GPX Storage Offline"
+ message: "The GPX file storage and upload system is currently unavailable."
+ georss:
+ title: "OpenStreetMap GPS Traces"
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: "GPX file with %{count} point from %{user}"
+ other: "GPX file with %{count} points from %{user}"
+ description_without_count: "GPX file from %{user}"
+ application:
+ require_cookies:
+ cookies_needed: "You appear to have cookies disabled - please enable cookies in your browser before continuing."
+ require_moderator:
+ not_a_moderator: "You need to be a moderator to perform that action."
+ setup_user_auth:
+ blocked: "Your access to the API has been blocked. Please log-in to the web interface to find out more."
+ need_to_see_terms: "Your access to the API is temporarily suspended. Please log-in to the web interface to view the Contributor Terms. You do not need to agree, but you must view them."
+ oauth:
+ oauthorize:
+ request_access: "The application %{app_name} is requesting access to your account, %{user}. Please check whether you would like the application to have the following capabilities. You may choose as many or as few as you like."
+ allow_to: "Allow the client application to:"
+ allow_read_prefs: "read your user preferences."
+ allow_write_prefs: "modify your user preferences."
+ allow_write_diary: "create diary entries, comments and make friends."
+ allow_write_api: "modify the map."
+ allow_read_gpx: "read your private GPS traces."
+ allow_write_gpx: "upload GPS traces."
+ allow_write_notes: "modify notes."
+ revoke:
+ flash: "You've revoked the token for %{application}"
+ oauth_clients:
+ new:
+ title: "Register a new application"
+ submit: "Register"
+ edit:
+ title: "Edit your application"
+ submit: "Edit"
+ show:
+ title: "OAuth details for %{app_name}"
+ key: "Consumer Key:"
+ secret: "Consumer Secret:"
+ url: "Request Token URL:"
+ access_url: "Access Token URL:"
+ authorize_url: "Authorise URL:"
+ support_notice: "We support HMAC-SHA1 (recommended) and RSA-SHA1 signatures."
+ edit: "Edit Details"
+ delete: "Delete Client"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ requests: "Requesting the following permissions from the user:"
+ allow_read_prefs: "read their user preferences."
+ allow_write_prefs: "modify their user preferences."
+ allow_write_diary: "create diary entries, comments and make friends."
+ allow_write_api: "modify the map."
+ allow_read_gpx: "read their private GPS traces."
+ allow_write_gpx: "upload GPS traces."
+ allow_write_notes: "modify notes."
+ index:
+ title: "My OAuth Details"
+ my_tokens: "My Authorised Applications"
+ list_tokens: "The following tokens have been issued to applications in your name:"
+ application: "Application Name"
+ issued_at: "Issued At"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ my_apps: "My Client Applications"
+ no_apps: "Do you have an application you would like to register for use with us using the %{oauth} standard? You must register your web application before it can make OAuth requests to this service."
+ registered_apps: "You have the following client applications registered:"
+ register_new: "Register your application"
+ form:
+ name: "Name"
+ required: "Required"
+ url: "Main Application URL"
+ callback_url: "Callback URL"
+ support_url: "Support URL"
+ requests: "Request the following permissions from the user:"
+ allow_read_prefs: "read their user preferences."
+ allow_write_prefs: "modify their user preferences."
+ allow_write_diary: "create diary entries, comments and make friends."
+ allow_write_api: "modify the map."
+ allow_read_gpx: "read their private GPS traces."
+ allow_write_gpx: "upload GPS traces."
+ allow_write_notes: "modify notes."
+ not_found:
+ sorry: "Sorry, that %{type} could not be found."
+ create:
+ flash: "Registered the information successfully"
+ update:
+ flash: "Updated the client information successfully"
+ destroy:
+ flash: "Destroyed the client application registration"
+ user:
+ login:
+ title: "Login"
+ heading: "Login"
+ email or username: "Email Address or Username:"
+ password: "Password:"
+ openid: "%{logo} OpenID:"
+ remember: "Remember me"
+ lost password link: "Lost your password?"
