<%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'site' %>
<!--[if lt IE 7]><%= javascript_include_tag 'pngfix' %><![endif]--> <!-- thanks, microsoft! -->
<%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'site' %>
<!--[if lt IE 7]><%= javascript_include_tag 'pngfix' %><![endif]--> <!-- thanks, microsoft! -->
traceclass = ''
viewclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'site' and params['action'] == 'index'
editclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'site' and params['action'] == 'edit'
traceclass = ''
viewclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'site' and params['action'] == 'index'
editclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'site' and params['action'] == 'edit'
exportclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'site' and params['action'] == 'export'
traceclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'trace'
diaryclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'diary_entry'
<li><%= link_to t('layouts.view'), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'index'}, {:id => 'viewanchor', :title => t('layouts.view_tooltip'), :class => viewclass} %></li>
<li><%= link_to t('layouts.edit'), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'edit'}, {:id => 'editanchor', :title => t('layouts.edit_tooltip'), :class => editclass} %></li>
exportclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'site' and params['action'] == 'export'
traceclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'trace'
diaryclass = 'active' if params['controller'] == 'diary_entry'
<li><%= link_to t('layouts.view'), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'index'}, {:id => 'viewanchor', :title => t('layouts.view_tooltip'), :class => viewclass} %></li>
<li><%= link_to t('layouts.edit'), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'edit'}, {:id => 'editanchor', :title => t('layouts.edit_tooltip'), :class => editclass} %></li>
- <li><%= link_to t('layouts.history'), {:controller => 'changeset', :action => 'list_bbox' }, {:id => 'historyanchor', :title => t('layouts.history_tooltip'), :class => historyclass} %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to t('layouts.history'), {:controller => 'changeset', :action => 'list' }, {:id => 'historyanchor', :title => t('layouts.history_tooltip'), :class => historyclass} %></li>
<% if params['controller'] == 'site' and (params['action'] == 'index' or params['action'] == 'export') %>
<li><%= link_to_remote t('layouts.export'), {:url => {:controller => 'export', :action => 'start'}}, {:id => 'exportanchor', :title => t('layouts.export_tooltip'), :class => exportclass, :href => url_for(:controller => 'site', :action => 'export')} %></li>
<% else %>
<% if params['controller'] == 'site' and (params['action'] == 'index' or params['action'] == 'export') %>
<li><%= link_to_remote t('layouts.export'), {:url => {:controller => 'export', :action => 'start'}}, {:id => 'exportanchor', :title => t('layouts.export_tooltip'), :class => exportclass, :href => url_for(:controller => 'site', :action => 'export')} %></li>
<% else %>
- <%= link_to image_tag("cc_button.png", :alt => "CC by-sa 2.0", :border => "0"), "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" %>
+ <%= link_to(
+ image_tag("cc_button.png",
+ :alt => t('layouts.license.alt'),
+ :border => 0,
+ :width => 88,
+ :height => 31,
+ :title => t('layouts.license.title')),
+ "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/",
+ { :rel => "license" }) %>