require "coveralls"
+# Override the simplecov output message, since it is mostly unwanted noise
+module SimpleCov
+ module Formatter
+ class HTMLFormatter
+ def output_message(_result); end
+ end
+ end
+# Output both the local simplecov html and the coveralls report
+SimpleCov.formatter =
+ [SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter,
+ Coveralls::SimpleCov::Formatter]
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
-require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
+require_relative "../config/environment"
require "rails/test_help"
require "webmock/minitest"
-load "composite_primary_keys/fixtures.rb"
+WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow_localhost => true)
module ActiveSupport
class TestCase
- include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
- # Load standard fixtures needed to test API methods
- def self.api_fixtures
- # print "setting up the api_fixtures"
- fixtures :users, :user_roles
- fixtures :changesets, :changeset_tags
- fixtures :current_nodes, :nodes
- set_fixture_class :current_nodes => Node
- set_fixture_class :nodes => OldNode
- fixtures :current_node_tags, :node_tags
- set_fixture_class :current_node_tags => NodeTag
- set_fixture_class :node_tags => OldNodeTag
- fixtures :current_ways
- set_fixture_class :current_ways => Way
- fixtures :current_way_nodes, :current_way_tags
- set_fixture_class :current_way_nodes => WayNode
- set_fixture_class :current_way_tags => WayTag
- fixtures :ways
- set_fixture_class :ways => OldWay
- fixtures :way_nodes, :way_tags
- set_fixture_class :way_nodes => OldWayNode
- set_fixture_class :way_tags => OldWayTag
- fixtures :current_relations
- set_fixture_class :current_relations => Relation
- fixtures :current_relation_members, :current_relation_tags
- set_fixture_class :current_relation_members => RelationMember
- set_fixture_class :current_relation_tags => RelationTag
- fixtures :relations
- set_fixture_class :relations => OldRelation
- fixtures :relation_members, :relation_tags
- set_fixture_class :relation_members => OldRelationMember
- set_fixture_class :relation_tags => OldRelationTag
- fixtures :gpx_files, :gps_points, :gpx_file_tags
- set_fixture_class :gpx_files => Trace
- set_fixture_class :gps_points => Tracepoint
- set_fixture_class :gpx_file_tags => Tracetag
- fixtures :client_applications
- fixtures :redactions
- end
+ include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
+ include ActiveJob::TestHelper
# takes a block which is executed in the context of a different
+ ##
+ # work round minitest insanity that causes it to tell you
+ # to use assert_nil to test for nil, which is fine if you're
+ # comparing to a nil constant but not if you're comparing
+ # an expression that might be nil sometimes
+ def assert_equal_allowing_nil(exp, act, msg = nil)
+ if exp.nil?
+ assert_nil act, msg
+ else
+ assert_equal exp, act, msg
+ end
+ end
# for some reason assert_equal a, b fails when the relations are
# actually equal, so this method manually checks the fields...
# set request headers for HTTP basic authentication
def basic_authorization(user, pass)
- @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = format("Basic %s", Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}"))
+ @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = format("Basic %{auth}", :auth => Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}"))
@request.env["HTTP_X_ERROR_FORMAT"] = format
- ##
- # set the raw body to be sent with a POST request
- def content(c)
- @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
- end
# Used to check that the error header and the forbidden responses are given
# when the owner of the changset has their data not marked as public
# execute a block with a given set of HTTP responses stubbed
def with_http_stubs(stubs_file)
- http_client_save = OSM.http_client
+ stubs = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("../http/#{stubs_file}.yml", __FILE__))
+ stubs.each do |url, response|
+ stub_request(:get, => response["code"], :body => response["body"])
+ end
- begin
- stubs = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("../http/#{stubs_file}.yml", __FILE__))
- OSM.http_client = do |builder|
- builder.adapter :test do |stub|
- stubs.each do |url, response|
- stub.get(url) { |_env| [response["code"], {}, response["body"]] }
- end
- end
+ yield
+ end
+ def stub_gravatar_request(email, status = 200, body = nil)
+ hash = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.downcase)
+ url = "{hash}?d=404"
+ stub_request(:get, url).and_return(:status => status, :body => body)
+ end
+ def stub_hostip_requests
+ # Controller tests and integration tests use different IPs
+ stub_request(:get, "")
+ stub_request(:get, "")
+ end
+ def email_text_parts(message)
+[]) do |part, text_parts|
+ if part.content_type.start_with?("text/")
+ text_parts.push(part)
+ elsif part.multipart?
+ text_parts.concat(email_text_parts(part))
+ end
+ end
- yield
- ensure
- OSM.http_client = http_client_save
+ def sign_in_as(user)
+ stub_hostip_requests
+ visit login_path
+ fill_in "username", :with =>
+ fill_in "password", :with => "test"
+ click_on "Login", :match => :first
+ end
+ def xml_for_node(node)
+ doc =
+ doc.root << xml_node_for_node(node)
+ doc
+ end
+ def xml_node_for_node(node)
+ el = "node"
+ el["id"] =
+ OMHelper.add_metadata_to_xml_node(el, node, {}, {})
+ if node.visible?
+ el["lat"] =
+ el["lon"] = node.lon.to_s
+ OMHelper.add_tags_to_xml_node(el, node.node_tags)
+ el
+ end
+ class OMHelper
+ extend ObjectMetadata