+ # ----- putpoi
+ # save POI to the database
+ # in: [0] user token (string),
+ # [1] original node id (may be negative),
+ # [2] projected longitude, [3] projected latitude,
+ # [4] hash of tags, [5] visible (0 to delete, 1 otherwise),
+ # [6] baselong, [7] basey, [8] masterscale
+ # does: saves POI node to the database
+ # refuses save if the node has since become part of a way
+ # out: [0] 0 (success), [1] original node id (unchanged),
+ # [2] new node id
+ def putpoi(args) #:doc:
+ usertoken,id,x,y,tags,visible,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
+ uid=getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
+ db_now='@now'+(rand*100).to_i.to_s+uid.to_s+id.to_i.abs.to_s+Time.new.to_i.to_s # 'now' variable name, typically 51 chars
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SET #{db_now}=NOW()")
+ id=id.to_i
+ visible=visible.to_i
+ if visible==0 then
+ # if deleting, check node hasn't become part of a way
+ inway=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT cw.id FROM current_ways cw,current_way_nodes cwn WHERE cw.id=cwn.id AND cw.visible=1 AND cwn.node_id=#{id} LIMIT 1")
+ unless inway.nil? then return -1,"The point has since become part of a way, so you cannot save it as a POI." end
+ deleteitemrelations(id,'node',uid,db_now)
+ end
+ x=coord2long(x.to_f,masterscale,baselong)
+ y=coord2lat(y.to_f,masterscale,basey)
+ tagsql="'"+sqlescape(array2tag(tags))+"'"
+ lat=(y * 10000000).round
+ long=(x * 10000000).round
+ tile=QuadTile.tile_for_point(y, x)
+ if (id>0) then
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{id},#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},#{visible},#{tagsql},#{tile})");
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_nodes SET latitude=#{lat},longitude=#{long},timestamp=#{db_now},user_id=#{uid},visible=#{visible},tags=#{tagsql},tile=#{tile} WHERE id=#{id}");
+ newid=id
+ else
+ newid=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_nodes (latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},#{visible},#{tagsql},#{tile})");
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{newid},#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},#{visible},#{tagsql},#{tile})");
+ end
+ [0,id,newid]
+ end
+ # ----- getpoi
+ # read POI from database
+ # (only called on revert: POIs are usually read by whichways)
+ # in: [0] node id, [1] baselong, [2] basey, [3] masterscale
+ # does: reads POI
+ # out: [0] id (unchanged), [1] projected long, [2] projected lat,
+ # [3] hash of tags
+ def getpoi(args) #:doc:
+ id,baselong,basey,masterscale = args
+ n = Node.find(id.to_i)
+ if n
+ return [n.id, n.long_potlatch(baselong,masterscale), n.lat_potlatch(basey,masterscale), n.tags_as_hash]
+ else
+ return [nil,nil,nil,'']
+ end
+ end
+ # ----- deleteway
+ # delete way and constituent nodes from database
+ # in: [0] user token (string), [1] way id
+ # does: deletes way from db and any constituent nodes not used elsewhere
+ # also removes ways/nodes from any relations they're in
+ # out: [0] 0 (success), [1] way id (unchanged)
+ def deleteway(args) #:doc: