title: Nove entrata de diario
publish_button: Publicar
- list:
+ index:
title: Diarios de usatores
title_friends: Diarios de amicos
title_nearby: Diarios de usatores vicin
intro_text: OpenStreetMap es un carta del mundo, create per gente como tu e libere
de usar sub un licentia aperte.
intro_2_create_account: Crea un conto de usator
- partners_html: Le allogiamento web es supportate per %{ucl}, %{bytemark}, %{ic}
- e altere %{partners}.
partners_ucl: UCL
- partners_ic: Imperial College London
partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
partners_partners: partners
osm_offline: Le base de datos de OpenStreetMap non es disponibile al momento debite
<strong>Austria</strong>: Contine datos ab le
<a href="">Citate de Vienna</a> licentiate sub
<a href="">CC BY</a>.
+ contributors_au_html: |-
+ <strong>Australia</strong>: Contine datos de suburbios a base
+ de datos del Australian Bureau of Statistics.
contributors_ca_html: |-
<strong>Canada</strong>: Contine datos ab
GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural
flash: Le information del cliente ha essite actualisate con successo
flash: Le registration del application cliente ha essite destruite
- user:
+ users:
title: Aperir session
heading: Aperir session
not_a_friend: '%{name} non es un de tu amicos.'
not_an_administrator: Tu debe esser administrator pro executar iste action.
- list:
+ index:
title: Usatores
heading: Usatores