-require 'test_helper'
+require "test_helper"
class I18nTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
I18n.available_locales.each do |locale|
define_method("test_#{locale.to_s.underscore}".to_sym) do
- # plural_keys = plural_keys(locale)
+ without_i18n_exceptions do
+ # plural_keys = plural_keys(locale)
- translation_keys.each do |key|
- variables = []
+ translation_keys.each do |key|
+ variables = []
- default_value = I18n.t(key, :locale => I18n.default_locale)
+ default_value = I18n.t(key, :locale => I18n.default_locale)
- if default_value.is_a?(Hash)
- variables.push("count")
+ if default_value.is_a?(Hash)
+ variables.push("count")
- default_value.each do |_subkey, subvalue|
- subvalue.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
- variables.push($1)
+ default_value.each_value do |subvalue|
+ subvalue.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
+ variables.push(Regexp.last_match(1))
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ default_value.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
+ variables.push(Regexp.last_match(1))
- else
- default_value.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
- variables.push($1)
- end
- end
- if key =~ /^(active(model|record)\.)?errors\./
- variables.push("attribute")
- end
+ variables.push("attribute") if key =~ /^(active(model|record)\.)?errors\./
- value = I18n.t(key, :locale => locale, :fallback => true)
+ value = I18n.t(key, :locale => locale, :fallback => true)
- if value.is_a?(Hash)
- value.each do |subkey, subvalue|
- # assert plural_keys.include?(subkey), "#{key}.#{subkey} is not a valid plural key"
+ if value.is_a?(Hash)
+ value.each do |subkey, subvalue|
+ # assert plural_keys.include?(subkey), "#{key}.#{subkey} is not a valid plural key"
- next if subvalue.nil?
+ next if subvalue.nil?
- subvalue.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
- assert variables.include?($1), "#{key}.#{subkey} uses unknown interpolation variable #{$1}"
+ subvalue.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
+ assert_includes variables, Regexp.last_match(1), "#{key}.#{subkey} uses unknown interpolation variable #{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
+ end
- end
- else
- assert value.is_a?(String), "#{key} is not a string"
+ else
+ assert value.is_a?(String), "#{key} is not a string"
- value.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
- assert variables.include?($1), "#{key} uses unknown interpolation variable #{$1}"
+ value.scan(/%\{(\w+)\}/) do
+ assert_includes variables, Regexp.last_match(1), "#{key} uses unknown interpolation variable #{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
+ end
- end
- assert %w(ltr rtl).include?(I18n.t("html.dir", :locale => locale)), "html.dir must be ltr or rtl"
+ assert_includes %w[ltr rtl], I18n.t("html.dir", :locale => locale), "html.dir must be ltr or rtl"
+ end