module ApplicationHelper
- def htmlize(text)
- return sanitize(auto_link(simple_format(text), :urls))
+ require "rexml/document"
+ def linkify(text)
+ if text.html_safe?
+ Rinku.auto_link(text, :urls, tag_builder.tag_options(:rel => "nofollow")).html_safe
+ else
+ Rinku.auto_link(ERB::Util.h(text), :urls, tag_builder.tag_options(:rel => "nofollow")).html_safe
+ end
- def rss_link_to(*args)
- return link_to(image_tag("RSS.gif", :size => "16x16", :border => 0), Hash[*args], { :class => "rsssmall" });
+ def rss_link_to(args = {})
+ link_to image_tag("RSS.png", :size => "16x16", :class => "align-text-bottom"), args
- def atom_link_to(*args)
- return link_to(image_tag("RSS.gif", :size => "16x16", :border => 0), Hash[*args], { :class => "rsssmall" });
+ def atom_link_to(args = {})
+ link_to image_tag("RSS.png", :size => "16x16", :class => "align-text-bottom"), args
- def javascript_strings
- js = ""
+ def dir
+ if dir = params[:dir]
+ dir == "rtl" ? "rtl" : "ltr"
+ else
+ I18n.t("html.dir")
+ end
+ end
- js << "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"
- js << "rails_i18n = new Array();\n"
- js << javascript_strings_for_key("javascripts")
- js << "</script>\n"
+ def friendly_date(date)
+ tag.time(time_ago_in_words(date), :title => l(date, :format => :friendly), :datetime => date.xmlschema)
+ end
- return js
+ def friendly_date_ago(date)
+ tag.time(time_ago_in_words(date, :scope => :"datetime.distance_in_words_ago"), :title => l(date, :format => :friendly), :datetime => date.xmlschema)
+ def body_class
+ if content_for? :body_class
+ content_for :body_class
+ else
+ controller_part = params[:controller].tr("/", "-")
+ "#{controller_part} #{controller_part}-#{params[:action]}"
+ end
+ end
- def javascript_strings_for_key(key)
- js = ""
- value = t(key)
+ def header_nav_link_class(path)
+ ["nav-link", current_page?(path) ? "active text-secondary-emphasis" : "text-secondary"]
+ end
- if value.is_a?(String)
- js << "rails_i18n['#{key}'] = '" << escape_javascript(value) << "';\n"
- else
- value.each_key do |k|
- js << javascript_strings_for_key("#{key}.#{k}")
- end
+ def application_data
+ data = {
+ :locale => I18n.locale,
+ :preferred_editor => preferred_editor,
+ :preferred_languages =>
+ }
+ if current_user
+ data[:user] =
+ data[:user_home] = { :lat => current_user.home_lat, :lon => current_user.home_lon } if current_user.home_location?
- return js
+ data[:location] = session[:location] if session[:location]
+ data[:oauth_token] = oauth_token.token if oauth_token
+ data
+ end
+ # If the flash is a hash, then it will be a partial with a hash of locals, so we can call `render` on that
+ # This allows us to render html into a flash message in a safe manner.
+ def render_flash(flash)
+ if flash.is_a?(Hash)
+ render flash.with_indifferent_access
+ else
+ flash
+ end
+ rescue StandardError
+ flash.inspect if Rails.env.development?