if block.active?
# if the block hasn't expired yet show the date, if the user just needs to login show that
if block.needs_view?
- if block.ends_at > Time.now.getutc
+ if block.ends_at > Time.now.utc
t("user_blocks.helper.time_future_and_until_login_html", :time => friendly_date(block.ends_at))
# the max of the last update time or the ends_at time is when this block finished
# either because the user viewed the block (updated_at) or it expired or was
# revoked (ends_at)
- last_time = [block.ends_at, block.updated_at].max
+ last_time = block.deactivates_at || [block.ends_at, block.updated_at].max
t("user_blocks.helper.time_past_html", :time => friendly_date_ago(last_time))
def block_duration_in_words(duration)
+ # Ensure the requested duration isn't negative, even by a millisecond
+ duration = 0 if duration.negative?
parts = ActiveSupport::Duration.build(duration).parts
if duration < 1.day
t("user_blocks.helper.block_duration.hours", :count => parts.fetch(:hours, 0))