+ def self.IPLocation(ip_address)
+ Timeout::timeout(4) do
+ Net::HTTP.start('api.hostip.info') do |http|
+ country = http.get("/country.php?ip=#{ip_address}").body
+ country = "GB" if country == "UK"
+ Net::HTTP.start('ws.geonames.org') do |http|
+ xml = REXML::Document.new(http.get("/countryInfo?country=#{country}").body)
+ xml.elements.each("geonames/country") do |ele|
+ minlon = ele.get_text("bBoxWest").to_s
+ minlat = ele.get_text("bBoxSouth").to_s
+ maxlon = ele.get_text("bBoxEast").to_s
+ maxlat = ele.get_text("bBoxNorth").to_s
+ return { :minlon => minlon, :minlat => minlat, :maxlon => maxlon, :maxlat => maxlat }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ rescue Exception
+ return nil
+ end
+ # Construct a random token of a given length
+ def self.make_token(length = 30)
+ chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
+ token = ''
+ length.times do
+ token += chars[(rand * chars.length).to_i].chr
+ end
+ return token
+ end
+ # Return an encrypted version of a password
+ def self.encrypt_password(password, salt)
+ return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password) if salt.nil?
+ return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(salt + password)
+ end
+ # Return an SQL fragment to select a given area of the globe
+ def self.sql_for_area(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon, prefix = nil)
+ tilesql = QuadTile.sql_for_area(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon, prefix)
+ minlat = (minlat * 10000000).round
+ minlon = (minlon * 10000000).round
+ maxlat = (maxlat * 10000000).round
+ maxlon = (maxlon * 10000000).round
+ return "#{tilesql} AND #{prefix}latitude BETWEEN #{minlat} AND #{maxlat} AND #{prefix}longitude BETWEEN #{minlon} AND #{maxlon}"
+ end
+ class Potlatch # crazy shit
+ # ----- getpresets
+ # in: none
+ # does: reads tag preset menus, colours, and autocomplete config files
+ # out: [0] presets, [1] presetmenus, [2] presetnames,
+ # [3] colours, [4] casing, [5] areas, [6] autotags
+ # (all hashes)
+ def self.get_presets
+ RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: getpresets")
+ # Read preset menus
+ presets={}
+ presetmenus={}; presetmenus['point']=[]; presetmenus['way']=[]; presetmenus['POI']=[]
+ presetnames={}; presetnames['point']={}; presetnames['way']={}; presetnames['POI']={}
+ presettype=''
+ presetcategory=''
+ # StringIO.open(txt) do |file|
+ File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/presets.txt") do |file|
+ file.each_line {|line|
+ t=line.chomp
+ if (t=~/(\w+)\/(\w+)/) then
+ presettype=$1
+ presetcategory=$2
+ presetmenus[presettype].push(presetcategory)
+ presetnames[presettype][presetcategory]=["(no preset)"]
+ elsif (t=~/^(.+):\s?(.+)$/) then
+ pre=$1; kv=$2
+ presetnames[presettype][presetcategory].push(pre)
+ presets[pre]={}
+ kv.split(',').each {|a|
+ if (a=~/^(.+)=(.*)$/) then presets[pre][$1]=$2 end
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # Read colours/styling
+ colours={}; casing={}; areas={}
+ File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/colours.txt") do |file|
+ file.each_line {|line|
+ t=line.chomp
+ if (t=~/(\w+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/) then
+ tag=$1
+ if ($2!='-') then colours[tag]=$2.hex end
+ if ($3!='-') then casing[tag]=$3.hex end
+ if ($4!='-') then areas[tag]=$4.hex end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # Read auto-complete
+ autotags={}; autotags['point']={}; autotags['way']={}; autotags['POI']={};
+ File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/autocomplete.txt") do |file|
+ file.each_line {|line|
+ t=line.chomp
+ if (t=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\s+(.+)$/) then
+ tag=$1; type=$2; values=$3
+ if values=='-' then autotags[type][tag]=[]
+ else autotags[type][tag]=values.split(',').sort.reverse end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ [presets,presetmenus,presetnames,colours,casing,areas,autotags]
+ end
+ end