- def get_picture(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, num_points)
- #puts "getting picfor bbox #{min_lat},#{min_lon} - #{max_lat},#{max_lon}"
- frames = 10
- width = 250
- height = 250
- rat= Math.cos( ((max_lat + min_lat)/2.0) / 180.0 * 3.141592)
- proj = OSM::Mercator.new((min_lat + max_lat) / 2, (max_lon + min_lon) / 2, (max_lat - min_lat) / width / rat, width, height)
- images = []
- frames.times do
- gc = Magick::Draw.new
- gc.stroke_linejoin('miter')
- gc.stroke('#FFFFFF')
- gc.fill('#FFFFFF')
- gc.rectangle(0,0,width,height)
- gc.stroke_width(1)
- images << gc
- end
- oldpx = 0.0
- oldpy = 0.0
- first = true
- m = 0
- mm = 0
- points do |p|
- px = proj.x(p['longitude'])
- py = proj.y(p['latitude'])
- frames.times do |n|
- images[n].stroke_width(1)
- images[n].stroke('#BBBBBB')
- images[n].fill('#BBBBBB')
- # puts "A #{px},#{py} - #{oldpx},#{oldpy}"
- images[n].line(px, py, oldpx, oldpy ) unless first
- end
- images[mm].stroke_width(3)
- images[mm].stroke('#000000')
- images[mm].fill('#000000')
- images[mm].line(px, py, oldpx, oldpy ) unless first
- # puts "B #{px},#{py} - #{oldpx},#{oldpy}"
- m +=1
- if m > num_points.to_f / frames.to_f * (mm+1)
- mm += 1
- end
- first = false
- oldpy = py
- oldpx = px
- end
- il = Magick::ImageList.new
- frames.times do |n|
- canvas = Magick::Image.new(width, height) {
- self.background_color = 'white'
- }
- begin
- images[n].draw(canvas)
- rescue ArgumentError
- end
- canvas.format = 'GIF'
- il << canvas
- end
- il.delay = 50
- il.format = 'GIF'
- return il.to_blob
- end
- def get_icon(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon)
- puts "getting icon for bbox #{min_lat},#{min_lon} - #{max_lat},#{max_lon}"
- width = 50
- height = 50
- rat= Math.cos( ((max_lat + min_lat)/2.0) / 180.0 * 3.141592)
- proj = OSM::Mercator.new((min_lat + max_lat) / 2, (max_lon + min_lon) / 2, (max_lat - min_lat) / width / rat, width, height)
- images = []
- gc = Magick::Draw.new
- gc.stroke_linejoin('miter')
- oldpx = 0.0
- oldpy = 0.0
- first = true
- gc.stroke_width(1)
- gc.stroke('#000000')
- gc.fill('#000000')
- points do |p|
- px = proj.x(p['longitude'])
- py = proj.y(p['latitude'])
- gc.line(px, py, oldpx, oldpy ) unless first
- # puts "C #{px},#{py} - #{oldpx},#{oldpy}"
- first = false
- oldpy = py
- oldpx = px
- end
- canvas = Magick::Image.new(width, height) {
- self.background_color = 'white'
- }
- begin
- gc.draw(canvas)
- rescue ArgumentError
- end
- canvas.format = 'GIF'
- return canvas.to_blob
+ # get the worst case bounds for a given radius from the base position
+ def bounds(radius)
+ latradius = 2 * asin(sqrt(sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2) ** 2))
+ lonradius = 2 * asin(sqrt(sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2) ** 2 / cos(@lat) ** 2))
+ minlat = (@lat - latradius) * 180 / PI
+ maxlat = (@lat + latradius) * 180 / PI
+ minlon = (@lon - lonradius) * 180 / PI
+ maxlon = (@lon + lonradius) * 180 / PI
+ return { :minlat => minlat, :maxlat => maxlat, :minlon => minlon, :maxlon => maxlon }