+ login_button: "Login"
+ register now: Register now
+ with username: "Already have an OpenStreetMap account? Please login with your username and password:"
+ with openid: "Alternatively, use OpenID to login:"
+ new to osm: New to OpenStreetMap?
+ to make changes: To make changes to the OpenStreetMap data, you must have an account.
+ create account minute: Create an account. It only takes a minute.
+ no account: Don't have an account?
+ account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please use the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account, or <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">request a new confirmation email</a>."
+ account is suspended: Sorry, your account has been suspended due to suspicious activity.<br />Please contact the <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> if you wish to discuss this.
+ auth failure: "Sorry, could not log in with those details."
+ openid missing provider: "Sorry, could not contact your OpenID provider"
+ openid invalid: "Sorry, your OpenID seems to be malformed"
+ openid_logo_alt: "Log in with an OpenID"
+ openid_providers:
+ openid:
+ title: Login with OpenID
+ alt: Login with an OpenID URL
+ google:
+ title: Login with Google
+ alt: Login with a Google OpenID
+ yahoo:
+ title: Login with Yahoo
+ alt: Login with a Yahoo OpenID
+ myopenid:
+ title: Login with myOpenID
+ alt: Login with a myOpenID OpenID
+ wordpress:
+ title: Login with Wordpress
+ alt: Login with a Wordpress OpenID
+ aol:
+ title: Login with AOL
+ alt: Login with an AOL OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: "Logout"
+ heading: "Logout from OpenStreetMap"
+ logout_button: "Logout"
+ lost_password:
+ title: "Lost password"
+ heading: "Forgotten Password?"
+ email address: "Email Address:"
+ new password button: "Reset password"
+ help_text: "Enter the email address you used to sign up, we will send a link to it that you can use to reset your password."
+ notice email on way: "Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon."
+ notice email cannot find: "Could not find that email address, sorry."
+ reset_password:
+ title: "Reset password"
+ heading: "Reset Password for %{user}"
+ password: "Password:"
+ confirm password: "Confirm Password:"
+ reset: "Reset Password"
+ flash changed: "Your password has been changed."
+ flash token bad: "Did not find that token, check the URL maybe?"
+ new:
+ title: "Sign Up"
+ no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically."
+ contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the <a href="mailto:webmaster@openstreetmap.org">webmaster</a> to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.'
+ about:
+ header: Free and editable
+ html: |
+ <p>Unlike other maps, OpenStreetMap is completely created by people like you,
+ and it's free for anyone to fix, update, download and use.</p>
+ <p>Sign up to get started contributing. We'll send an email to confirm your account.</p>
+ license_agreement: 'When you confirm your account you will need to agree to the <a href="http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Contributor_Terms">contributor terms</a>.'
+ email address: "Email Address:"
+ confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:"
+ not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy" title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">privacy policy</a>)'
+ display name: "Display Name:"
+ display name description: "Your publicly displayed username. You can change this later in the preferences."
+ openid: "%{logo} OpenID:"
+ password: "Password:"
+ confirm password: "Confirm Password:"
+ use openid: "Alternatively, use %{logo} OpenID to login"
+ openid no password: "With OpenID a password is not required, but some extra tools or server may still need one."
+ openid association: |
+ <p>Your OpenID is not associated with a OpenStreetMap account yet.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>If you are new to OpenStreetMap, please create a new account using the form below.</li>
+ <li>
+ If you already have an account, you can login to your account
+ using your username and password and then associate the account
+ with your OpenID in your user settings.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ continue: Sign Up
+ terms accepted: "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!"
+ terms declined: "We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor Terms. For more information, please see <a href=\"%{url}\">this wiki page</a>."
+ terms declined url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
+ terms:
+ title: "Contributor terms"
+ heading: "Contributor terms"
+ read and accept: "Please read the agreement and press the agree button to confirm that you accept the terms of this agreement for your existing and future contributions."
