+# The OSM module provides support functions for OSM.
module OSM
- # This piece of magic reads a GPX with SAX and spits out
- # lat/lng and stuff
- #
- # This would print every latitude value:
- #
- # gpx = OSM::GPXImporter.new('somefile.gpx')
- # gpx.points {|p| puts p['latitude']}
require 'time'
require 'rexml/parsers/sax2parser'
require 'rexml/text'
require 'digest/md5'
require 'RMagick'
+ # The base class for API Errors.
+ class APIError < RuntimeError
+ end
+ # Raised when an API object is not found.
+ class APINotFoundError < APIError
+ end
+ # Raised when a precondition to an API action fails sanity check.
+ class APIPreconditionFailedError < APIError
+ end
+ # Raised when to delete an already-deleted object.
+ class APIAlreadyDeletedError < APIError
+ end
+ # Helper methods for going to/from mercator and lat/lng.
class Mercator
include Math
#init me with your bounding box and the size of your image
def initialize(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, width, height)
xsize = xsheet(max_lon) - xsheet(min_lon)
ysize = ysheet(max_lat) - ysheet(min_lat)
+ # This piece of magic reads a GPX with SAX and spits out
+ # lat/lng and stuff
+ #
+ # This would print every latitude value:
+ #
+ # gpx = OSM::GPXImporter.new('somefile.gpx')
+ # gpx.points {|p| puts p['latitude']}
class GPXImporter
# FIXME swap REXML for libXML
attr_reader :possible_points