- get :data, :params => { :display_name => deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => deleted_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => deleted_trace_file.user }
- assert_response :not_found
- end
- # Test downloading the picture for a trace
- def test_picture
- public_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :fixture => "a")
- # First with no auth, which should work since the trace is public
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file.id }
- check_trace_picture public_trace_file
- # Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => create(:user) }
- check_trace_picture public_trace_file
- # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => public_trace_file.user }
- check_trace_picture public_trace_file
- end
- # Check the picture for an anonymous trace can't be downloaded by another user
- def test_picture_anon
- anon_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :fixture => "b")
- # First with no auth
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file.id }
- assert_response :forbidden
- # Now with some other user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => create(:user) }
- assert_response :forbidden
- # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => anon_trace_file.user }
- check_trace_picture anon_trace_file
- end
- # Test downloading the picture for a trace that doesn't exist
- def test_picture_not_found
- deleted_trace_file = create(:trace, :deleted)
- # First with a trace that has never existed
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => create(:user).display_name, :id => 0 }
- assert_response :not_found
- # Now with a trace that has been deleted
- get :picture, :params => { :display_name => deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => deleted_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => deleted_trace_file.user }
- assert_response :not_found
- end
- # Test downloading the icon for a trace
- def test_icon
- public_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :fixture => "a")
- # First with no auth, which should work since the trace is public
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file.id }
- check_trace_icon public_trace_file
- # Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => create(:user) }
- check_trace_icon public_trace_file
- # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => public_trace_file.user }
- check_trace_icon public_trace_file
- end
- # Check the icon for an anonymous trace can't be downloaded by another user
- def test_icon_anon
- anon_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :fixture => "b")
- # First with no auth
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file.id }
- assert_response :forbidden
- # Now with some other user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => create(:user) }
- assert_response :forbidden
- # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => anon_trace_file.user }
- check_trace_icon anon_trace_file
- end
- # Test downloading the icon for a trace that doesn't exist
- def test_icon_not_found
- deleted_trace_file = create(:trace, :deleted)
- # First with a trace that has never existed
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => create(:user).display_name, :id => 0 }
- assert_response :not_found
- # Now with a trace that has been deleted
- get :icon, :params => { :display_name => deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => deleted_trace_file.id }, :session => { :user => deleted_trace_file.user }