my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new();
ok($mw, "Got a MediaWiki API");
$mw->{config}->{api_url} = '';
+$mw->{config}->{retries} = 5;
+$mw->{config}->{retry_delay} = 30;
# All our goodies
my (%feature, %count);
ok(1, " Got $cnt key pages");
$count{key} += $cnt;
+ # Key prefix pages
+ ok(1, " Getting key prefix pages");
+ $cnt = stick_content_in_hash("key", "Template:${lang}KeyPrefixDescription", \%feature);
+ ok(1, " Got $cnt key prefix pages");
+ $count{keyprefix} += $cnt;
# Value pages
ok(1, " Getting value pages");
$cnt = stick_content_in_hash("tag", "Template:${lang}ValueDescription", \%feature);
$count{value} += $cnt;
-ok(1, "Got a total of $count{$_} ${_}s") for qw[ key value ];
+ok(1, "Got a total of $count{$_} ${_}s") for qw[ key keyprefix value ];
# Dump to .yml file
open my $out, ">", $out_file or die "Can't open file '$out_file' supplied on the command line";