+ consider_pd: "In addition to the above agreement, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
+ consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
+ consider_pd_why_url: http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Why_would_I_want_my_contributions_to_be_public_domain
+ guidance: 'Information to help understand these terms: a <a href="%{summary}">human readable summary</a> and some <a href="%{translations}">informal translations</a>'
+ agree: Agree
+ declined: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined"
+ decline: "Decline"
+ you need to accept or decline: "Please read and then either accept or decline the new Contributor Terms to continue."
+ legale_select: "Country of residence:"
+ legale_names:
+ france: "France"
+ italy: "Italy"
+ rest_of_world: "Rest of the world"
+ no_such_user:
+ title: "No such user"
+ heading: "The user %{user} does not exist"
+ body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name %{user}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ view:
+ my diary: My Diary
+ new diary entry: new diary entry
+ my edits: My Edits
+ my traces: My Traces
+ my notes: My Notes
+ my profile: My Profile
+ my settings: My Settings
+ my comments: My Comments
+ oauth settings: oauth settings
+ blocks on me: Blocks on Me
+ blocks by me: Blocks by Me
+ send message: Send Message
+ diary: Diary
+ edits: Edits
+ traces: Traces
+ notes: Map Notes
+ remove as friend: Unfriend
+ add as friend: Add Friend
+ mapper since: "Mapper since:"
+ ago: "(%{time_in_words_ago} ago)"
+ ct status: "Contributor terms:"
+ ct undecided: Undecided
+ ct declined: Declined
+ ct accepted: Accepted %{ago} ago
+ latest edit: "Latest edit %{ago}:"
+ email address: "Email address:"
+ created from: "Created from:"
+ status: "Status:"
+ spam score: "Spam Score:"
+ description: Description
+ user location: User location
+ if set location: "Set your home location on the %{settings_link} page to see nearby users."
+ settings_link_text: settings
+ your friends: Your friends
+ no friends: You have not added any friends yet.
+ km away: "%{count}km away"
+ m away: "%{count}m away"
+ nearby users: "Other nearby users"
+ no nearby users: "There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet."
+ role:
+ administrator: "This user is an administrator"
+ moderator: "This user is a moderator"
+ grant:
+ administrator: "Grant administrator access"
+ moderator: "Grant moderator access"
+ revoke:
+ administrator: "Revoke administrator access"
+ moderator: "Revoke moderator access"
+ block_history: "blocks received"
+ moderator_history: "blocks given"
+ comments: "Comments"
+ create_block: "block this user"
+ activate_user: "activate this user"
+ deactivate_user: "deactivate this user"
+ confirm_user: "confirm this user"
+ hide_user: "hide this user"
+ unhide_user: "unhide this user"
+ delete_user: "delete this user"
+ confirm: "Confirm"
+ friends_changesets: "friends' changesets"
+ friends_diaries: "friends' diary entries"
+ nearby_changesets: "nearby user changesets"
+ nearby_diaries: "nearby user diary entries"
+ popup:
+ your location: "Your location"
+ nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper"
+ friend: "Friend"
+ account:
+ title: "Edit account"
+ my settings: My settings
+ current email address: "Current Email Address:"
+ new email address: "New Email Address:"
+ email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)"
+ openid:
+ openid: "OpenID:"
+ link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID"
+ link text: "what is this?"
+ public editing:
+ heading: "Public editing:"
+ enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data."
+ enabled link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits"
+ enabled link text: "what is this?"
+ disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous."
+ disabled link text: "why can't I edit?"
+ public editing note:
+ heading: "Public editing"
+ text: "Currently your edits are anonymous and people cannot send you messages or see your location. To show what you edited and allow people to contact you through the website, click the button below. <b>Since the 0.6 API changeover, only public users can edit map data</b>. (<a href=\"http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits\">find out why</a>).<ul><li>Your email address will not be revealed by becoming public.</li><li>This action cannot be reversed and all new users are now public by default.</li></ul>"
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: "Contributor Terms:"
+ agreed: "You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms."
+ not yet agreed: "You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms."
+ review link text: "Please follow this link at your convenience to review and accept the new Contributor Terms."
