# == General structure
-# Apart from the talk method (which distributes the requests from the
-# AMF message), each method generally takes arguments in the order they were
-# sent by the Potlatch SWF. Do not assume typing has been preserved. Methods
-# all return an array to the SWF.
+# Apart from the amf_read and amf_write methods (which distribute the requests
+# from the AMF message), each method generally takes arguments in the order
+# they were sent by the Potlatch SWF. Do not assume typing has been preserved.
+# Methods all return an array to the SWF.
# == Debugging
# return(-2,"message") <-- also asks the user to e-mail me
# To write to the Rails log, use RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info("message").
-# == To do
-# - Check authentication
-# - Check the right things are being written to the database!
class AmfController < ApplicationController
require 'stringio'
session :off
before_filter :check_write_availability
- # Main AMF handler: processes the raw AMF string (using AMF library) and
+ # Main AMF handlers: process the raw AMF string (using AMF library) and
# calls each action (private method) accordingly.
+ # ** FIXME: refactor to reduce duplication of code across read/write
- def talk
- req=StringIO.new(request.raw_post+0.chr) # Get POST data as request
- # (cf http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/122163)
- req.read(2) # Skip version indicator and client ID
- results={} # Results of each body
- renumberednodes={} # Shared across repeated putways
- renumberedways={} # Shared across repeated putways
+ def amf_read
+ req=StringIO.new(request.raw_post+0.chr)# Get POST data as request
+ # (cf http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/122163)
+ req.read(2) # Skip version indicator and client ID
+ results={} # Results of each body
# Parse request
when 'getrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getrelation(args[0].to_i))
when 'getway_old'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_old(args[0].to_i,args[1].to_i))
when 'getway_history'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_history(args[0].to_i))
+ when 'getnode_history'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getnode_history(args[0].to_i))
+ when 'findrelations'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,findrelations(*args))
+ when 'getpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpoi(*args))
+ end
+ end
+ sendresponse(results)
+ end
+ def amf_write
+ req=StringIO.new(request.raw_post+0.chr)
+ req.read(2)
+ results={}
+ renumberednodes={} # Shared across repeated putways
+ renumberedways={} # Shared across repeated putways
+ headers=AMF.getint(req) # Read number of headers
+ headers.times do # Read each header
+ name=AMF.getstring(req) # |
+ req.getc # | skip boolean
+ value=AMF.getvalue(req) # |
+ header["name"]=value # |
+ end
+ bodies=AMF.getint(req) # Read number of bodies
+ bodies.times do # Read each body
+ message=AMF.getstring(req) # | get message name
+ index=AMF.getstring(req) # | get index in response sequence
+ bytes=AMF.getlong(req) # | get total size in bytes
+ args=AMF.getvalue(req) # | get response (probably an array)
+ case message
when 'putway'; r=putway(renumberednodes,*args)
if r[1] != r[2]
when 'putrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putrelation(renumberednodes, renumberedways, *args))
when 'deleteway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,deleteway(args[0],args[1].to_i))
when 'putpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putpoi(*args))
- when 'getpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpoi(args[0].to_i))
- # Write out response
- a,b=results.length.divmod(256)
- render :content_type => "application/x-amf", :text => proc { |response, output|
- output.write 0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+a.chr+b.chr
- results.each do |k,v|
- output.write(v)
- end
- }
+ sendresponse(results)
points = nodes_not_used_in_area.collect { |n| [n.id, n.lon, n.lat, n.tags_as_hash] }
# find the relations used by those nodes and ways
- relations = nodes_in_area.collect { |node| node.containing_relations.visible }.flatten +
- way_ids.collect { |id| Way.find(id).containing_relations.visible }.flatten
+ relations = Relation.find_for_nodes(nodes_in_area.collect { |n| n.id }, :conditions => "visible = 1") +
+ Relation.find_for_ways(way_ids, :conditions => "visible = 1")
relation_ids = relations.collect { |relation| relation.id }.uniq
# way includes a node more than once
way = Way.find(wayid)
points = way.nodes.collect do |node|
- [node.lon, node.lat, node.id, nil, node.tags_as_hash]
+ nodetags=node.tags_as_hash
+ nodetags.delete('created_by')
+ [node.lon, node.lat, node.id, nodetags]
tags = way.tags
[0, id, points, old_way.tags, old_way.version]
- # Find history of a way. Returns an array of previous versions.
