weight: 10
+ color: '#ff0',
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ weight: 12
- list: []
+ list: [],
+ add: function(supportsHTTPS,engine) {
+ if (document.location.protocol=="http:" || supportsHTTPS) this.list.push(engine);
+ }
OSM.Routing=function(map,name,jqSearch) {
// Take directions and write them out
- // data = { steps: array of [latlng, sprite number, instruction text, distance in metres] }
+ // data = { steps: array of [latlng, sprite number, instruction text, distance in metres, highlightPolyline] }
// sprite numbers equate to OSRM's route_instructions turn values
r.setItinerary=function(data) {
// Create base table
row.append("<td class='direction i"+step[1]+"'> ");
row.append("<td class='instruction'>"+step[2]);
row.append("<td class='distance'>"+dist);
- with ({ num: i, ll: step[0] }) {
- row.on('click',function(e) { r.clickTurn(num, ll); });
+ with ({ instruction: step[2], ll: step[0], lineseg: step[4] }) {
+ row.on('click',function(e) { r.clickTurn(instruction, ll); });
+ row.hover(function(e){r.highlightSegment(lineseg);}, function(e){r.unhighlightSegment();});
$('#sidebar_content').append('<p id="routing_credit">' + r.chosenEngine.creditline + '</p>');
- r.clickTurn=function(num,latlng) {
- r.popup=L.popup().setLatLng(latlng).setContent("<p>"+(num+1)+"</p>").openOn(r.map);
+ r.clickTurn=function(instruction,latlng) {
+ r.popup=L.popup().setLatLng(latlng).setContent("<p>"+instruction+"</p>").openOn(r.map);
+ r.highlightSegment=function(lineseg){
+ if (r.highlighted) map.removeLayer(r.highlighted);
+ r.highlighted=L.polyline(lineseg, ROUTING_POLYLINE_HIGHLIGHT).addTo(r.map);
+ }
+ r.unhighlightSegment=function(){
+ if (r.highlighted) map.removeLayer(r.highlighted);
+ }
r.formatDistance=function(m) {
if (m < 1000 ) { return Math.round(m) + "m"; }
else if (m < 10000) { return (m/1000.0).toFixed(1) + "km"; }
else { return Math.round(m / 1000) + "km"; }
r.formatTime=function(s) {
- var d=new Date(s*1000); var h=d.getHours(); var m=d.getMinutes();
+ var m=Math.round(s/60);
+ var h=Math.floor(m/60);
+ m -= h*60;
return h+":"+(m<10 ? '0' : '')+m;