<inputSet ref="bridge"/>
<inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
<inputSet ref="embankment-cutting"/>
+ <!-- not sure which category best suits put area=yes -->
+ <input type="checkbox" presence="onTagMatch" category="Restrictions" key="area" name="Open area" description="The way is a large open space, like at a dock, where vehicles can move anywhere within the space, rather than just along the edge." />
<inputSet id="roadLanes">
<input type="choice"
name="Bicycles permitted" category="Cycle" description="Are bicyles allowed to use this road (regardless of physical suitability)?"
- <choice value="no" text="Prohibited"/>
+ <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" desciption="Cycling is not allowed. Pushing your bicycle is not allowed either."/>
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed"/>
+ <choice value="dismount" text="Cyclists dismount" description="Signage states that cyclists should dismount and push their bike for the selected path or road."/>
<choice value="designated" text="Designated"/>
<choice value="private" text="Private"/>