+ def update
+ @issue = Issue.find_by(issue_params)
+ # Check if details provided are sufficient
+ if params[:report][:details] and (params[:spam] or params[:offensive] or params[:threat] or params[:vandal] or params[:other])
+ @report = @issue.reports.where(reporter_user_id: @user.id).first
+ if @report == nil
+ @report = @issue.reports.build(report_params)
+ @report.reporter_user_id = @user.id
+ notice = t('issues.update.new_report')
+ end
+ details = params[:report][:details].to_s + "||" + params[:spam].to_s + "||" + params[:offensive].to_s + "||" + params[:threat].to_s + "||" + params[:vandal].to_s + "||" + params[:other].to_s
+ @report.details = details
+ # Checking if instance has been updated since last report
+ @last_report = @issue.reports.order(updated_at: :desc).last
+ if @issue.reportable.updated_at.present? and (@issue.ignored? or @issue.resolved?) and @issue.reportable.updated_at > @last_report.updated_at
+ @issue.reopen
+ @issue.save!
+ end
+ if notice == nil
+ notice = t('issues.update.successful_update')
+ end
+ if @report.save!
+ redirect_to root_path, notice: notice
+ end
+ else
+ redirect_to new_issue_path(reportable_type: @issue.reportable_type,reportable_id: @issue.reportable_id, reported_user_id: @issue.reported_user_id), notice: t('issues.update.provide_details')
+ end
+ end