+ agreed_with_pd: "You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
+ link: "http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Contributor_Terms"
+ link text: "what is this?"
+ profile description: "Profile Description:"
+ preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:"
+ preferred editor: "Preferred Editor:"
+ image: "Image:"
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: "Use Gravatar"
+ link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gravatar"
+ link text: "what is this?"
+ new image: "Add an image"
+ keep image: "Keep the current image"
+ delete image: "Remove the current image"
+ replace image: "Replace the current image"
+ image size hint: "(square images at least 100x100 work best)"
+ home location: "Home Location:"
+ no home location: "You have not entered your home location."
+ latitude: "Latitude:"
+ longitude: "Longitude:"
+ update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?"
+ save changes button: Save Changes
+ make edits public button: Make all my edits public
+ return to profile: Return to profile
+ flash update success confirm needed: "User information updated successfully. Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address."
+ flash update success: "User information updated successfully."
+ confirm:
+ heading: Check your email!
+ introduction_1: |
+ We sent you a confirmation email.
+ introduction_2: |
+ Confirm your account by clicking on the link in the email and you'll be able to start mapping.
+ press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to activate your account."
+ button: Confirm
+ already active: "This account has already been confirmed."
+ unknown token: "That confirmation code has expired or does not exist."
+ reconfirm_html: "If you need us to resend the confirmation email, <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">click here</a>."
+ confirm_resend:
+ success: "We've sent a new confirmation note to %{email} and as soon as you confirm your account you'll be able to get mapping.<br /><br />If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist webmaster@openstreetmap.org as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests."
+ failure: "User %{name} not found."
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: Confirm a change of email address
+ press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to confirm your new email address."
+ button: Confirm
+ success: "Confirmed your email address, thanks for signing up!"
+ failure: "An email address has already been confirmed with this token."
+ set_home:
+ flash success: "Home location saved successfully"
+ go_public:
+ flash success: "All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit."
+ make_friend:
+ heading: "Add %{user} as a friend?"
+ button: "Add as friend"
+ success: "%{name} is now your friend!"
+ failed: "Sorry, failed to add %{name} as a friend."
+ already_a_friend: "You are already friends with %{name}."
+ remove_friend:
+ heading: "Unfriend %{user}?"
+ button: "Unfriend"
+ success: "%{name} was removed from your friends."
+ not_a_friend: "%{name} is not one of your friends."
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: "You need to be an administrator to perform that action."
+ list:
+ title: Users
+ heading: Users
+ showing:
+ one: Page %{page} (%{first_item} of %{items})
+ other: Page %{page} (%{first_item}-%{last_item} of %{items})
+ summary: "%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}"
+ summary_no_ip: "%{name} created on %{date}"
+ confirm: Confirm Selected Users
+ hide: Hide Selected Users
+ empty: No matching users found
+ suspended:
+ title: Account Suspended
+ heading: Account Suspended
+ webmaster: webmaster
+ body: |
+ <p>
+ Sorry, your account has been automatically suspended due to
+ suspicious activity.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This decision will be reviewed by an administrator shortly, or
+ you may contact the %{webmaster} if you wish to discuss this.
+ </p>
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: "Only administrators can perform user role management, and you are not an administrator."
+ not_a_role: "The string `%{role}' is not a valid role."
+ already_has_role: "The user already has role %{role}."
+ doesnt_have_role: "The user does not have role %{role}."
+ grant:
+ title: Confirm role granting
+ heading: Confirm role granting
+ are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to grant the role `%{role}' to the user `%{name}'?"
+ confirm: "Confirm"
+ fail: "Could not grant role `%{role}' to user `%{name}'. Please check that the user and role are both valid."
+ revoke:
+ title: Confirm role revoking
+ heading: Confirm role revoking
+ are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to revoke the role `%{role}' from the user `%{name}'?"
+ confirm: "Confirm"
+ fail: "Could not revoke role `%{role}' from user `%{name}'. Please check that the user and role are both valid."
+ user_block:
+ model:
+ non_moderator_update: "Must be a moderator to create or update a block."
+ non_moderator_revoke: "Must be a moderator to revoke a block."
