assert_response :bad_request, "shouldn't be OK to redact current version as moderator."
+ def test_redact_relation_by_regular_with_read_prefs_scope
+ auth_header = create_bearer_auth_header(create(:user), %w[read_prefs])
+ do_redact_redactable_relation(auth_header)
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ end
+ def test_redact_relation_by_regular_with_write_api_scope
+ auth_header = create_bearer_auth_header(create(:user), %w[write_api])
+ do_redact_redactable_relation(auth_header)
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ end
+ def test_redact_relation_by_regular_with_write_redactions_scope
+ auth_header = create_bearer_auth_header(create(:user), %w[write_redactions])
+ do_redact_redactable_relation(auth_header)
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to be moderator to redact."
+ end
+ def test_redact_relation_by_moderator_with_read_prefs_scope
+ auth_header = create_bearer_auth_header(create(:moderator_user), %w[read_prefs])
+ do_redact_redactable_relation(auth_header)
+ assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
+ end
+ def test_redact_relation_by_moderator_with_write_api_scope
+ auth_header = create_bearer_auth_header(create(:moderator_user), %w[write_api])
+ do_redact_redactable_relation(auth_header)
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_api scope."
+ # assert_response :forbidden, "should need to have write_redactions scope to redact."
+ end
+ def test_redact_relation_by_moderator_with_write_redactions_scope
+ auth_header = create_bearer_auth_header(create(:moderator_user), %w[write_redactions])
+ do_redact_redactable_relation(auth_header)
+ assert_response :success, "should be OK to redact old version as moderator with write_redactions scope."
+ end
# test that redacted relations aren't visible, regardless of
# authorisation except as moderator...
+ def create_bearer_auth_header(user, scopes)
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token,
+ :resource_owner_id =>,
+ :scopes => scopes)
+ bearer_authorization_header(token.token)
+ end
+ def do_redact_redactable_relation(headers = {})
+ relation = create(:relation, :with_history, :version => 4)
+ relation_v3 = relation.old_relations.find_by(:version => 3)
+ do_redact_relation(relation_v3, create(:redaction), headers)
+ end
def do_redact_relation(relation, redaction, headers = {})
get relation_version_path(:id => relation.relation_id, :version => relation.version)
assert_response :success, "should be able to get version #{relation.version} of relation #{relation.relation_id}."