+ def extension_name
+ filetype = Open3.capture2("/usr/bin/file", "-Lbz", trace_name).first.chomp
+ gzipped = filetype.include?("gzip compressed")
+ bzipped = filetype.include?("bzip2 compressed")
+ zipped = filetype.include?("Zip archive")
+ tarred = filetype.include?("tar archive")
+ extension = if tarred && gzipped
+ ".tar.gz"
+ elsif tarred && bzipped
+ ".tar.bz2"
+ elsif tarred
+ ".tar"
+ elsif gzipped
+ ".gpx.gz"
+ elsif bzipped
+ ".gpx.bz2"
+ elsif zipped
+ ".zip"
+ else
+ ".gpx"
+ end
+ extension
+ end
+ def update_from_xml(xml, create = false)
+ p = XML::Parser.string(xml, :options => XML::Parser::Options::NOERROR)
+ doc = p.parse
+ doc.find("//osm/gpx_file").each do |pt|
+ return update_from_xml_node(pt, create)
+ end
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", xml, "XML doesn't contain an osm/gpx_file element.")
+ rescue LibXML::XML::Error, ArgumentError => e
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", xml, e.message)
+ end
+ def update_from_xml_node(pt, create = false)
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "visibility missing") if pt["visibility"].nil?
+ self.visibility = pt["visibility"]
+ unless create
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "ID is required when updating.") if pt["id"].nil?
+ id = pt["id"].to_i
+ # .to_i will return 0 if there is no number that can be parsed.
+ # We want to make sure that there is no id with zero anyway
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "ID of trace cannot be zero when updating." if id.zero?
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "The id in the url (#{self.id}) is not the same as provided in the xml (#{id})" unless self.id == id
+ end
+ # We don't care about the time, as it is explicitly set on create/update/delete
+ # We don't care about the visibility as it is implicit based on the action
+ # and set manually before the actual delete
+ self.visible = true
+ description = pt.find("description").first
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "description missing") if description.nil?
+ self.description = description.content
+ self.tags = pt.find("tag").collect do |tag|
+ Tracetag.new(:tag => tag.content)
+ end
+ end
+ def xml_file
+ filetype = Open3.capture2("/usr/bin/file", "-Lbz", trace_name).first.chomp
+ gzipped = filetype.include?("gzip compressed")
+ bzipped = filetype.include?("bzip2 compressed")
+ zipped = filetype.include?("Zip archive")
+ tarred = filetype.include?("tar archive")
+ if gzipped || bzipped || zipped || tarred
+ file = Tempfile.new("trace.#{id}")
+ if tarred && gzipped
+ system("tar", "-zxOf", trace_name, :out => file.path)
+ elsif tarred && bzipped
+ system("tar", "-jxOf", trace_name, :out => file.path)
+ elsif tarred
+ system("tar", "-xOf", trace_name, :out => file.path)
+ elsif gzipped
+ system("gunzip", "-c", trace_name, :out => file.path)