# http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rails#Installing_the_quadtile_functions
# or by looking at the readme in db/README
def test_changes_simple
+ Timecop.freeze(Time.parse('2010-04-03 10:55:00'))
get :changes
assert_response :success
#print @response.body
# As we have loaded the fixtures, we can assume that there are no
- # changes recently
+ # changes at the time we have frozen at
now = Time.now.getutc
hourago = now - 1.hour
- # Note that this may fail on a very slow machine, so isn't a great test
assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']:root", :count => 1 do
assert_select "changes[starttime='#{hourago.xmlschema}'][endtime='#{now.xmlschema}']", :count => 1
+ Timecop.return
def test_changes_zoom_invalid