+ not_found:
+ sorry: "Sorry, the user block with ID %{id} could not be found."
+ back: "Back to index"
+ new:
+ title: "Creating block on %{name}"
+ heading: "Creating block on %{name}"
+ reason: "The reason why %{name} is being blocked. Please be as calm and as reasonable as possible, giving as much detail as you can about the situation, remembering that the message will be publicly visible. Bear in mind that not all users understand the community jargon, so please try to use laymans terms."
+ period: "How long, starting now, the user will be blocked from the API for."
+ submit: "Create block"
+ tried_contacting: "I have contacted the user and asked them to stop."
+ tried_waiting: "I have given a reasonable amount of time for the user to respond to those communications."
+ needs_view: "User needs to log in before this block will be cleared"
+ back: "View all blocks"
+ edit:
+ title: "Editing block on %{name}"
+ heading: "Editing block on %{name}"
+ reason: "The reason why %{name} is being blocked. Please be as calm and as reasonable as possible, giving as much detail as you can about the situation. Bear in mind that not all users understand the community jargon, so please try to use laymans terms."
+ period: "How long, starting now, the user will be blocked from the API for."
+ submit: "Update block"
+ show: "View this block"
+ back: "View all blocks"
+ needs_view: "Does the user need to log in before this block will be cleared?"
+ filter:
+ block_expired: "The block has already expired and cannot be edited."
+ block_period: "The blocking period must be one of the values selectable in the drop-down list."
+ create:
+ try_contacting: "Please try contacting the user before blocking them and giving them a reasonable time to respond."
+ try_waiting: "Please try giving the user a reasonable time to respond before blocking them."
+ flash: "Created a block on user %{name}."
+ update:
+ only_creator_can_edit: "Only the moderator who created this block can edit it."
+ success: "Block updated."
+ index:
+ title: "User blocks"
+ heading: "List of user blocks"
+ empty: "No blocks have been made yet."
+ revoke:
+ title: "Revoking block on %{block_on}"
+ heading: "Revoking block on %{block_on} by %{block_by}"
+ time_future: "This block will end in %{time}."
+ past: "This block ended %{time} ago and cannot be revoked now."
+ confirm: "Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ flash: "This block has been revoked."
+ period:
+ one: "1 hour"
+ other: "%{count} hours"
+ partial:
+ show: "Show"
+ edit: "Edit"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ display_name: "Blocked User"
+ creator_name: "Creator"
+ reason: "Reason for block"
+ status: "Status"
+ revoker_name: "Revoked by"
+ not_revoked: "(not revoked)"
+ showing_page: "Page %{page}"
+ next: "Next »"
+ previous: "« Previous"
+ helper:
+ time_future: "Ends in %{time}."
+ until_login: "Active until the user logs in."
+ time_past: "Ended %{time} ago."
+ blocks_on:
+ title: "Blocks on %{name}"
+ heading: "List of blocks on %{name}"
+ empty: "%{name} has not been blocked yet."
+ blocks_by:
+ title: "Blocks by %{name}"
+ heading: "List of blocks by %{name}"
+ empty: "%{name} has not made any blocks yet."
+ show:
+ title: "%{block_on} blocked by %{block_by}"
+ heading: "%{block_on} blocked by %{block_by}"
+ time_future: "Ends in %{time}"
+ time_past: "Ended %{time} ago"
+ status: "Status"
+ show: "Show"
+ edit: "Edit"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ reason: "Reason for block:"
+ back: "View all blocks"
+ revoker: "Revoker:"
+ needs_view: "The user needs to log in before this block will be cleared."
