- el1['user'] = user_display_name_cache[user_id] unless user_display_name_cache[user_id].nil?
- el1['uid'] = user_id.to_s if user.data_public?
- tags.each do |k, v|
- el2 = XML::Node.new('tag')
- el2['k'] = k.to_s
- el2['v'] = v.to_s
- el1 << el2
- end
- el1['created_at'] = created_at.xmlschema
- el1['closed_at'] = closed_at.xmlschema unless is_open?
- el1['open'] = is_open?.to_s
- bbox.to_unscaled.add_bounds_to(el1, '_') if bbox.complete?
- el1['comments_count'] = comments.count.to_s
- if include_discussion
- el2 = XML::Node.new('discussion')
- comments.includes(:author).each do |comment|
- el3 = XML::Node.new('comment')
- el3['date'] = comment.created_at.xmlschema
- el3['uid'] = comment.author.id.to_s if comment.author.data_public?
- el3['user'] = comment.author.display_name.to_s if comment.author.data_public?
- el4 = XML::Node.new('text')
- el4.content = comment.body.to_s
- el3 << el4
- el2 << el3
- end
- el1 << el2
- end
- # NOTE: changesets don't include the XML of the changes within them,
- # they are just structures for tagging. to get the osmChange of a
- # changeset, see the download method of the controller.
- el1