+ # Find history of a way. Returns 'way', id, and
+ # an array of previous versions.
def getway_history(wayid) #:doc:
- history = Way.find(wayid).old_ways.collect do |old_way|
+ history = Way.find(wayid).old_ways.reverse.collect do |old_way|
user = old_way.user.data_public? ? old_way.user.display_name : 'anonymous'
- [old_way.version, old_way.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M"), old_way.visible ? 1 : 0, user]
+ uid = old_way.user.data_public? ? old_way.user.id : 0
+ [old_way.version, old_way.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M"), old_way.visible ? 1 : 0, user, uid]
+ end
+ ['way',wayid,history]
+ end
+ # Find history of a node. Returns 'node', id, and
+ # an array of previous versions.
+ def getnode_history(nodeid) #:doc:
+ history = Node.find(nodeid).old_nodes.reverse.collect do |old_node|
+ user = old_node.user.data_public? ? old_node.user.display_name : 'anonymous'
+ uid = old_node.user.data_public? ? old_node.user.id : 0
+ [old_node.timestamp.to_i, old_node.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M"), old_node.visible ? 1 : 0, user, uid]
- [history]
+ ['node',nodeid,history]
# Get a relation with all tags and members.
[relid, rel.tags, rel.members]
+ # Find relations with specified name/id.
+ # Returns array of relations, each in same form as getrelation.
+ def findrelations(searchterm)
+ rels = []
+ if searchterm.to_i>0 then
+ rel = Relation.find(searchterm.to_i)
+ if rel and rel.visible then
+ rels.push([rel.id, rel.tags, rel.members])
+ end
+ else
+ RelationTag.find(:all, :limit => 11, :conditions => ["match(v) against (?)", searchterm] ).each do |t|
+ if t.relation.visible then
+ rels.push([t.relation.id, t.relation.tags, t.relation.members])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rels
+ end
# Save a relation.
# Returns
# 0. 0 (success),
if mid < 0
mid = renumberednodes[mid] if m[0] == 'node'
mid = renumberedways[mid] if m[0] == 'way'
- if mid < 0
- return -2, "Negative ID unresolved"
+ if mid
+ typedmembers << [m[0], mid, m[2]]
- typedmembers << [m[0], mid, m[2]]
# assign new contents
savenode = true
node = Node.find(id)
+ nodetags=node.tags_as_hash
+ nodetags.delete('created_by')
if !fpcomp(lat, node.lat) or !fpcomp(lon, node.lon) or
- Tags.join(n[4]) != node.tags or !node.visible?
+ n[4] != nodetags or !node.visible?
savenode = true
# Returns array of id, long, lat, hash of tags.
- def getpoi(id) #:doc:
- n = Node.find(id)
+ def getpoi(id,timestamp) #:doc:
+ if timestamp>0 then
+ n = OldNode.find(id, :conditions=>['UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp)=?',timestamp])
+ else
+ n = Node.find(id)
+ end
if n
return [n.id, n.lon, n.lat, n.tags_as_hash]
return ((a/0.0000001).round==(b/0.0000001).round)
+ # Send AMF response
+ def sendresponse(results)
+ a,b=results.length.divmod(256)
+ render :content_type => "application/x-amf", :text => proc { |response, output|
+ output.write 0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+a.chr+b.chr
+ results.each do |k,v|
+ output.write(v)
+ end
+ }
+ end
# ====================================================================
# Alternative SQL queries for getway/whichways
ORDER BY sequence_id
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql).each do |row|
- points << [row['lon'].to_f,row['lat'].to_f,row['id'].to_i,nil,tagstring_to_hash(row['tags'])]
+ nodetags=tagstring_to_hash(row['tags'])
+ nodetags.delete('created_by')
+ points << [row['lon'].to_f,row['lat'].to_f,row['id'].to_i,nodetags]