# randomly move the node about
3.times do
# move the node somewhere else
- xml_node["lat"] = precision(rand * 180 - 90).to_s
- xml_node["lon"] = precision(rand * 360 - 180).to_s
+ xml_node["lat"] = precision((rand * 180) - 90).to_s
+ xml_node["lon"] = precision((rand * 360) - 180).to_s
with_controller(NodesController.new) do
put api_node_path(:id => nodeid), :params => xml_doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :forbidden, "Should have rejected node update"
# randomly move the node about
3.times do
# move the node somewhere else
- xml_node["lat"] = precision(rand * 180 - 90).to_s
- xml_node["lon"] = precision(rand * 360 - 180).to_s
+ xml_node["lat"] = precision((rand * 180) - 90).to_s
+ xml_node["lon"] = precision((rand * 360) - 180).to_s
with_controller(NodesController.new) do
put api_node_path(:id => nodeid), :params => xml_doc.to_s, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success
- (1..16).map { |_i| letters[rand(letters.length)] }.join
+ (1..16).map { letters[rand(letters.length)] }.join