# Find the note and check it is valid
@note = Note.find(params[:id])
raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless @note
- raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError.new("note", @note.id) unless @note.visible? || (current_user && current_user.moderator?)
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError.new("note", @note.id) unless @note.visible? || current_user&.moderator?
# Render the result
respond_to do |format|
# Return a list of notes matching a given string
def search
- # Check the arguments are sane
- raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "No query string was given" unless params[:q]
- # Get any conditions that need to be applied
+ # Get the initial set of notes
@notes = closed_condition(Note.all)
- @notes = @notes.joins(:comments).where("to_tsvector('english', note_comments.body) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)", params[:q])
+ # Add any user filter
+ if params[:display_name] || params[:user]
+ if params[:display_name]
+ @user = User.find_by(:display_name => params[:display_name])
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "User #{params[:display_name]} not known" unless @user
+ else
+ @user = User.find_by(:id => params[:user])
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "User #{params[:user]} not known" unless @user
+ end
+ @notes = @notes.joins(:comments).where(:note_comments => { :author_id => @user })
+ end
+ # Add any text filter
+ @notes = @notes.joins(:comments).where("to_tsvector('english', note_comments.body) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)", params[:q]) if params[:q]
+ # Add any date filter
+ if params[:from]
+ begin
+ from = Time.parse(params[:from])
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Date #{params[:from]} is in a wrong format"
+ end
+ begin
+ to = if params[:to]
+ Time.parse(params[:to])
+ else
+ Time.now
+ end
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Date #{params[:to]} is in a wrong format"
+ end
+ @notes = @notes.where(:created_at => from..to)
+ end
# Find the notes we want to return
@notes = @notes.order("updated_at DESC").limit(result_limit).preload(:comments)
@page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
@page_size = 10
@notes = @user.notes
- @notes = @notes.visible unless current_user && current_user.moderator?
+ @notes = @notes.visible unless current_user&.moderator?
@notes = @notes.order("updated_at DESC, id").distinct.offset((@page - 1) * @page_size).limit(@page_size).preload(:comments => :author).to_a
- @title = t "user.no_such_user.title"
+ @title = t "users.no_such_user.title"
@not_found_user = params[:display_name]
- render :template => "user/no_such_user", :status => :not_found
+ render :template => "users/no_such_user", :status => :not_found
# Get the maximum number of results to return
def result_limit
if params[:limit]
- if params[:limit].to_i > 0 && params[:limit].to_i <= 10000
+ if params[:limit].to_i.positive? && params[:limit].to_i <= 10000
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Note limit must be between 1 and 10000"
- if closed_since < 0
+ if closed_since.negative?
notes.where.not(:status => "hidden")
- elsif closed_since > 0
+ elsif closed_since.positive?
notes.where(:status => "open")
.or(notes.where(:status => "closed")
.where(notes.arel_table[:closed_at].gt(Time.now - closed_since.days)))
comment = note.comments.create!(attributes)
note.comments.map(&:author).uniq.each do |user|
- Notifier.note_comment_notification(comment, user).deliver_now if notify && user && user != current_user && user.visible?
+ Notifier.note_comment_notification(comment, user).deliver_later if notify && user && user != current_user && user.visible?