+ note:
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: "Created %{when} ago"
+ opened_at_by_html: "Created %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ commented_at_html: "Updated %{when} ago"
+ commented_at_by_html: "Updated %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ closed_at_html: "Resolved %{when} ago"
+ closed_at_by_html: "Resolved %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ reopened_at_html: "Reactivated %{when} ago"
+ reopened_at_by_html: "Reactivated %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ rss:
+ title: "OpenStreetMap Notes"
+ description_area: "A list of notes, reported, commented on or closed in your area [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]"
+ description_item: "An rss feed for note %{id}"
+ opened: "new note (near %{place})"
+ commented: "new comment (near %{place})"
+ closed: "closed note (near %{place})"
+ reopened: "reactivated note (near %{place})"
+ entry:
+ comment: Comment
+ full: Full note
+ mine:
+ title: "Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}"
+ heading: "%{user}'s notes"
+ subheading: "Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}"
+ id: "Id"
+ creator: "Creator"
+ description: "Description"
+ created_at: "Created at"
+ last_changed: "Last changed"
+ ago_html: "%{when} ago"
+ javascripts:
+ close: Close
+ share:
+ title: "Share"
+ cancel: "Cancel"
+ image: "Image"
+ link: "Link or HTML"
+ long_link: "Link"
+ short_link: "Short Link"
+ embed: "HTML"
+ custom_dimensions: "Set custom dimensions"
+ format: "Format:"
+ scale: "Scale:"
+ image_size: "Image will show standard layer at "
+ download: "Download"
+ short_url: "Short URL"
+ include_marker: "Include marker"
+ center_marker: "Center map on marker"
+ paste_html: "Paste HTML to embed in website"
+ view_larger_map: "View Larger Map"
+ key:
+ title: "Map Key"
+ tooltip: "Map Key"
+ tooltip_disabled: "Map Key available only for Standard layer"
+ map:
+ zoom:
+ in: Zoom In
+ out: Zoom Out
+ locate:
+ title: Show My Location
+ popup: You are within {distance} {unit} of this point
+ base:
+ standard: Standard
+ cycle_map: Cycle Map
+ transport_map: Transport Map
+ mapquest: MapQuest Open
+ hot: Humanitarian
+ layers:
+ header: Map Layers
+ notes: Map Notes
+ data: Map Data
+ overlays: Enable overlays for troubleshooting the map
+ title: "Layers"
+ copyright: "© <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>"
+ site:
+ edit_tooltip: Edit the map
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to edit the map
+ history_tooltip: View edits for this area
+ history_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to view edits for this area
+ createnote_tooltip: Add a note to the map
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to add a note to the map
+ notes:
+ new:
+ intro: "In order to improve the map the information you enter is shown to other mappers, so please be as descriptive and precise as possible when moving the marker to the correct position and entering your note below."
+ add: Add Note
+ show:
+ permalink: Permalink
+ anonymous_warning: This note includes comments from anonymous users which should be independently verified.
+ opened_by: "created by <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ opened_by_anonymous: "created by anonymous at %{time}"
+ commented_by: "comment from <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ commented_by_anonymous: "comment from anonymous at %{time}"
+ closed_by: "resolved by <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ closed_by_anonymous: "resolved by anonymous at %{time}"
+ reopened_by: "reactivated by <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ reopened_by_anonymous: "reactivated by anonymous at %{time}"
+ hide: Hide
+ resolve: Resolve
+ reactivate: Reactivate
+ comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
+ comment: Comment
+ edit_help: Move the map and zoom in on a location you want to edit, then click here.
+ redaction:
+ edit:
+ description: "Description"
+ heading: "Edit redaction"
+ submit: "Save redaction"
+ title: "Edit redaction"
+ index:
+ empty: "No redactions to show."
+ heading: "List of redactions"
+ title: "List of redactions"
+ new:
+ description: "Description"
+ heading: "Enter information for new redaction"
+ submit: "Create redaction"
+ title: "Creating new redaction"
+ show:
+ description: "Description:"
+ heading: "Showing redaction \"%{title}\""
+ title: "Showing redaction"
+ user: "Creator:"
+ edit: "Edit this redaction"
+ destroy: "Remove this redaction"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ create:
+ flash: "Redaction created."
+ update:
+ flash: "Changes saved."
+ destroy:
+ not_empty: "Redaction is not empty. Please un-redact all versions belonging to this redaction before destroying it."
+ flash: "Redaction destroyed."
+ error: "There was an error destroying this redaction."